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I've been holding this in for a while now...

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  • I've been holding this in for a while now...

    As the title states, I've been holding this in for a while now, this whole rant I'm about to get out of my system. So here goes...

    Back in October, I started working in a Supermarket as a Cashier. It was my first job really, as I worked with my mom in her office off the books for 2 summers and I worked at a vet's office for two weeks(another rant), but basically this was my on the books job. I picked up on it all pretty quickly and my till was always even everyday. They need a new night book keeper for the office and just a few months later, in January, they gave me that position. This caused a lot of animosity toward me, which I of course expected, but if any of the girls weren't constantly off on their tills or conducted themselves properly, one of them could have been promoted easily. My perfect tills and mature conduct are what got me promoted, as well as having office experience and being a mathematics major in college.

    Well, once I was promoted, the rumors started. I slept with someone. I only got the promotion because I'm light-skinned. I live in a yuppie neighborhood, but the grocery store's cashiers are mostly black and/or spanish. I am also spanish, but italian too, which gives me light skin which is apparently the only thing I have going for me according to them. Keep in mind, the other book keepers are black girls and spanish girls as well, with the exception of one white girl who works in the mornings. Then came the day, a cashier I will call B. She was raising the most hell that I got promoted, primarily because she wanted the job. She kept asking the general manager and he told her no. Well, she got questioned by the higher-ups because she shorted a woman 20 dollars, so they told her that if it were to happen again, she'd be fired as it already happened several times within the past month. Well, I'm counting her out for the day and she comes up $20 over. She raises hell and tells me to give her the money. I flat out refuse. She yells at me saying any other book keeper would do it for her and how she has a son to raise and I don't understand because I'm pampered and still live with my parents and I get my things paid for. Which isn't true, but of course since I'm one of the only girls there that wasn't a single mother by the time I was 19, I couldn't POSSIBLY understand now, could I?

    Well, long story short(but not really, as it seems like I'm writing a novel here) she leaves in a huff, cursing me out because I didn't give her the money. She calls the store repeatedly to harass me, so I told a manager what happened when he saw the posting that she was $20 over and how she threatened me. Because we have a union job they have a tendency when they want to fire someone who is in the union already to transfer them to another store, give them minimum hours and give them "clean-up" duties. They did this to her and who did she blame? ME. She told all the cashiers how I went and said a whole bunch of things about her to the key food supervisor who comes in once a week to bust everyone's chops. We all HATE him, so me running to him and telling him things? I don't think so. She told her someone "informed" her. Of course they did, because everyone there talks about me all the time.

    They make fun of the way I eat, because I don't eat much. They make fun of me because I don't know the latest slang and hot songs. If I doodle on a piece of paper, some of the girls say it looks like "devil stuff", simply because I have black hair and wear eyeliner. They also assume I'm some rocker chick because of it and try to use that to make fun of me. One of the girls even used my name on her myspace display name "A is on some S type S**T" and I asked her what that meant, as she asked to be on my friends list, yet only treats me nice sometimes. She said it's because I come to work and I don't give a damn about anyone. How I just do my job and don't socialize and ignore people. She said it wasn't a bad thing, but I don't know. The truth is that I am like that at work though. I barely talk to anyone, because they all act like children. I feel like I work in a high school with cliques.

    The last part is about the men at the store. If I wanted to claim sexual harassment, I honestly could. They constantly hit on girls, including myself, and when I don't respond, I get called a b*tch. The other day, this guy from dairy, who everyone thinks is annoying anyway comes up and says: H-him M-Me

    H: "Lemme get one of them club cards."
    M: "I'm afraid not, as we can't shop here."
    H: "Well, duh, I could at ANOTHER store."
    M: "True, but they have a different card system, so you'd have to apply there."

    then he comes back with the greatest thing known to man

    H: "wow you have an attitude. i guess I should say "like, whatEVER"

    and I got really mad and said "Very clever! Like I haven't heard that before. Yeah, I look like a white girl so you come out with the valley girl 'whatEVER' and think I'm going to get insulted, when it just makes you look foolish" He called me a "white b*tch" and left. I just laughed because it's pathetic. He stares at me all the time and last time he did, when I was talking to one of the stock guys who happens to be my best friend, we both saw it and I loudly stated that i can't stand when people stare at me for no reason. I don't like the guy in dairy at all. In fact, he just returned to the job after being gone for 3 days because his sister called and told the manager he was in JAIL and couldn't come to work.

    I love my job in the office, because I mainly don't have to deal with people and I get to just sit and relax when I don't have to count someone out for the night, or do money drops, or send money in the tube. I get to use that down time to do reading or homework for school, because I'm in school 20 hours a week and working 30 hours a week. The only thing I despise is that on Sundays, I have to work the front with another girl and that's when most of the stuff takes place. Some does in the office too, but not as much, since everyone is usually on the floor. I want to find another job, but this job is so flexible. I know I'm going to explode one day...

  • #2
    Awwww... *huggles*

    How much longer do you have in school? Hopefully you can get out and get a better job soon! Girls are so katty and obnoxious Good luck with them. Doesn't sound like there's anything you can do to stop them.
    Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
    Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
    The Office


    • #3
      Sounds like they're jealous. You are in college and making a successful start to your life. They are not even capable of keeping their tills correct, plus they have kids to care for. Yup, I'd say they're definitely jealous.

      Hang on, come here to vent when it gets too rough, and soon school will be through and you can get another job somewhere else.


      • #4
        Hang in there! Although it sounds like its not the easiest thing. Some people are just ignorant, and rather than try and better themselves, or figure out what THEY are not doing right, they think that everyone is out to get them, and the cause of their misfortune is everyone else!

        I've had the same experience at a couple jobs; the first one, i was temping in the loan dept of a bank, and although i can't remember exactly what i was given to do, it was something that this older woman had done for a long time, she was very set in her ways, resistent to change, and resented that the bosses had given me the task, apparently because I did it more accurately and in less time than she did! She would make comments, and generally be nasty to me, and I finally just said to her, listen, i;m not trying to take your job away from you, i do what so and so (the boss) tells me to, and if you have an issue with it, go talk to her! That shut her up, and she never said another word to me about it!

        And the other time was in my last job - again as a temp. i was working in a law firm, and was offered a permanent job after about 4 months. There was one girl (another temp) who had been there over a year, and she was PISSED i was offered a job after such a short time, and she never was. Well, could it be the fact that i did whatever they asked me too, and finished it, unless i was pulled for another assignment, and didn't whine and demand to be given something else as the work was "boring". Or how about the fact i came in on time, left on time, and didn't spend the whole day chatting up a storm and flirting. Or perhaps the fact that i didn't have an attitude of entitlement, and simply listened, learned, and got whatever i could out of the job?

        But of course that never came into play...oh no - they were all out to get her as she was a minority, and a single mom to boot...yeah, right, a law firm?


        • #5
          Look at yourself for a moment. Then look at them.

          Trust me hun, jealousy is a terrible thing. It's a killer.

          Those girls are jealous that you have it all going for you, and they screwed up and can't/won't start over.

          That's their loss for not wanting to get to know you and give you a chance. Women can be so catty and awful.

          If it helps, I go through the same thing where I work. Only with older women. They are jealous that I'm young gorgeous and have my whole life ahead, and they are bitter for whatever reason, probably that they are still stuck at a dead end job at a boring factory and they see so many young people come and go and move on and better themselves.

          Sucks to be them.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Quoth cinnamaniac View Post
            Well, once I was promoted, the rumors started. I slept with someone. I only got the promotion because I'm light-skinned. I live in a yuppie neighborhood, but the grocery store's cashiers are mostly black and/or spanish. I am also spanish, but italian too, which gives me light skin which is apparently the only thing I have going for me according to them.
            Ah, but you are Spanish Spanish, not Central American Spanish, (not really spanish,) as far as most Hispanics are concerned that makes you as white as me.
            You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


            • #7
              Actually, on my mother's side her mother is italian and her father is italian and spanish and my dad's side is full puerto rican. So yeah, I just grouped all of that into spanish, because that's what people mean when they say spanish around here, even though that's technically not the right words for it. We use spanish or hispanic, I should have used hispanic, since it's mixed.

              Thanks to everyone else, I understand that girls can be catty and it sucks. I don't even like flirting, attention or anything, so I don't get why some girls get that way because of guys from the store. During work today, I heard the rumor that I'm a lesbian. The guy in dairy that I can't stand started that one, since he thinks he's so gorgeous and I have no interest. Of course, that rumor is half true, but still it doesn't change the fact that i DESPISE him and gay or straight, he would never get attention from me.
              Last edited by cinnamaniac; 06-20-2007, 01:49 AM.


              • #8
                Although it looks like you understand this already, I'll repeat it anyway.

                YOU do not cause the guys to flirt with you incessently. That's their choice.
                YOU do not cause the women to gossip about you and make up stories. That's their choice.

                It's NOT your fault.

                That said, there are things you could choose to do, if you wished, to try to reduce the behaviour. It depends on what's important to you.

                If the main thing that's important to you is to maintain your professional behaviour and get the job done, then go home having done a fair day's work for a fair day's pay, just keep doing what you do and be professional and focussed on the job. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and it's probably the choice I'd make.

                If you'd like to make the work atmosphere a little lighter and easier on yourself, take some time to learn to interact on their level. Listen to their discussions, and find out what's important to them. Try to find something you won't mind participating in, at however shallow a level.
                If they're into celebrity gossip, for instance, take a moment when you're at a library that has them to skim the gossip magazines or watch a bit of gossip TV. Then you can join their conversation briefly from time to time.

                Right now, you're categorised in their minds as a kind of person they have no idea how to interact with. The goal is to give them a kind of interaction 'hook' for you - make yourself approachable to them on their level.
                (The reason the onus is on you to change, rather than them, is that quite frankly, you're the one able/willing to do so.)

                As for the guys - I'm afraid I've never been able to find a friendly way to handle that. Maybe someone else can give you advice?
                Last edited by Seshat; 06-20-2007, 02:42 AM. Reason: edit: put in 'friendly' in the last paragraph.
                Seshat's self-help guide:
                1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                • #9
                  Well, I could come stand next to you and then you won't seem so light

                  I'm not sure what advice I can's hard to ignore such behavior but sometimes you have to. As for the sexual harrassment from the guys, if it really makes you uncomfortable tell them flat out to stop, and document anything they may do just in case you need it in the future.

                  I'm concerned about this girl expecting you to give her the money that her till was she shorting the customer on purpose because one of the other bookkeepers has been doing this? Or is she just trying to take advantage of a situation (I'm thinking the former because you say it's happened several times in a month)? Not saying you should rat anyone out because that could make your life there even harder, especially if you don't know for sure, but just be careful you don't get associated with any kind of theft in case others do get caught.

                  Well, bedtime for me but hang in there and
                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                  • #10
                    You know, I was thinking about this yesterday after I left for work, and I realized that those girls are spreading slander. You do have a lawsuit against them, but that's not necessarily going to improve things around the store. If management is unwilling to help you though, I would say talk to a lawyer. Perhaps you could minimize the amount of crap that's said behind your back. Good luck!
                    Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                    Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                    The Office


                    • #11
                      You are handling the whole situation really well. I wouldn't be so professional and I'm sure I would quit asap! As everyone else says, they are just jealous. Try and rise above it all and you'll be out of there soon enough and have a great career ahead of you
                      No longer a flight atttendant!

