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camera phones and mario

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  • camera phones and mario

    Usually don't get brain burps I remember long enough to post on, but had two tonight.

    The first one was a couple had just bought a new xbox 360 and a couple games. Later, the woman came up to me.
    W: Do you have an xbox mario?
    M: I'm sorry, no. Mario is owned by Nintendo.
    W: oh...we just bought this, and now we have to get a Nintendo thing too?

    Behind our counter we have a section of prepaid broadband devices. there are the little ones that go into the usb port and then some larger ones that create a hot spot for multiple devices. I overheard two women by them talking.
    W1: what are those?
    W2: those are phone.
    W1: oh, I've never seen anything like that before.
    W2: they're camera phone.
    W1: oh

    I'm just hoping they were talking about the larger devices.
    I make music videos in my spare time. Check them out ^_^