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  • okaaay

    Couple of weirdos I encountered:

    Nice but weird guy: looked like roger egbert O.o
    Me: Yawn

    NBWG: Hi I'd like to check in...
    Coworker: Sure, name?

    They go through the check in process which goes smoothly. Usually people just grab their keys and go, but this guy chats enthuasiastic with my CW about some event nearby. After he leaves, my CW leaves for the back. A few minutes later NBWG comes back.

    Me: Hi! *smile*
    NBWG: OMG! I just wanna tell how NICE your rooms are! They are just so nice!!
    Me: Oh great! I'm glad you liked it!
    NBWG: Yeah! They are sooooooo nice!
    Me: Great!
    NBWG: ^_______________________^
    Me: *waiting for him to say something else*
    NBWG: Uh yeah so I just wanted to tell you that!
    Me: Thank you for letting us know!
    NBWG: K bye! *leaves*
    Me: WTF

    Just weird. Maybe he was expecting a dump room and was pleasantly surprised?????

    WW: Weird Woman
    HBLH: Her bored looking hubby
    Me: yawn yawn

    WW: Hi! Checking in?
    Me: Hi! Name?
    *we go thru the check in process*
    WW: ...I'm just wondering why does your address say Main st?
    Me:....Cause we're on Main St? (inner eyeroll)
    WW: *stares at me uncomprehendingly or like she thinks I'm being smart mouthed :P*...
    Me: This road *points* is Main St.
    WW: But that road is Fair Dr! *points to the side road intersecting it*
    Me: Uh yeah, yeah it is...
    WW: So why is your address Main St??!?!
    Me: Because we face Main st?
    WW: *uncomprehanding look again*
    Me: *glances at HBLH for help*
    HBLH: *avoids my eye, Yawns and looks away*
    Me: WTF
    WW: But I just don't get it! Your address should be fair dr!
    Me: Yeah I'll put that in the suggestion box...
    WW: *leaves with her hubby, looking frustrated* But you can come in thru Fair Dr! You're address should be Fair Dr!!! *dragged away by hubby*
    Me: *to CW* what does she think we're going to change the address for her or something?? And anyway you get in thru Main St. too...
    CW: LOL

    And the last on, almost an SC, but she apologized for her SC-ness so she's not one yeah color me surprised O.o

    SBW: Snappy blond woman, lots of jewelry, hair just done, thinks she's stays at Ritzes all the time when they're really 2 star hotels
    HH: Her hubby
    Me: Sigh

    These two checked in, and SBW had an authoritative voice, even when she's saying hello. Kind of like, "you-will-notice-me-and-all-my-bling-and-be-jealous" type of voice. Those kinds make me just ignore her all the more. Rebellious yes I am.
    Checkin goes smoothly, SBW sashays into the elevator like she's a supermodel, her hubby dragging his feet. All is well, and then we get a phone call. I had the misfortune of doing my job aka picking it up.
    SBW: OMG! Our safe in our room WON'T OPEN!!!
    Me: Oh, that's too bad.
    SBW: I NEED to put my jewels in it!! You have to open it!!
    Me: Okaaaaay. Lemme get the engineer.

    Bad luck. He already left for the day. Dumb engineer. @#%#!!!
    SBW: What's taking so long!
    Me: Uh, the engineer left for the day...
    SBW: Well call him or something and do it yourself!!
    Me: Okaaaaaay.

    I call the stupid dumb early leaving engineer. He sounds like he's at a party, I can barely hear him. He tells me how to open the safe with a gizmo and a code. WTF does he think I'm an engineer or something?! He tells me to tell CW to do it. CW refuses. Still SBW is blowing up our phones, and my CW's hiding, so I decide to give it a try.
    I go up there and she and her hubby's pacing around the room like two rats on their wheel. They tell me they have an important meeting soon. But as I kneel down next to the safe, I hear them wonder if they will make their reservation to a restaurant on time. WTF that's your important meeting?! Eat at a McD's lady. You don't need a reservation for there! I picture her face if I tell her this. LOL

    Anyhoo, it takes me about 15 min to open the damn thing, and SBW is as surprised as I am. SBW begins apologizing to me: "SO SORRY WE MADE YOU HURRY, WE JUST ARE REALL REALLY LATE TO OUR MEETING!!!" Okaaaaay. Happy eats.
    Can't reason with the unreasonable.
    The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.

  • #2
    And...she couldn't wear her bling to her big meeting?

    But it was okay to wear on the way to the hotel, and on the hotel property?

    Who was she meeting with....her bankruptcy attorney?
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3

      well then.
      1st story: Better than having someone scream at you?
      2nd story: yes, one does wonder why she had to safe it... and wear it in the first place???
      "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
      "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


      • #4
        Maybe you need to remind them you're a doctor, not an engineer....

        oh wait wrong profession
        Great YouTube channel check it out!


        • #5
          Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post

          well then.
          1st story: Better than having someone scream at you?
          2nd story: yes, one does wonder why she had to safe it... and wear it in the first place???

          I'm wondering why the lady in the 2nd story didn't have one of those portable safes to carry around with her if it were really that important?

          That's what I'd do, but then I like to think I have some common sense and plan for every possible scenario.
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

