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Shift differences

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  • Shift differences

    This may be an odd thread, because retail and manufacturing are two different types of work (and I know from retail experience that most people all work different hours, not a whole lump of people working 8-4 and then another group 4-midnight), but nevertheless, is there anything that titters you about different shifts where you work? Do you work mornings and always have to spend extra time cleaning up after the lazy evening people who didn't close the store properly? Are you a fellow manufacturing slave who is sick of the previous shift not following the rules? Are you an evening shift person who gets sick and tired of customers screaming that you aren't as good as the morning people?

    1st shift people at the factory are total snobs. They are the senior operators who have been there for years and years. It is impossible to be hired on to first shift. It's all about seniority. They take advantage of that, and use it as ammunition and use it to validate their "point" that they are the best. They also process the easiest orders and always roll their eyes if machines are not functioning when they come in or if there were any issues during the night. They are impossible to talk to, they are like talking to snobby little brats. They usually walk into the production area with their noses up in the air and rolling their eyes.

    2nd shift people are careless. They don't care if they meet their shiftly goal or if anything in general gets done. They don't care PERIOD. They make no effort to move product from our department to the next process. They make no effort to do anything whatsoever, really. Every night when my shift walks in, we usually spend at the very least the first 2, if not 3 hours of the shift cleaning up after them. Finished product sits for hours without moving. Troubled/defective products sit without being fixed. There have been nights where we have spent the entire night cleaning up their messes.

    3rd shift...yes that's me. No, my shift isn't perfect. There are too many people who don't get along on my shift. There is a lot of drama. There are certain people with really bad attitudes. But we are the ONLY shift that follows the rules by the books. Any time something in the process changes, we apply it right away without complaining.

    The weekend people.......let's not even start. They are worse than 2nd shift. But then again, with my ex and the supervisor sitting in the office all night, eating and taking and him playing video games (not to mention that he takes hour long breaks and takes "walks" throughout the factory, even to departments he has no business wandering to), look at the example that everyone is being taught to follow. Of course nothing gets done. Of course no one cares. Why bother working if the leaders don't do anything all day and all night?
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Ugh, Our night shift people are slobs! There's no maid at night, and they know it, but they couldn't even be bothered to just rinse their plates and cups. And they don't even fill the bloody water cooler!
    When I arrive in the morning, I bring the milk in, fill the cooler, fill the hot water urn and turn it on, and scrape out the dishes (our poor domestic would have a heart attack otherwise).
    And of course, regardless of which shift is working, spoons ALWAYS get nicked....
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      We don't have set shifts at my job, but my boss, who always does the opposite shift than me is lazy. If he opens, he doesn't valadate deposits or do the morning paper work. When he closes, he doesn't get the drawers set for the morning and sometimes doesn't make sure the trash is taken out and the papers thrown out. Very annoying.
      I have PMS and a black belt. Any questions?

      This random moment is brought to you by the letters A D and D.


      • #4
        I've worked just about every possible shift at the cable company... days, evenings, overnight, weekday and weekends. I can't say as I've ever seen a real difference.

        I didn't even see it on the overnight shift, and that was a world unto itself. Just five or six techs... no managers, supervisors, help desk, whatever. Engineering was in a completely different city, and they were only useful if there was an outage of some sort.

        Even without anybody to watch us, we were a sharp unit that always handled whatever came up. We could be very juvenile at times, especially in the wee hours, but had the manager paid a surprise visit, he never would have found us doing anything that would have caused trouble for him or us. He never actually did pay a visit... because he knew he didn't have to.

        Frankly, we impressed the crap out of everybody.
        I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


        • #5
          I split us up into "day people" and "night people". We no longer have a third shift.

          Day people--all the old timers who have been at the store forever. They're all at least semi-competent for the most part, but some of them do a lot more whining than working. A very tight-kint group since the same people work those shifts all the time.

          Night people--all the high-school kids and less experienced people. They're a mixed bag. All they really have to do is pulls and straighten the shelves. Some will be diligent and focus on their tasks while others wander around aimlessly and chat up co-workers or their friends who may come in. The truck unloaders who work nights are the same way. Sometimes they get their shit together and get everything done; other nights they screw off and don't get anything done.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            I work on a checkout and we are not open 24 hours so there isn't a night shift as such, just days/ evenings.

            Days - older women, mainly, or mothers working part time. Will not under any circumstances do anything else other than be on a checkout. Will not clean, will not help the shop floor if checkouts are dead, insist on taking their breaks at certain times, and are just generally extremely unflexible and stubborn.

            Evenings/weekends - mainly students, either university or college. Have to do all the cleaning/left behinds from the whole day that the day people have refused to do. Often very flexible and will stay on late if needed (we need the extra money of course!) and although might muck about and chat are generally hard working. OK I may be biased a little, but I much more enjoy working these times, whenever I have taken overtime during the day I just get so extremely irritated how the staff bitch and moan about every single little thing, such is if their break is 2 minutes late, etc


            • #7
              I like working morning shifts. I like it because I can actually go out and do stuff, instead of just sleep and work. When I was working over nights at OfficeMax, the 2nd shift never threw away the trash nor did they break down cardboard. They never cleaned up after themselves.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                We had matinees, and evenings.

                And the biggest difference between them? The things they whined about the other people not doing.

                Matinee people: I can't believe they didn't clean this last night! It's so NASTY! Seriously. Look at that. Can you believe they got away with that?

                Evening people: Why is there no stock? Look! We've got nothing! No cups, no bags, no candy, no syrup, no etc. etc. etc. What did they do all day? Sit on their thumbs? Because they weren't serving customers, and they sure weren't stocking for tonight!

                Other than that, there wasn't much difference. Same types of people, age ranges, attitudes, and so on.
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #9
                  Aside from the cooks, I've basically got one coworker, Zope.* He's a little older than me, and he likes indy music. He's okay on the day shift, (11 A.M. to 4 P.M.,) but onto the night shift man falls the responsibility of cleaning, something that Zope doesn't like to do, nor is he very good at it. Unfortunately Zope has developed a complicated school schedule and now cannot work day shifts, but he still needs a lot of hours so he works five or six of the night shifts per week. The floor is always sticky.

                  *For some reason, the cooks, (whom are in charge of nicknames,) named us both after animals. I'm Zorro, he's Zope. Together we're Zorro and Zope.
                  You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Sofar View Post
                    *For some reason, the cooks, (whom are in charge of nicknames,) named us both after animals. I'm Zorro, he's Zope. Together we're Zorro and Zope.
                    Totally OT: Animals? As far as I know, Zorro has always been a human.... I have no idea who or what Zope would be.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      Sorry, Spanish, zorro means fox and zope means hawk.
                      You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                      • #12
                        Ahhh.... it all becomes clear. Thanks!

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          When it comes to restaurant work, there is usually a marked difference between who works the day shift (mainly lunch) and the people who work the closing shift.

                          The morning people, I hate to say, are usually the crappiest servers because there's more money at night, and you want the best servers for the busiest shifts. At my pizza place, for example, a lot of them tended to be high school dropouts with serious attitude problems that would just sit around and complain that they were making no money, even though it was because they were giving shitty service.

                          I was usually the one who came in to relieve the morning people around 4. This was important; because the morning people are supposed to be done at 4:30. A lot of the morning shifters decided it would be cute to not do any of the sidework they were supposed to be doing all day; so I would have to a) Do all their sidework, plus prep for the evening b) Take any new tables that might come in and c) Sometimes take their tables, because they'd tell me some shit about "I have to see my boyfriend" or "I gotta get ready to go to a party." "Please, GG? Just this once?" Well, I do have to commend them on their honesty.
                          "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


                          • #14
                            Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                            Totally OT: Animals? As far as I know, Zorro has always been a human.... I have no idea who or what Zope would be.
                            The character's name comes from the Spanish word for 'fox'.
                            ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                            And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                            • #15
                              In the place I escaped on Tuesday

                              In the place I escaped Tuesday it was a 24/7 center but data production.

                              The 1st shift never wanted to do the crap work so would always leave it to 2nd shifters like me.

                              And the 3rd shift didn't do the production we did.

                              We were the most productive and reliable shift.

                              When I was at my 24/7 call center job the graveyard group was the best. We had fun during downtime but also never had problems getting the calls done. We were a close knit group and in fact still sometimes get together.

