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Taking a stand or cutting my own throat?

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  • Taking a stand or cutting my own throat?

    Our assistant manager got fired a few months ago...stupid shit, really. But anyway, I was next in line to take her position. At first I was told the job is mine. Then about a week later, they said there was some basic paperwork to go through as a formality...etc...etc...etc....

    Skip ahead now. I'm still not the assistant manager. Oh, they have no problem with me doing the work; I've even been complimented occasionally on how well I'm doing. They just don't want to PAY me to do this. So I'm thinking of telling my boss that until I get promoted, I am no longer going to do any of the assistant manager duties.

    I can see one of two things happening here:

    1) She realizes I've lost my patience and I've jumped through enough hoops and she gets on the horn to whoever is ultimately in charge of promotions and gets things moving a little more quickly.

    2) She doesn't take kindly to my trying to push her around, and promptly shitcans me.

    Any guesses on which one is more likely, or even if this is a VERY bad idea? lol...

    I hate all this crap. I'm good at my job - running a C-store is about the only thing I'm good at. But inter-office corporate politics get me messed up every single time.

  • #2
    You definitely need to speak up, and not stand for being treated that way. It's just in how you do it--no threatening, no pouting or whining, but simply stating that you should be paid for the work that you're doing. I wouldn't go so far as to say pay me or I'll stop doing the work, but definitely put it out there that the promotion hasn't gone through and you haven't been given your raise, but you're still doing the work that you would be.

    I've found with situations like this, it's always in what you say and how you say it. If you do it like a grown up, politely and calmly, no threats, just fact, it usually turns out ok. As long as your boss is at least mostly sane, you should be just fine. Good luck!
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


    • #3
      I think it would better suit you to sit down with your boss, maybe over lunch or dinner and let her know how you feel. Tell her of your frustrations. Explain to her how much you like the job. Ask her if she is satisfied with how you are doing the job. Don't put her on the defensive by telling her you're not going to do it unless it's official. Cornering her this way may result in you being let go, or even worse, could cause you more headaches at work if you stay. It also shows her that you are money motivated (we all are) and may not be the right person for the job.
      This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


      • #4
        Definitely talk to the boss in a calm, rational manner. I was in a similar situation when I moved back from Philly. I went back to BN as part time but when I didn't find a new job I needed the full time and benefits that go with it. I was working full time hours but I was still paying for COBRA insurance from my Philly job and I couldn't afford it anymore, and I was a getting pissed that they were calling me part time when I was working full. I had one of the department managers I was friendly with pull the old schedules and made a list of my hours for the previous few months. Full time consistently for 2+ months. I went to the store manager and explained how I was working the hours but I didn't have the full time designation that would make me eligible for benefits, and they got it put through right away.

        If you have anything (old schedules or whatever) that can back up how long you have been doing the job without being paid for it, that would help your case too. If there is some reason other than them being lazy that this is not going through, they at least need to level with you. If not, then they need to get it done, and apparently it's up to you to make sure they do.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Quoth DrFaroohk View Post
          So I'm thinking of telling my boss that until I get promoted, I am no longer going to do any of the assistant manager duties.

          I can see one of two things happening here:

          1) She realizes I've lost my patience and I've jumped through enough hoops and she gets on the horn to whoever is ultimately in charge of promotions and gets things moving a little more quickly.

          2) She doesn't take kindly to my trying to push her around, and promptly shitcans me.

          Any guesses on which one is more likely, or even if this is a VERY bad idea?
          Well, I think you're looking at the question incorrectly. If you talk with her, and situation one comes up, all is well and good.

          If situation two comes up, then, honestly, they were planning on jerking you along for as long as they could. Would you want to be working long-term for a company that does that? I'm assuming not.

          However, in case #2 comes up, and you're working near full time, save a copy of your schedule or pay stubs, in case you need to defend your case to the unemployment office.


          • #6
            Yeah, I just have to figure out a good way to bring it up. It's kinda hard to sit down and talk with her, and she and I were formerly in a relationship that ended extremely badly. Not even sure why she came to that store in the first place. She knew I was there, and this is my turf. She lives like a half hour drive away. So its a little tense there. Ah well, I'll figure something out. Thanks for the advice!


            • #7
              Then you need to get the SM and the DL together and talk to them both at the same time. That way she can't 'strongarm' you out of spite.

              Tell them that you will give them one week from the day you talk to them to get the paperwork through. If at the end of the week you are not the ASM you will assume you aren't going to be and go back to the regular duties that your actual position entails.

              There is no reason for you to do a job that you aren't being paid for.
              "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

              ~TechSmith 314
              HellGate: London


              • #8
                Well, I finally let her know I wasn't doing it anymore. We work opposite shifts and I wasn't sure when I'd see her again so I left her a little memo on the subject, basically said that while I don't mind filling in from time to time, I've been at this for several months and I've been more than fair, and if I don't have the job then I don't want to do it anymore.

                She called me this morning, didn't sound pissed at all! I'm curious though, because she called our district manager to let her know about it at, at like 6 a.m. I wasn't aware you were supposed to wake up the district manager that early unless the store burned down, someone lost a drop bag, or we got caught selling booze to minors.

                Ah well, maybe I'm just excessively paranoid.


                • #9
                  Quoth DrFaroohk View Post
                  because she called our district manager to let her know about it at, at like 6 a.m. I wasn't aware you were supposed to wake up the district manager that early unless the store burned down, someone lost a drop bag, or we got caught selling booze to minors.
                  Some managers are more prone to not prioritizing than others. My DM has a few numbers that he's more than willing to let ring until he's ready to get back to them... if he ever does.

