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I Want Some of What She's Having

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  • I Want Some of What She's Having

    Long story short, my boss (attorney) has been working on a file for something like a year now. At some point along the way, another attorney in town started representing someone on the other side of things, and basically messed up big-time. So now the other attorney has been asking my boss to do this, that, and the other to haul her heiney out of the fire. My boss doesn't particularly want to go down with her, so he has been accommodating to an extent, but is first and foremost looking out for his own ass.

    I guess figuring that she could better work her feminine wiles on my boss in person, the other attorney finally asked to schedule an appointment at our office. My boss agreed. The day and time of the appointment rolled around, and the other attorney was not here. Fifteen minutes later, with no appearance and no call, my boss left. The other attorney showed up for her appointment twenty minutes late.

    So my boss called the next morning and spoke with the other attorney's assistant, letting her know that he was happy to reschedule, and suggesting that if the other attorney was running late, he would be happy to wait if we got a phone call letting us know. He instructed me to go ahead and schedule another appointment if the other attorney wished, and to reiterate the advisability of calling if she was running late.

    Somehow, though, I don't think he meant for me to schedule an appointment at her office. Which is what her assistant just called to request. I'm very curious how this is going to play out...
    Last edited by norrina; 05-02-2007, 03:03 PM. Reason: hit post WAY too soon!
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