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I don't have any change

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  • I don't have any change

    I should not be allowed to interact with the public when I'm sick.

    Last week my cheek swelled up *huge* within a couple hours. I was in pain and could not get in to see the dentist until the next day. The next day, I went to the dentist and was prescribed some antibiotics for an abcessed tooth. I took the Rx to Walgreens and when the pharmacy tech checked me out, she asked if I had a couple pennies. I told her I didn't have any change and she found a couple and gave me back bills. On the way out, I needed a few more things and went to the front regester to check out. I mentally tallied the total and took a 10 out of my pocket to pay. I then grabbed a cheap impulse item and the cashier rang me up. My total came to exactly $10.50; I handed the cashier the 10 and she asked me if I had any change. I told her I don't have any change and she just looked at me and said, well do you have a dollar?? DUH!! The dim lightbulb in my brain went off and I handed the cashier a dollor with apologies, and told her I wasn't feeling well and it was affecting my brain. So, thank you patient cashier at Walgreens, I did not mean to hold up your line with my brain burp.

  • #2
    Don't worry too much, at pharmacies, we're used to our customers being a little loopy or 'off'. No biggie
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


    • #3
      And I can personally vouch for how distracting the pain of an abcessed tooth can be. One of those suckers kept me awake for a three-day weekend once before I had the chance to visit a dentist. I hope you're feeling better
      Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx

