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Absolutely Knackered

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  • Absolutely Knackered

    So, I know I've been mostly absentee from here for the last few weeks. I certainly haven't been posting anyway.
    I've just been completely knackered with work lately. (For you non-aussies, knackered is exhausted ) Not in a bad way either - this is just my first job I've had where I've consistently had more than 6 hours a week! That and anaemia, and recovering from sicknesses, and I don't even have the energy to sit at the computer much when I have time off.

    I really wanted to share some good news though I'm loving my new job. The people there are friendly and nice, and it's such a pleasure actually working WITH people for the first time - instead of being the only person on and being alone for several hours. I love how organised it is there, as compared to just hoping for a lull in the customer rush to give you a chance to run off and get a dinner break. I love how aspects of my work are tracked and I get congratulated accordingly!
    I could go on for a while more, but I won't I'm just so happy with this job, even more than I had thought I would be. And already it's helping me to come out of my shell - I'm finding it easier to have conversations and make comments with people I don't know well, I can go out to events where I know no-one and not be miserable or panicky all night... It's just such a great change and I'm so glad I'm having it relatively early in my life!

    BusyBee - busy being reborn as a happier person
    Re: Quiche.
    Pie is manly.
    Eggs, meat, and cheese are manly.
    Therefore, making an egg, meat, and cheese pie must be very manly.
    So sayeth Spiffy McMoron!

  • #2
    I hear ya. I'm a bit knackered myself Too much to do, and not enough time to do it. Between my job, yard work, taking care of the house, working for my grandmother, trying to get the cars done, my model projects, working out at the gym, etc....I'm a bit too tired to do anything else
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

