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UH OH!!!

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  • #16
    i honestly dont know im spelling that badly

    damnit i thought i had it bad in 4th grade with having to take spelling lessons with 1st graders and math with 8th graders...


    • #17
      Quoth MadMike View Post
      My son was the exact opposite -- he'd waste no time in calling attention to the culprit.

      When he was about 5, we were in the mall, and I think I was checking out something at one of the stores, when I had to let 'er rip. I did it quietly, and I figured no one would know.

      That is, until my son loudly announced to everyone in earshot, "EWWWW, DADDY! YOU FARTED!"

      I grabbed him and left rather quickly.
      Oh that's too funny! Reminds me of a story my hairdresser told me. His first grandchild was VERY precocious, and they were in the grocery store, when he asks him "Pop, did you fart?" he said no, and his grandson then announces, very loudly i might add, "well, i did!" He said everyone around them cracked up. I think he was about 3 or so at the time.


      • #18
        Oh Slice...don't stress it! Its a GOOD THING! You are descriptive in ways you previously didn't know you knew how to be! do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

        Chickens are Asexual!


        • #19
          This thread is making me think of the customer we got one Sunday in the bookstore (a popular time to come in and browse). He was walking up and down alongside the remainder book tables, and I happened to be nearby because I was straightening said tables, which frequently were in disarray as a result of people browsing.

          Every so often, he would expel some audible gas. What killed me so that I could barely keep from giggling was that following each emission, he'd say "Hmmmm," in a thoughtful tone of voice.
          He loves the world...except for all the people.
          --Men at Work

