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Shoe dropping already (New job woes)

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  • #31
    Quoth Horsetuna View Post
    The guy told me stuff I already knew, but HOW he said it. It was like a switch went off, you know? I felt like I could take on anything!
    To tap a gaming metaphor, don'cha just LOVE it when people get a critical success on their Influence rolls?

    I've only had one, very mild, panic attack in my whole life (during freshman college registration) and it sucked royally. I can only imagine what it's like to get full-blown attacks regularly... that and wish you the best of luck in getting things battened down.
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


    • #32
      I'll say. I told him he could convince the Pope to take a wife.

      I also sent compliments to our local admin about him too so he gets a pat on the back.
      Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


      • #33
        Quoth Horsetuna View Post
        I'll say. I told him he could convince the Pope to take a wife.
        In that case, there are people who would pay him to have a word with me. I suspect my mother is one.



        • #34

          I'll let you in on a secret:
          I'm mentally ill. (DUH).

          I was diagnosed w/ anxiety disorder AND chronic depression. Now, we (me and Dr's) are not exactly sure where it all started but I've got a damn good idea.

          My epilepsy. And my mom's side.
          E actually has a very STRONG presence in depression and other mental illnesses, such as Bi-Polar. It's really intersting to see mine's a dual-homed fubar.

          What I want you to know is that:
          It is possible to work around this with it. Both E and D and A are such a part of me I cannot deny they exist. I have had to have counseling, and medication, and med tweaks. Dr visits. Documentation to show I have it. Asking bosses and HR for "reasonable accomodations" for the issues..........

          You might have a chem imbalance in your brain. If so, it needs to be dealt with.
          You might also be acting out your grief from your husband's passing (hugs).

          Still, since I'm not liscenced in this stuff, you need to haul butt to a GP AND THEN A PSYCHIATRIST and get this documented and start the ball rolling.

          oh, btw, it is NEVER an overnight fix. No magic pill, no's hard work reprogramming your self, thinking styles, catching your anx attacks and stopping yourself before it's too's not easy. But in the end you'll be overall better.

          PM me if you like, I'm here.

          In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
          She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


          • #35
            I'll keep that in mind...

            But uh... I was never married. O.o you may be confusing me with someone else about the husbands' passing. But I get the gist of it myself. tHank you.

            I will keep all of this in mind... I forgot, again to call the psychs... doh! Been so busy....

            I will be doing so on my next day off though, I really am NOT meaning to delay. I just have a bad memory, heh. Got any reccomendations for THAT?
            Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


            • #36
              Quoth Horsetuna View Post
              Got any recommendations for THAT?
              1) More sleep
              2) Eat more fish
              3) Try to write down your dreams every morning
              4) Get Brain-Age or Big Brain Academy, I forget which. One has things to help your memory.
              And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


              • #37
                Quoth Horsetuna View Post
                I will keep all of this in mind... I forgot, again to call the psychs... doh! Been so busy....

                I will be doing so on my next day off though, I really am NOT meaning to delay. I just have a bad memory, heh. Got any reccomendations for THAT?
                Maintain a to-do list, somewhere prominent in your home.
                Seshat's self-help guide:
                1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                • #38
                  Quoth Cutenoob View Post
                  You might also be acting out your grief from your husband's passing (hugs).
                  Quoth Horsetuna View Post
                  But uh... I was never married. O.o you may be confusing me with someone else about the husbands' passing. But I get the gist of it myself. tHank you.
                  I think you have her confused with KayEm.
                  She also had major mental health issues on top of dealing with the loss of her husband and an extreme hatred for management/authority...oh, and banks, too. (Poor soul, unfortunately, ended up banned.)
                  Quoth Horsetuna View Post
                  I forgot, again to call the psychs... doh! Been so busy....

                  I will be doing so on my next day off though, I really am NOT meaning to delay. I just have a bad memory, heh. Got any reccomendations for THAT?
                  Actually, when you do finally get around to calling, mention your avoidance issues as well.

                  Many of these places do have after hours support lines, or even answering machines, so you can call anytime, and not just during the work day. (Mental illness does not have a 9-5 schedule.)

                  I mean no offense by this, and am not attacking/blaming, but for someone having a major panic attack and feeling desperate enough to make a post soliciting a whole lot of sympathy and advice from some pretty caring people, I would think calling for that help would be so foremost in your mind that you couldn't think of anything but that.
                  I can only assume it's not a poor memory, but a fear of actually taking that step to get help.

                  I suspect once you realized your job was not in jeopardy, a lot of the panic faded and it was easier and more comfortable to fall back into the pattern than to attempt to make a change.
                  Last edited by Ree; 05-25-2007, 09:55 AM.
                  Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                  • #39
                    Sorry, but with my friend threatening to tell work that I panicked over something trivial and missed a day of work because of it, Ree, I didnt know if my job was in jepoardy or not... and thus, I panicked more. I've been let go from jobs for reasons I never understood or even was told about, and I did not know if truly they would let me go because of my panic attacks or not.

                    It is a poor memory. Its another of my downfalls. Maybe its subconcious refusal to go and seek help, but conciously you wont find someone who wants it more.

                    I also posted here a few hours after the panick attack, so this wasnt' my first action when it happened. At least 3-4 hours after I had somewhat calmed down I posted, because I needed advice on what I could do, what my rights were, and yes - I needed support. That's what is here for - support when having problems or worried about problems at work.

                    And sadly, even though you mean no offense, I am rather hurt by it and I must calmly disagree. It reminds me of last year when someone said I was deliberately 'sabotaging' my jobs because I said my supervisor was a horrible person and I cried a lot from what he said, and I had a boss before that who was difficult to work with. No, I'm not angry, but I am hurt. Because it is not true. That's all I'm saying on the matter.

                    But thank you for your advice, everyone.
                    Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                    • #40
                      I'm sorry if it hurt you, but have you called them yet now that it's fresh in your mind today?

                      What about that PM to Buglady? She might be able to get the ball rolling.
                      Last edited by Ree; 05-25-2007, 02:23 PM.
                      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                      • #41
                        Ooops Ree, you're right on the KayEm / Horsetuna confusion. Thank you for the clarification.

                        Do you take any vitamins?
                        Remember what I said above about "getting along" and "depression"...chem imbalance? Well, something I'm finding out is that my moods like to do little hula dances on their own. Without asking me.

                        So to counteract moodswings, I take a B complex vitamin. It helps stabilize moods and brain function, and helps my metabolism. Cheap, OTC, ask AFPhoenix what a good level would be!

                        I also take Ginseng for energy and memory assistance. I will not tell you how much you need w/ Ginseng - it's a blood thinner and should be taken seriously. Naturopaths and "alternative" doctors or herbalists will help w/ this one.

                        Once you line up a GP gen exam ALONG WITH THE PSYCH EVAL..........Ask about hormone levels in your blood. Another thing having to do w/ interaction is hormones. They also have a lot to do w/ mood swings and just general overall happiness.

                        Make list of THINGS I MUST DO BEFORE END OF JUNE
                        and put it on your fridge door.

                        In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                        She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                        • #42
                          Quoth Horsetuna View Post
                          I will be doing so on my next day off though, I really am NOT meaning to delay. I just have a bad memory, heh. Got any reccomendations for THAT?
                          Memory games (there are lots of free online games to go with things like Brain Age and Big Brain Academy) for the long-term, and post-it notes everywhere until that kicks in.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #43
                            Quoth JustADude View Post
                            4) Get Brain-Age or Big Brain Academy, I forget which. One has things to help your memory.
                            I'm sorry JustADude, but I can't help but giggle that you forget which of those two helps your memory. I hope the irony is not lost on you.
                            I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                            Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                            • #44
                              It's ok, though, because both will. They both have memory games.

                              Brain Age, however, does more with long-term stuff, such as remembering what you had for breakfast and then remembering it accurately a week later.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                              • #45
                                I was heading out the door to work earlier, and didn't have time to fully respond, but I know that I have hurt you, Horsetuna and I would like to address that.
                                I really do care about your problems, but it's just frustrating to me to hear excuses about lost phone numbers, lack of time or a bad memory.

                                The fact of the matter is, you may have a bad memory, but if you are remembering and have time to make a post on here about it, then you have time to make a phone call or a PM to get help for it.
                                Quoth Horsetuna View Post
                                Sorry, but with my friend threatening to tell work that I panicked over something trivial and missed a day of work because of it, Ree, I didnt know if my job was in jepoardy or not... and thus, I panicked more.
                                I realize that. I think that was my point.
                                I also posted here a few hours after the panick attack, so this wasnt' my first action when it happened. At least 3-4 hours after I had somewhat calmed down I posted, because I needed advice on what I could do, what my rights were, and yes - I needed support. That's what is here for - support when having problems or worried about problems at work.
                                I don't believe I said anything to the contrary.

                                I never implied you immediately sat down and posted. In fact, the timing of your posting never really entered into my comments. That's irreleavnt.
                                I also never implied you couldn't post and get support and advice.
                                That's exactly what this place is for.

                                The main issue I had is that you got a lot of wonderful advice and lists of resources, as well as people offering to help you personally if you just PM them.
                                I merely pointed out that it appeared that you were avoiding the help offered, and that upset me.
                                We have so many caring people who jump at the first chance to help another member in need.
                                Perhaps some are more experienced at dealing with people who have your type of issues, and understand it, but for me, I see it as avoidance and feel very bad for those who have opened their hearts when it seems to be met with excuses.
                                And sadly, even though you mean no offense, I am rather hurt by it and I must calmly disagree. It reminds me of last year when someone said I was deliberately 'sabotaging' my jobs
                                A person may not be deliberately sabotaging their life, but if they continue to repeat a pattern of behaviour that leads to failure, then they can actually be doing that very thing.
                                None of this makes them a bad person.
                                Their mental health issues are not their fault.

                                It just reminds me of the old joke:

                                There was a man who was stranded in his home during a flood. As the water surrounded his house, a truck came by, filled with people, and they offered to take him to safety. The man turned them down with the statement that God would save him. The water began to rise and the man climbed to the roof of his house. Then a man in a boat came by and offered to take him to safety. But the man turned him down with the statement that God would save him. The water continued to rise, and soon he was standing in it as it submerged his house. Then a helicopter came by and offered to fly him to safety, but the man turned it down with the statement that God would save him. When the water had reached his neck and he was about to drown he cried out to God “why haven’t you saved me?” God responded to him, “I’ve sent a truck, a boat and a helicopter, what more do you want?”

                                Again, Horsetuna, I am not saying this to be cruel or hurt you.
                                I just wish you would take the help that has been offered to you so you can get your life turned around.
                                You deserve it.
                                Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

