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Good LORD! /Tomorrow/ is supposed to be Bad Luck Day...

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  • Good LORD! /Tomorrow/ is supposed to be Bad Luck Day...

    So, I wake up a half hour later than usual... no time for breakfast. Also, I had three hours of sleep due to constant congestion that just wont go away. So I'm already tired and cranky, and intend to buy breakfast on the way to work at the supermarket with the last two dollars I have. Lunch is made thankfully. So off I go.

    Firstly, I get on the wrong bus. It got me to where I'm going, but takes a much longer route. By the time I'm at the mall I work at, its now 15 minutes before my shift ('m normally clocked in by then to help with prep).

    The store meeting goes okay, but then things break down... firstly, they are slowly phasing in new computer terminals... one new one at each Customer Service Desk, plus the old ones already there (most have 2-3 computers at each desk).

    For some reason, the old ones will NOT scan any items. We beep them, it sits, then says 'UPC not found'. No luck typing them in either.

    So now we're down to an average of 1/3 the tills we usually have available.

    Now, today was also the beginning of Sears Days. The busiest few weeks of the year for Sears. We fully expect to sell, country-wide, over 1 million peices of men's underwear during this time... for some reason men's department is one of the smallest in the stores. That jsut shows you how busy we will be. I think last year we made 100 thousand on the slowest day.

    Anyways... so people start pouring in. Now, the fliers say we open at 11, but we opened at 9:30,a nd we were all under the presumption that the sales START at 11. Heck, we were even TOLD That.

    Turns out, SAles started at 9:30. needless to say some people were not happy at first before we found this out. Stupid management.

    So its getting busy. S, my LEad (Supervisor) tells me to get the Mobile POS to help ease the lines. I run to do so... its a little portable pinpad that lets me do CREDIT ONLY transactions... and I realize that I can also do returns on the tills so long as I dont have to look anything up. So I do that too.

    Then of course... the MPOS and the new tills (Which were working up to this point, although it only showed the BRAND of the item instead of its' description) decide to 'forget' all the UPC codes too.

    Wonderful. And we have a 20+ person line already. We get a call from upstairs... they're rebooting the server.

    Computers go up. YAY!

    Wait no... theyr'e down again.

    Unsure how long it will take the computers to boot, people decide to put things on hold. We apologise profusely, both me and C (a newer girl who's taken a liking to me. Everyone can't handle her but me) are near tears in frustration. We know its not our fault, the customers arent TOO Bad, but still - its pretty panicking.

    Anyways... FINALLY the computers are back online, and we begin to make a dent in the Everlasting Line. Some people come back for their HEld stuff, and we take them right away, despite the line (They WERE waiting originally).

    So things are going well, although our breaks were late due to the rush and lack of some people showing up. I had my lunch break 15 minutes before I left (Although I got my full allotment of other breaks)

    So BLEH. I spent eight hours running on 3 hours of sleep, 600 ml of caffiene and a LOT of stress. But we made it through, and I bought C some chocoaltes cause she was near tears a few times (She's got a bit of an attitude but she's decent. I like her at least)

    So that was my 'Early Friday the 13th'
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