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Letters from Miss Mysty

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  • Letters from Miss Mysty

    Dear Funeral Home Employees,

    For the record, the obituary you called about at 9 a.m. was here. It was here again when you called at 9:36. It was once more here when you called at 10:13. Oddly enough, it was here once again when you called at 10:17. Bizzaros of bizzaros, it's been here every once of the approximately 42 times you've called me in the last five hours. However, if you do not check off on your checklist that it IS, in fact, here, the next time you call, it might spontaneously vanish right before deadline. Got it?

    Craptastically yours,

    Dear Coworkers,

    I love you all...except maybe you, TB. But if you don't start answering your own damn phones, I am going to start wrecking your stories. I will tell the woman calling to be interviewed about her 90-acre herb garden that you were eaten by rabbits. I will tell the gentleman trying to send you a copy of his new book that you have renounced reading as being "unclean," without attempting to explain how this still allows you employment at the newspaper. And I'm giving serious thought to telling that lovely woman who bakes the fresh bread that you privately refer to her as Hippo Hips. Seriously, I know you're all insanely busy right now, but guess what, I'm insanely busy too. The fact that you can't be bothered to answer that caterwauling device with the shiny buttons and handset is no longer my problem. Answer the phone or face the consequences.

    Bite my shiny metal ass,

    Dear Whiny Ass Mother,
    I'm terribly sorry that your son's scholarship doesn't warrant front-page news. I'm even more sorry that your hair dye is approximately the same shade as my cat's hairballs after he eats his catnip toy. Please accept this quarter and an invitation to call someone who cares.

    Very, very sincerely,

    Dear Vindictive Former Employee,
    Thank you for a bright spot in my day. Meeting someone else with such a zeal for ending certain humans really helps.


    Dear Letter To The Editor Writers,
    You do realize that you included your home addresses with your letters, right?


    Dear Blushing Bridezilla,
    The deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday. It is 2:13 on Tuesday. No, your announcement will not be in this Sunday's paper. Screaming at me will not change that. In fact, it might encourage your announcement to spontaneously vanish. Along with that photo that you paid $25 for, spent $300 on for hair and make-up, and lost wages in order to pose for. If you would rather speak to the other clerk, J, when she is in on Thursday, allow me to grant you her extension. I promise you, however, she will be even less swayed than me. If you ask me nice, I may do you a favor. She never will.


    P.S. You overpaid.

    Dear Moral Moan-jority,
    Yes, I'm quite sure we'll have something about Jerry Falwell's death in the paper tomorrow, even though we are a "completely left-wing and soulless" paper. However, if one more of you threatens me with God's holy fires of retribution, I can't promise we won't put a picture of him first-basing it with a Tinkie-Winkie doll.


    Dear Downstairs Coworker,
    Get away from me before I cease your being.


    Dear Funeral Home Employees,
    I'm sorry, that obit isn't here. And so sad on the deadline, too.

    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

  • #2
    Poor Mysty, having to deal with this stuff. But I giggled.

    Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
    Please accept this quarter and an invitation to call someone who cares.
    Hasn't the price gone up to at least 35 cents?
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
      Hasn't the price gone up to at least 35 cents?
      Mysty was referring to the Travis Tritt song, "Here's a quarter, call someone who cares".

      And you pay phones are only 35 cents!? Here in the DC Metro area, the pay phones charge 50 cents!


      • #4
        Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
        Hasn't the price gone up to at least 35 cents?
        Well, see, that's the beauty of it all.

        Not only will the people stop bothering Mysty, but they won't be able to bother anyone else without further funding.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          I wanna play! Ahem....(gets out his shiny Parker pen he saves for just these kinds of occasions...)

          Dear Price Management Employees:

          I understand you have big important price changes to do every day and you need a scanner and a printer to do them. However, in the future would you please ask to borrow my printer before you just waltz right up and take it while I'm on break? I signed that thing out under my name, thus I have to foot the bill to replace it if it never turns up, and scouring the salesfloor and backroom in a panicky manner looking for it is getting old. Should you decide to disregard my request, I will take to hiding the printer someplace where only I know where it is.

          Sincerely, Irv

          PS--I can reach all the ceiling beams. You cannot. And a little dust does not phase me.

          Dear Stupid Kid on the Heelies Who Just About Sent Me Flying:

          Please purchase and wear some normal shoes. Or else I just might sened YOU flying.

          Trippingly yours, Irv

          Dear Moron We Stupidly Hired to Do Carryouts, Get Carts, and Just Generally Be The Store Bitch:

          No, I do not know what you should do now. I am not the manager, I do not have the task list for today. Why don't you go get carts, or check the bathrooms to see if they need to be cleaned, as you are required to do in your job description? Anything but follow me around gibbering about whatever comes to mind. I have work to do.

          Homicidally Annoyed Peon

          PS-No, I do not think Lindesy Lohan is sexy. I think she is a drug-addled, alcoholic, anorexic bimbo. Hubba hubba, what an attractive package. And despite what you say, you have ZERO chance with her.

          Dear Saturday Evening Salesfloor Teammates:

          I notice once again you failed to take down the ad signs like you were supposed to. Keep in mind some of the signs are on the bottom shelves, or on the top shelves, so regrettably you will need to do some stooping and reaching to get them all. Thanks to your negligence we had to sell a patio set for $35 less than it should have been because you left an expired sign up. I am getting a tad sick of listening to people bitch about the expired signs and claim we are practicing "bait and switch"

          Urge to kill rising!
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Dear Mister Freleigh's customers:


            Love, Sofar.
            You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


            • #7
              Quoth idrinkarum View Post
              Mysty was referring to the Travis Tritt song, "Here's a quarter, call someone who cares".
              I know that...I was trying to be funny.

              Quoth idrinkarum View Post
              And you pay phones are only 35 cents!? Here in the DC Metro area, the pay phones charge 50 cents![/COLOR]
              I don't know. I haven't used a pay phone in two, maybe three years.
              Last edited by Becks; 05-16-2007, 02:46 AM. Reason: keyboard hates me
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Dear Gas-Purchasing Whiners: I JUST WORK HERE. I'm not responsible for the price per gallon of gas, I'm responsible for keeping the counters clean and the floor freshly mopped. Hey! Stop tracking shit in on my floor!

                Watch your step,

                Dear NPR haters: Suck it. It's my shift, it's my radio station, and it won't kill you to spend five minutes not listening to Toby Keith or top 40 twaddle or the 15-minute commercial-gasms the other radio stations so adore. And "All Things Considered" is flaming liberal nonsense like Rush Limbaugh is a weight loss guru.

                I'll pledge again just to spite your asses,

                Dear Neighborhood Kids: Grow the hell up. Know why I don't want you biking/skateboarding/rollerblading all around my parking lot? It's not because I don't want you to get hit by a car, it's because I don't want to fucking clean up after.

                Get off my lawn lot,

                Dear Stoners: First, I can smell you before you open the door and I smell you five minutes after you've left. Thanks to the contact high, that five minutes feels like about three hours, and the last thing I need in this ducking fump is for time to move even more slowly. Second, even mobile homes and mothers' basements have tubs and showers close by, so you don't have that excuse for not bathing.

                Whoa, duuude,

                Dear Customers Suck: Stop being so damn cool. Between you and Fark and the Onion I don't know when or how I'm supposed to fit in my three hours of sleep.

                It's not Mysty's fault, but still...
                "Love keeps her in the air when she ought fall down, let's you know she's hurting 'fore she keens...makes her a home."

