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My Till was $10 over tonight

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  • #16
    In regards to the accidentally typing an extra zero into the register ($200 instead of $20), if that happens, just bust out the calculator or do the math on paper to figure out the correct change to give back. Just ignore the customer if they start acting snotty about it.

    I remember one time a lady gave me $11 for a $5.00-something purchase, and I did not look at the bills she handed me well enough so I typed $6.00 into the register (thought she gave me a $5 and $1 but she gave me a $10 and $1). I then realized my error, so I went to grab a pen and paper to figure out her change. I'm not stupid, but I CANNOT count change back in my head for some reason (hence why I'm not a math major ) then the lady gets all snotty "My change should be $x.xx!!" and rolling her eyes, acting like I'm stupid. She flustered me so badly I just handed her the amount she said.. which I should NOT have done!

    Handling money is serious business.. always take your time, count everything back to the customer, and don't let anyone rush you.
    My Myspace, add me!


    • #17
      Once, while I was shopping somewhere. I received about $10 extra. I didn't know it, until 5 minutes later, when I got home and checked the receipt, which it was around the money. I went back, and told them that. They counted the till of the woman that had helped me. It came out even, and they told me to just go ahead and keep it. Which I did use for a hair-cut.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #18
        Quoth powerboy View Post
        Once, while I was shopping somewhere. I received about $10 extra. I didn't know it, until 5 minutes later, when I got home and checked the receipt, which it was around the money. I went back, and told them that. They counted the till of the woman that had helped me. It came out even, and they told me to just go ahead and keep it.
        Hmm, that's strange, maybe she was coincidentally over $10 before and you evened her out?
        My Myspace, add me!


        • #19
          Quoth RammsteinGirl View Post
          Hmm, that's strange, maybe she was coincidentally over $10 before and you evened her out?
          My theory is that there were 2x $10s stuck together that a customer handed her, thinking it was 1x, she handed them to Powerboy thinking they were 1x, and they came unstuck while he had them.

          Any way you stack it, $10 free = sweeeeeet!
          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


          • #20
            The most ive acciedently typed was.... $100,000.00
            Because when i typed in 100 i hit the 00 Button to many times (my computer/register was about to be updated and kind of froze for a minute) and i didnt catch it before i hit tender.
            The guy was almost rolling on the floor and i couldn't stop laughing.


            • #21
              When I was working as a cashier, my till was never up or down more than $1 except for one notable occasion. That time I had an extra $100.

              It was a group (it almost always was) and the person purchasing the tickets put his money on the counter, and I picked it up to count it. I informed him that he hadn't given me enough, and he was confused and a little upset but gave me another $100 bill to cover the rest of it. He knew I hadn't done anything with it because I always counted the money out in front of the patrons because I wanted to make sure there could be no mistakes.

              I finish my shift and collect my till and credit card printouts and take a quick glance around the booth, and that's when I spot a crisp $100 bill lying on the floor. I figure that when the guy put the money on the counter, one of the bills blew off the pile into the booth and nobody spotted it. I felt really bad, but since there was no way I could possibly find him in the arena, there was no way to give it back.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #22
                We can't even open the kiosk till until a customer buys something, so that means we don't have a chance to count the money or even open the coin bags before we start serving. Considering that they track each and every variance for every shift, we should be able to do that. I have brought it up with management but it didn't change anything.

                Also there is the attitude that team leaders and managers are always correct in their cash handling and so any mistakes must be staff mistakes. Often this is corrected later on when their precious safe is found to be out, but there have been many times it wasn't. It is quite funny to see the staff members who are promoted to team leader go from imperfect employee to perfect team leader overnight!
                "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.

