I've been working at Burger King as a maintainence guy since December, and one of my tasks to do is sweep the lot in the morning. This BK opens at 6 M-S and 7 on Sunday, and I swear, at least once a day, I get someone walking by, saying "You open?"
"No, I'm out here on my own time, without being paid, and wearing clothes I hate sweeping the lot out of the goodness of my heart. Of course we're frickin' open!" (Not what I say, mind you, because like all of us, I need this job.)
And yesterday, one of the store managers turned 37, so I got to make THAT joke that day.
"No, I'm out here on my own time, without being paid, and wearing clothes I hate sweeping the lot out of the goodness of my heart. Of course we're frickin' open!" (Not what I say, mind you, because like all of us, I need this job.)
And yesterday, one of the store managers turned 37, so I got to make THAT joke that day.