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Store Pride

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  • Store Pride

    Recently we got a new Assistant Manager after getting rid of an evil one. We pretty much chased her out of town with torches and pitchforks. To give you an idea of the experience, she came into our store and immediately started changing stuff right under the store manager's nose. Honey, you've been with the company less than five years and technically your position does have "Trainee" in the title. Plus the manager's been in this store 10 years, so just shut up and get trained.

    Anyway, we now have a younger gentleman (around 24-25) and right from the start it's been so much better. Last night I asked him how he's liking our store. And no hesitation at all he said he loves it. None of that generic "Oh it's good. Everyone is really nice." Nope, he said he loves it and he's really happy to be here.

    I may not like my job most days but I do like my coworkers. Mostly, some I'd rather work with than others. As corny as it sounds we are like a family, a dysfunctional one but still family. I've told my store manager that the more I hear about other stores the more I'm grateful to work where I do.

    Okay, mushy moment over. I'll get back to my grumpy self.
    I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.

  • #2
    This is sounding promising. Did SM undo sucky ex-AM's changes?
    I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

    Who is John Galt?
    -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


    • #3
      The SM sure did. Luckily it wasn't anything major. More like we do things A way and she changed it to Bway. The store she transferred from was in complete chaos and there was a complete leadership change. In fact they gave them our good manager and she's still trying to deal with it. Which sucks because she doesn't deserve that.

      Evil manager is reunited now with her former manager so they can run another store into the ground. Win-win for everyone.
      I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.


      • #4
        Trixie I know we both work for the same company, but I didn't realize you worked at <store 30 minutes from mine> Thanks for nothing for sending her to us :/



        • #5
          Quoth Teefies2 View Post
          ... Thanks for nothing for sending her to us :/ ...
          The country game of cow pat frisbee golf, AKA Turd Tag.
          I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
          Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
          Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


          • #6
            Hey, if it was up to me I would've sent her to our 3 letter competitor across the street. Due to personal difficulties she moved into apartment behind our store right after being transferred so she's been in our store since then. Part of it is it's easy to stop in our location but I can't help feeling that she's checking up on us. I haven't seen this witch yet but if I do I'm going to point out how great her replacement is.

            If it didn't piss me off just to think about her I'd start a whole thread.
            I would have a nice day, but I have other things to do.

