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Year later.

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  • Year later.

    So a year after this thread. My new promotion got held off until the end of Feb because my old dept was shorthanded. In the time between accepting the promotion and it taking effect we had moved (not too much of a change) and my wife became pregnant. But that was fine and I was looking forward to the new job.

    First bad spot was they were giving me $1400 a year less than initially discussed. Second was they were giving me a company vehicle. With the loss of mileage that meant now I was making the same or even less than I had been in my old position. Less wear and tear on my personal vehicle yes, but I bought truck primarily for work. So now I am paying for a truck I barely use when I could have kept my old one that was paid off.

    Then a month in with the pandemic work got held up and I was back to helping my old dept. Only now on salary. With no overtime and no hazard pay I was making much less than I would have at my old job title. After the pandemic died down we got back into our work and things were ok. I had some gripes with some of the people I was working with but I was trying my best to deal.

    Then they moved me back to helping my old dept again, pretty much for the rest of the year. One person (our worst) was going on medical for a few weeks. By the time she got back my wife would be going on her maternity so I would then be covering her position. First week working this persons stores I gave up. I had spent years by that point going behind this person fixing problems caused by their laziness. The supervisor was only too happy to ignore this person and rely on me to correct this persons mistakes. This time I told her no. I would work her stores but as far as fixing them I was done. After my wife gives birth I use my last week of vacation time to help her, then right back into it. A person goes on a weeks vacation, then has some mysterious injury the next week and has been out since. So since then I have been dealing with her wrecked stores, a warehouse that has been out of massive amounts of product before our biggest holiday, and store owners that dont get that I cannot do anything about that except keep ordering and hope it comes in.

    So I made the decision this week to quit. It was most likely going to have to happen at the beginning of the year anyway. When my wife went back to work daycare was going to be costing us half of my monthly take home pay. And I was going to be out of town a lot meaning she would be taking care of the baby alone most of the week. So I could get a nothing job for far less money as long as I could work nights and weekends. So I was planning on giving my notice for next year, but dealing with the infantile store owners has pushed me to my last nerve.

  • #2
    The husband of a friend of mine was offered some kind of promotion. The "raise" that went with it was pitiful. He said no.

    Brace yourself for arguments and/or pleas from your higher-ups about how they will "fix" things if you just stick around. If they haven't "fixed" anything by now, they never will.
    Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
    ~ Mr Hero


    • #3
      See I don't think they were being malicious with anything. My bosses are all good people that I get along with. I think they just didn't consider that giving me a raise but a company vehicle with it would take away any actual take home money. Or maybe they did. When I have been helping out my old dept they had me take all the longer drives to keep my wife (we both shared the same position, she is now they only one) from getting that mileage. And there is nothing they can really say they will "fix". This is just the way things work there, They just don't work out for me. I wonder if the salary he originally told me was what they would pay an outside hire and the lower amount is the closest he could get with a raise for an existing person?

      And honestly the new job is not in any way more difficult than the old. It is classified differently which is why I am now on salary. But they rarely ask you to work more than 40 (pandemic excepted) and they are generous with meals and hotels when on the road. Some complaints are just bad luck, like taking the job right before the pandemic.

      The real big deal is the daycare next year. I'm not looking forward to paying all that money to day care. The original plan before the promotion was that my wife would step down from her job to a lesser one if they would let her work afternoons/evenings. It is unusual but as long as the stores were ok with it we could have managed. But if she does that now it would not do any good if I am in a job that requires out of town work. We would either both have to take a step down, or me take 2 steps to make that work now.
      Last edited by ReverendBSB; 12-05-2020, 12:27 PM.


      • #4
        Quit today.

        Its been almost a year since I was promoted. Spent most of that year doing my old job for less money than I would have been making at my old pay structure. I have literally lost thousands this year. Unpaid overtime (some my choice to be fair), no hazard pay, no end of year sick time payout, no state stimulus (old job title qualified, new did not). Got two bonuses but neither even came close to evening things up. And now they lost another person in my old dept so I can guarantee I would have been covering for them next year.

        So today I go to cover a store I dislike in the first place and the owners son starts giving me shit over how I do my work. Starts talking about how much he has invested in this store. He has never put a dime into that place. Daddy has. I just left, dropped my van off at a store near the house and left the keys with the front desk.


        • #5
          Well, FWIW - Assuming US, If you're not on salary and *if they didn't pay you for that time at all*, it doesn't matter WHY you worked the unpaid overtime; they still owe you that money per Federal labor law. It says that they need to pay you whether you were forced to work those hours or "volunteered" to do so. If they just paid you your base rate and not time and a half, they probably just classified you as Exempt.

          If it's the former case and enough money involved to make it worth your time, consider contacting the local Labor Board.
          "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
          "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
          "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
          "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
          "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
          "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
          Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
          "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


          • #6
            He said that they made him salaried. Overtime exempt,

            You could try and challenge that. If you are doing the exact same work as when you were hourly, then they may have to pay you the overtime. Talk to a lawyer.
            Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
            Save the Ales!
            Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


            • #7
              Quoth csquared View Post
              He said that they made him salaried. Overtime exempt,

              You could try and challenge that. If you are doing the exact same work as when you were hourly, then they may have to pay you the overtime. Talk to a lawyer.
              Yup, they can't just declare you salaried exempt. You have to meet specific conditions for that. Check out "Evil HR Lady", you'll get lots of info.
              There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


              • #8
                Well, I'm sorry that happened to you. Not shocked, but sorry. What kind of job do you plan to look for now?
                Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                • #9
                  I'm sorry to hear it but not at all surprised at your decision. It's amazing how many employers think that especially during the current economic situation, no employee would dare to walk out.
                  Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
                  ~ Mr Hero


                  • #10
                    I was classified exempt. So that first major week of the pandemic where my wife and I worked together (she had the same job title as I had previously) we each worked over 70 hours. She had a huge overtime check, and more followed for the next few weeks. Meanwhile I got a one time bonus of 250.

                    As for what now I am not sure. As stated earlier we have a baby now and we were going to have to start her in daycare. Which would have cost half my weekly pay. Our original plan was to alternate schedules only for this new position to make that impossible. If it had actually come with any extra money that would have evened things out. But now as long as I can find an evening/weekend job I could literally work for half the money and come out the same as we would have before. So I will probably just get something temporary to pay bills while I figure out what next. Spent years busting my ass to get ahead only for it to be shit.

