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HUGE store transfers...

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  • HUGE store transfers...

    All of my company's kiosk locations are being sold to another company (or companies?). Oh joy.

    Part of the process is to move all the inventory out of these kiosks and into a nearby sister store, luckily my store is one such store.

    We received the shipment yesterday, 40+ boxes (large ones), over 400 phones (each that has it's serial number scanned) and over 1500 accessories (each quantity needs to be verified).

    Normally this isn't a big deal, I've done store closings and openings before where you can have shipments twice this size, it's not the size that was the issue (yeah, I used to hear girls say that all the time, too)

    The issue was that this order was *completely* disorganized. The same accessory was in 5 or 6 different boxes, phones were all over the place, even a good number of the accessories were already opened (I can't sell those). Plus a large number that have been discontinued and should have been sent back.

    Sure enough, I spent just about my entire shife and more organizing this snafu, now I have 10 boxes in the manager's office (out of the way, of course) of the accessories that are cheap (cases, holsters etc, you all know I don't trust her, the expensive stuff is in the tech room).

    Today, a short staffed day (for some odd reason) I have to process the returns for the open ones and discontinued items.

    Oh yeah, this is also the day we get our large 'weekly' shipment from the warehouse. This left last Thursday. The transfer was set up last Friday, so we'll be innundated this afternoon.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    I think they're trying to set me up.

    Update: The transfer was not complete. Policy strictly states that if a store transfer is not complete that you cannot receive it. No if's, and's or but's. This is a zero-tolerance policy, people DO get fired for this. The system will not even allow you to receive a partial shipment, it's all or nothing.

    No big deal, we let this be known and we hold the rest of it aside.

    Tuesday, no box with UPS. 4:30, the store manager calls me and tells me I need to receive the incomplete order. I inform her of the policy, but she says that she's cleared it and this needs to be done in order for them to properly close the kiosk. We go back and fourth. After the call, I call my supervisor about this and she tells me I need to receive the order for the same reasons. OK, are they trying to get me fired?

    Before I receive the order, I send an email to myself, the manager, my tech supervisor, the area manager, and our loca`l auditor about the situation. Sure enough, within 5 minutes I get two emails stating that I have to receive it. Now my ass is covered (I FWD those emails to home quickly, too). I receive the shipment, including the non-existant ones. I markon the sheet which phones came in and which phones did not come in and instructed the other techs that if the other box came in when I was not around, to verify each searial number (and also, typing in 40+ 8 digit hexadecimal serial numbers is NOT fun).

    Today, UPS comes in but no box. No suprise. I started my own investigation. I called the tech who did the transfer and asked him if he saw UPS pick up the box or not. He left before UPS came, so it is possible that a kiosk employee took the box home. Who knows what happened.

    I got pulled to another location to train them how to solder (I guess they forgot?). Sure enough, while I'm gone, lo and behold, the box gets delivered!!

    Well, kinda.

    The box is torn apart, I was told it looks like there was two boxes, but someone opened them up and shoved everything into one and then guess what...


    POURED BLUE PAINT ALL OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Most techs would have just signed for it, but NO!!! My co-worker, who has her shit together and is on the ball, kept the UPS driver (I kinda feel sorry for the guy, he's a great guy) and filled out the paperwork, signed for it damaged, and took pictures then sent the picures to everyone mentioned above. I owe this tech lunch!!! She saved my ass in a big way right now and I'm damn glad she has my back!

    They were not able to verify the serial numbers because soon after this happened, a courrier dropped off several hundred phones for us to receive.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


    • #3
      All the phones are accounted for (thank god) but the odd thing is that it seems that someone opened the shipment after it was completed and poured the paint all over it, there was no paint inside the box.

      None of the phones were damaged (they're all in plastic bags) so we're deciding what to do with them. The tech supervisor wants us to DOA them all and send them back, but the store managers (and the techs support this) is that we keep them and use them for service, or in the case of non-saleable returns, take the serial numbers off those boxes and put new ones for the phones that had the boxes damaged. (Or spare parts etc..).
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

