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What should I do?

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  • What should I do?

    I started a new full-time job last Monday. I have a set schedule, nights except for Saturday with Sunday and Tuesday off. I intend/ed to stay at the photo store on a small basis, with hopes of not being the opening or closing person in the store, but coming in on mornings and such (ideally at my own schedule depending upon the workload) to do any photo retouching or restoration or such.

    My birthday is Tuesday the 19th. My mom, sister and I were going to celebrate on Sunday the 17th. I mentioned it to my boss (also the store's owner) and then left him a note about it last Sunday when I worked. Tonight I was there doing another event (switched my days off) and saw the schedule for the next two weeks - I work both Sunday and Tuesday in the store for the next two weeks.

    Part of this is because another store employee is taking his vacation for those two weeks. So they're short staffed. But that's not my problem. And they've had this number of employees in the past. I've already called one of my coworkers (the more likely to help me out) and he already has plans. I'm not expecting much from the other - especially since I *can't* switch a shift.

    Requesting off is not a guarantee, I know. But I was initially told it would be fine. And if I don't have that Sunday off, that means I will have worked a MONTH straight. A MONTH! And my new job is exhuasting when you are just learning. I'm burnt out to the point of needing sleeping pills the past two nights to get some rest and I'm still dragging.

    The other person scheduled on that Sunday is none other than the owner/manager who only schedules himself once in a blue moon when it's a real necessity. I've never *once* called off at this job, and I've been there a year. I've switched for people or they've switched for me or I've covered for them, but I've never called off. I asked him about it tonight, but I still need to call coworker #2.

    It's killing me to think that not only will I not get the break I desperately need, I'll miss celebrating my birthday with my family. I just don't know what to do, but I know what I want to do.

  • #2
    That's what happens when you work a job like retail where your employer can fling your hours around to best suit their needs.

    The only thing you COULD do.. if you don't mind doing a little white lying.. is to call off sick on Tuesday. But it sounds like your manager already knows about you wanting Tuesday off, so that could be a problem.. he'd be suspicious if you called off "sick."
    My Myspace, add me!


    • #3
      Just ask him, if you do have the day off, and mention that you got the OK by him, for the day off.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        I don't have the day off - I'm scheduled for both of the days I'm not working at my new job for next week and the week after. And Tuesday doesn't help me because my sister will be working and my mom in another state. Sunday at least both people work the same shift, so it's more feasible, but I didn't want to work in the store any more even before this.


        • #5
          Well, you could try telling your boss that working both jobs is a lot more stressful than you had anticipated and that you've started having to resort to medication in order to sleep. Your health is more important than your job.

          You need Sunday off. The time off will do you a world of good, and the fact that you can also do things that you actively are looking forward to doing will further help relieve stress.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Well, he did say it was OK when you first told him about it so it really isn't fair to schedule you. I can understand if he forgot but he *should* change it...but we all know how those things work out.

            When I went back to Store1 after I moved back to NJ, I told my manager from the beginning that I couldn't work the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and that I couldn't close the Friday or open on the Sunday because my friend's wedding was that weekend in PA. So what does she schedule me for? Friday night, Saturday day, and Sunday night. So I reminded her and she took me off Saturday but didn't switch the Friday. I just didn't want to close and be tired for driving the next day but I decided it wasn't worth it and just worked the Friday night. Grr.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
              You need Sunday off. The time off will do you a world of good, and the fact that you can also do things that you actively are looking forward to doing will further help relieve stress.
              Should I just call off entirely then? He'll know I'm not sick and I feel kinda sucky about it - but I'm pretty about the situation as it stands.

              I'm kind of thinking of calling him tomorrow and just saying that I've tried to get a replacement but didn't have luck, and either I'm calling off or I'll work 11:30-4 (scheduled until 5) so we can all get to dinner at a decent hour. He's the owner, he should be able to handle the store for 1.5 hours - we do it all the time! Obviously he'd prefer me to work some of it so he'd just have to accept me leaving early, right?

              Luckily today went much better at the new job than Wednesday did so I'm feeling better about things overall.


              • #8
                Personally, I would politely remind him that he agreed to let you have it off but forgot and scheduled you anyway. Point out that you have tried to find someone to cover you shift but failed. Then ask him him if it would be at all possible if you could have it off. If he refuses, then ask him, in which case would you be able to leave an hour early as it is a special occasion.

                I find reasonable will probably work far better, especially if he is a reasonable man who simply made a mistake. You may even try a little desperation and possibly guilt trip him a little.

                Don't call off, unless you are okay about pissing him off.
                "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


                • #9
                  I called him today and I'm going to leave tomorrow at 4. I think he was afraid I'd just not come in at all, so he said that it will work and sounded glad about the way things worked out.


                  • #10
                    I'm glad to hear it worked out.
                    "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.

