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Just an average day (in which there are many ellipses and parenthetical references)

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  • Just an average day (in which there are many ellipses and parenthetical references)

    Not sure the best place to put this, since it covers several headings, really...
    I don't tend to get the "Super Dramatic Insanely Entitled" customers some people do, or the "So Insanely Stupid It's Amazing They Can Work Velcro" customers others do (as a rule, not that it doesn't also happen), I just tend to get a steady stream of low-key... oddness.

    * A guy asked me how I was doing. I said, "fine, and you?" - he got a really weird look on his face I couldn't interpret, until he laughed and said "oh, I just realized what you said- I thought you said 'just awful!' and I thought, 'aw, that's not the right answer!' "
    (he was nice, it wasn't as rude as it might look in print)

    * New coworker (one I really like since she actually DOES her job, and cares about doing it WELL ) said she was gonna call me "Cinnamon Drizzle" (it was a weird day, there was this kettle corn...I dunno) - I just started laughing and said "Neat, I got a stripper name!"
    "Wh.. noo, I didn't mean it like that!" (oh good, just love when I contribute to the delinquency of a coworker... Good times, good times... <grin> )

    * I mostly work in the photo department. For clearly professionally taken pics we need a release form to print them and give them to the customer. Much bitching ensues, good times had by all, yada yada.

    Ran across a form a coworker had poorly filled out (and poorly filed, or I'd never have seen it, actually- because the alphabet is hard in spite of it being the first song most people learn), saying the customer would bring in a release on the 18th, for an order he SOLD her on the 14th! (Big surprise, on the 25th when I found it? Still no release.)

    "I will gladly pay you on Tuesday for my illicit pictures today..." GAH.

    * Speaking of photo- I have no problem patiently helping people learn to use the photo kiosks. That is largely what I'm there for, and it's actually kind of fun seeing (often) older ladies who were afraid they'd blow the thing up actually learn how to use it themselves and feel good about it. That being said...
    Customer: "You know, I still say these things aren't easy for dummies to use!"
    Me: .... (agrees but is completely unsure what to say here, since he was actually nice and I'm not sure he realized he was ASKING me to call him an idiot...)

    * Apparently, I give good overhead.

    Kinda cracks me up, I always get the weirdest reactions from people who happen to be standing next to me when I do an announcement over the intercom. I always get a double-take, them some version of "... was that YOU?" - then they usually say something else.

    Sometimes it's flattering ("hey, you have a sexy voice!"), sometimes it's just confused ("wow, you really sound... different"), and sometimes? it's like the lady yesterday who said "Wow, your voice sounds pretty!... on that thing."
    (oh gee THANKS for clarifying!)

    No idea what the difference is, but it's entertaining, I suppose, heh.

    Oh, annnnd...

    * A guy pulled out his Swiss Army knife while I was ringing him up, then said he was looking for his scissors... he didn't get them out- I am pretty sure that's the first time I've seen someone give the impression of actively playing with their knife without actually opening it, which is kind of odd in itself (but legally a damn good move).

    So he stuck it back in his pocket (I think), and started making snipping motions at me with his hands. I think I made a sort of "whu?" face, 'cause then he said he wanted to cut off my braids.

    I... I do not know what to do with that. Pretty sure I settled for "laugh nervously and make a smartass comment."

    After he left, I remembered someone doing something similar some time ago, and the fact that I can't remember whether it was the same guy or someone else is kinda disturbing too. Really, either option is equally creepy.

    (Bonus! Just thought of this: There's always the fun of being yelled at for not remembering something I talked to a customer about, when it turns out that not only was I not working that day, but the ONLY thing I have in common with the person who WAS working? Is boobs. That is IT.- we even have different work shirts, so it's not just the "faceless peon in a generic uniform" excuse.)

  • #2
    Ahhh, 'phonevoice'. It used to drive me mad that my mom used a completely different voice on the phone than she did in real life...until I realized I did it, too. ;(


    • #3
      What's funny is, I think my "phonevoice" is not the same as my "overhead announcement voice".... and when people call the work phone?

      For some reason, a LOT of people think I'm the store manager, who I sound, in person, not a DAMN thing like... heh.


      • #4
        Interesting side note: Most people, work or no, do "phone voice":

        As a rule, almost ALL guys who identify as such (no matter how effeminate their "in person" speaking voice) tend to go deeper on the phone, and almost ALL girls (no matter how silly they think it sounds in person) go higher-pitched.

        Not intentionally, and not necessarily once they KNOW who they're speaking to, but answering the phone?

        (and that doesn't even cover "professional voice" which can be just as disconcerting- especially if you and the other person are both doing it, and don't realize it at first... "Oh hell it's just YOU, you sounded all professional an' shit!" <grin>


        • #5
          Quoth Blade View Post
          As a rule, almost ALL guys who identify as such (no matter how effeminate their "in person" speaking voice) tend to go deeper on the phone, and almost ALL girls (no matter how silly they think it sounds in person) go higher-pitched.
          I'm a guy and I do the opposite. I try to answer the phone with a higher pitched voice because I have difficulty hearing low pitched voices on the phone. And if I have difficulty, I figure others might also have the same difficulty.
          "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


          • #6
            When I got roped into covering for our receptionist for a fortnight, I discovered my phone voice was higher pitched than my normal speaking voice.

            Partly because it was less of a strain to talk like that all day, and partly because the (overwhelmingly oldfashioned male) callers then assumed I was a dumb bimbo, which made it much easier to pass them on to my boss or check with a coworker and then say "My boss says.."


            • #7
              Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
              I'm a guy and I do the opposite.

              Well sure, hence the "almost" intentionally stuck in there... ;-)


              • #8
                Heh- when I told people I knew about this stuff, the whole "random dude threatening to cut my face" was the thing that seemed to jump out at them and get mentioned.

                Kinda funny that out of everything, "the pitch of peoples' voices" is what apparently jumps out as interesting here.


                • #9
                  Quoth scruff View Post
                  When I got roped into covering for our receptionist for a fortnight, I discovered my phone voice was higher pitched than my normal speaking voice.

                  Partly because it was less of a strain to talk like that all day, and partly because the (overwhelmingly oldfashioned male) callers then assumed I was a dumb bimbo, which made it much easier to pass them on to my boss or check with a coworker and then say "My boss says.."
                  Mine seems to actually drop on the phone. I either get asked if I am ok ( I seem to be able to easily sound depressed or ill on the phone) or get accused of having worked an adult chat line before .
                  I am so SO glad I was not present for this. There would have been an unpleasant duct tape incident. - Joi


                  • #10
                    Hee! "Depends, you hiring?"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Blade View Post
                      Customer: "You know, I still say these things aren't easy for dummies to use!"
                      Me: .... (agrees but is completely unsure what to say here, since he was actually nice and I'm not sure he realized he was ASKING me to call him an idiot...)
                      one possible response: "Well, you're doing well so far, so that means you're at least one step ahead of the dummies! " (...continue explanation)
                      "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                      "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                      "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                      "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                      "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                      "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                      Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                      "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                      • #12
                        almost ALL girls (no matter how silly they think it sounds in person) go higher-pitched.
                        mine goes lower if i'm doing something professional - answering the phone at work, talking on the 1MC.

                        or at least it did when i was in the navy.
                        not sure what it does now tho


                        • #13
                          I'm sort of the opposite. I tend to talk really fast in person, so on the phone I find that I not only slow down my speech, but I also lower my voice. I have been told that I give great phone. I have even been asked if I have ever done phone sex. Its too bad that my husband is the jealous type, I've heard that its great money.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Blade View Post
                            Heh- when I told people I knew about this stuff, the whole "random dude threatening to cut my face" was the thing that seemed to jump out at them and get mentioned.

                            Kinda funny that out of everything, "the pitch of peoples' voices" is what apparently jumps out as interesting here.
                            Yeah, we're the cool kind of special like that.
                            Unseen but seeing
                            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                            3rd shift needs love, too
                            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                            • #15

                              When my sister was a little girl, she tended to talk with an unnaturally high voice when she wanted attention, so my mother would always turn to her and say "Lower your voice, dear." The result of all this is that by the time she was eleven, she sounded like a phone sex operator: *ring* "Hel-LO..."

                              My roommate could tell you more about the guy he used to work with at the bookstore who was a part-time DJ on the side. His closing announcements, apparently, were AWESOME: "Attention Borders customers - this is the night manager coming to you live from the stock room, where it is now 10:45 PM. Borders will be closing in just fifteen minutes, so please take your purchases to the registers where our beautiful customer service representatives are ready to!"

                              The upshot was that lingering customers tended to pay more attention to his announcements, and the store was cleared faster.

                              Love, Who?

