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Three possible jobs

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  • Three possible jobs

    As I've mentioned earlier, I've been applying for new jobs where I work. I haven't officially been offered anything, but I've been advised to consider three possibilities...

    1. Staying in the department I'm at. I can't say as I'm all that fond of being a tech, but lately, I've been doing a lot of things I do like. Most of it involves spending time in the new hire training classes helping out the trainer. That's actually pretty cool and it's not a bad ticket punch on the resume.

    2. Department Y. A strictly internal position where I will never, ever, never speak to an actual customer. That sounds very good... but the job itself sounds a little monotonous. Then again, it's low stress.

    3. Department X: I'll deal with our most irate and troubled customers, but in an entirely different way than I do now. Mostly it involves cutting through red tape for customers who have real problems. Instead of saying, "I'm going to send this off and hope somebody higher than me cares," it's "I'll take care of it personally." When it comes to dealing with other departments in the company, it works something like this:

    Me, lowly internet tech: Yeah, I have a customer who really needs something done. Can you take care of it?
    Other department: Of course I can. I shouldn't, but I might. I might not. If I get some time, maybe I will. Maybe I won't. Who knows?

    My supervisor calling the same department: I need something done for a customer.
    Other department: Yeah, whatever.
    Supervisor: I'm a supervisor.
    Other department: I know. Look, I'll do everything I can, but I don't promise anything.

    But when Dept. X calls, it's apparently like having the Prince of Freakin' Darkness paying a personal visit...

    Department X: Hi, I'm calling from Dept X...
    Other department: Yes, sir! Whatever you need, I'll take care of it immediately. Sooner if possible. What can I do for you today?

    All the jobs sound appealing in their own special way.
    Last edited by TNT; 04-13-2007, 02:04 AM.
    I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler

  • #2
    How could you possibly pass up the opportunity to be a minion in the service of the Prince of Darkness?
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