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People will steal anything that isn't nailed down!

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  • People will steal anything that isn't nailed down!

    So last week we had a crew of about 15 people putting up our lawn and garden department outside (2 from my store and the rest from other stores in our district, this is so everything can be set up in one day). We have a big black shade cloth that is put up like a canopy and our shade plants go underneath it.

    Turned out we could not put this canopy up because some dry-pool diving team member stole the stakes we use to mount the poles holding up the canopy into the ground. All our lawn and garden supplies, racks and shelves are kept outside next to the building because we have noplace else to put them.

    Then later on, they found out half of our plastic plant racks got jacked too! We think they can be found easy enough--we suspect somebody took them with the intent of using them to display stuff at the Farmers Market in town.

    Lastly, our pallets we keep outside have been disappearing also. I've heard that people take them to waysides and rest stops and sell them to truckers for $9 apiece. There is also a place south of town that grinds up old pallets into mulch, but they aren't paying nearly so much for them.

    These thefts have all been reported to the police--I think eventually there are going to have to be cameras outside. The police patrol the area and stop by every so often during summer, but that isn't enough.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    In the computer lab I worked in, we had to make sure that people would not steal the *monitors*. apparently, students had been slipping the LCD monitors into their bags and walking off with them.

    They were even tied down with all this security crap, and somehow they walked away with them....


    • #3
      When I worked at Staples, people would steal the fake "dummy" cell phones.

      The really funny part is when they came back in a few day trying to have it activated or complained that they didn't work.
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        Way, way, WAY back a bunch of the the university computer lab computers started to run really really slow - started out with a few, then more and more slowed down. Turned out that someone was swiping the math coprocessors and installing coprocessor emulator software.
        There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


        • #5
          We've lost any number of items out of the main yard because some bastards want to sell anything for scrap. One of our lot had to chase a load out who were claiming a certain person whose name they had had told them they could take anything they wanted - pallets, metal etc.

          We're under orders to not get into a fight, but to call the police. That said, we work in a warehouse and think nothing of throwing sacks of grain around...



          • #6
            Once in our little shop, I was watching the only person while he was in there. How he had stolen a few items I will never know. I know that he done that, since just before he came in, I had rearranged a few items.

            When I was working at Walmart, someone had stolen a children's plastic pool. Of course it was tied up.
            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
            San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


            • #7
              At my old place of work, computer mouses would regularly go missing, as would tea
              I made the mistake of leaving my pocket knife on my desk for 2 minutes - when I came back it was gone! So I kicked up a stink and the guilty party gave it back - Thanks for the guilt trip lessons, Mom! Tupper ware was also not safe there. Someone nicked mine (that had my name on it!), and then brought it into work the next day. I chucked their food onto a plate, left it in the fridge, and put my tupperware in my bag. Bitchy? Yes. Satisfying? YES
              The report button - not just for decoration


              • #8
                Quoth iradney View Post
                Tupperware was also not safe there. Someone nicked mine (that had my name on it!), and then brought it into work the next day.

                Samething happened to me once. Once after that I took my lunch pail, I locked it up. Came into for lunch, and saw someone trying to get in it. I asked him what he was doing to my lunch, and I grabbed it from him, and unlocked it.
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  Quoth iradney View Post
                  Someone nicked mine and then brought it into work the next day. I chucked their food onto a plate, left it in the fridge, and put my tupperware in my bag. Bitchy? Yes. Satisfying? YES
                  I would have been mean and chucked their food into the garbage. It isn't nice but it does teach a lesson.

                  OT - Iradney your avatar keeps leaving little licky marks all over my screen - would you ask it to stop, please?
                  Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                  I'm a case study.


                  • #10
                    actually, my first thought upon seeing that new avatar was "ZUKI!!!!!" because a friend of mine on another forum uses the same one
                    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                    • #11
                      Cia - I must admit, the thought crossed my mind more than once. But I was in a generous mood. Hell, I could've taken their food, it was in a tupperware with MY name on it...(and I'm the only one with my name wherever I work...)
                      tollbaby - seriously? That's awesome I nicked this avatar from a friend coz it's just so goshdarned cute
                      The report button - not just for decoration


                      • #12
                        Quoth iradney View Post
                        I nicked this avatar from a friend coz it's just so goshdarned cute
                        Heehee. Anyone else find it ironic that iradney admitted to "nicking" the avatar, in this thread of all threads?

                        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                        • #13
                          I brought a container of full, brand new Sour Cream to work one day to have burritos.

                          By the time I got to lunc, the ENTIRE CONTAINER was empty.

                          What kind of person would EAT that much sour cream?

                          Grrrr. Sour Cream isnt cheap either.
                          Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                          • #14
                            And if you can pry it loose it ain't nailed down!
                            ludo ergo sum


                            • #15
                              We used to keep two U-boats out side (for those who don't know, they are metel carts that we use to move totes and boxes). One was old and yucky with no actual bottom and the other new. One day, the new one was stolen so we ended up getting another old one with no bottom from another store. Finally we got 2 new U-boats. We left the old ones out side to be stolen. They haven't been yet.
                              I have PMS and a black belt. Any questions?

                              This random moment is brought to you by the letters A D and D.

