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I embarrassed myself the other day

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  • #16
    I'm not afraid of spiders at all unless its one of the two venomous kinds that live around here. I used to play with them a lot, letting the little jumping spiders jump from hand to hand, and dangle from my fingers, etc.

    Most bugs don't bother me at all.

    I don't like mosquitoes for obvious reasons and will try to kill them whenever I can, especially if they're on me or trying to fly at me.

    I can hold almost any kind of spider or insect and actually have fun with it and enjoy it, but I have a phobia of roaches.

    It's hard for me to even look at the dead bodies of roaches. The thing that bothers me the most about them are that they fly. Who really wants a 1 1/2 inch bug that's been crawling around the sewer and leaves feces over everything to fly at your face? I'd rather have a bird eating tarantula crawling on me (And would probably enjoy that) than even a very small specimen of Peripleneta americana.

    Roaches bother me on many levels.

    1. They're dirty (they crawl around in unsanitary places like sewers them come up to interact with us, plus they defecate while they eat and walk in it). Yes, I know they clean themselves, but not good enough.

    2. They're large. They average 1 1/2 inches long in this area at adult size and larger ones have been spotted before. There was one I saw that was much larger than average a couple of years ago. It must have been 2 inches at least. It was the largest roach I've ever seen besides the giant cave cockroaches at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. This isn't a phobia related thing either because when I saw it I pointed it out to another person and they gasped at how unusually large it was for this already large species.

    3. Female roaches are the worst. While male roaches are nasty enough, female roaches aren't just long, they're thick and fat too. Plus, they sometimes have an egg case attached to their butts that they drag all over the place and that could touch you if they flew at you. They deposit these nasty ootheca wherever they crawl and keep producing more for the rest of their lives.

    4. Along with the ootheca they will defecate all over objects, ruining objects or papers stored in cardboard boxes. I once went into someone's house and opened a box that had a lamp stored in it for years, and the lamp was covered in feces and old ootheca. Needless to say the lamp was discarded.

    5. They have hooks on their legs. This is an adaptation to help them cling to things, like walls. Still, it also means that when they crawl or fly onto you, it's harder to shake them off. Just looking at their legs can give me the heebie jeebies.

    6. There are many more things I hate about roaches, but I'll get to the main point. The worst thing is.... THEY FLY. I raised a shoe to smash one on a wall one time and it flew onto my neck! AGH! One time I was sitting at the computer minding my own business and I heard a loud buzzing sound and then felt something heavy hit the back of my head. I reached back and AGH! When I shook my hair out I saw it!

    They're also really aggressive about it, they will go after you and fly at you on purpose, if you enter a room and they're on the ceiling, they'll rotate their bodies toward you and bob up and down in preparation to launch!


    • #17
      I wouldn't call it a phobia, per se (I don't get panic attacks or anything like that) but I HATE spiders. And if one surprises me I will jump back and possibly yell "killitkillitkillit" (depending on who's around...). I joke but if I can get someone else to get it I will. But as long as I can see where they are and I'm not trapped in a small space (like a car) I'm OK.

      In my apartment in college we used to get these huge black spiders at the bottom of our steps (we were upstairs, and there is a small square landing just big enough for the door to open in at the bottom of the stairs). Luckily they never came upstairs. We started keeping a broom at the bottom of the stairs and would stand on the bottom step, open the door, and sweep them out as far as we could. I can kill small spiders, but these way....

      When I was little I used to get them in my room (small ones thank dog) and they would hang out on the ceiling. I would call daddy and he would suck them up with the dustbuster
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #18
        I hate spiders. Little ones I can handle without freaking out too much, I just drown them in huge amounts of fly spray or squash them if they are outside. Unless they are red backs, they get spray and squishing, nasty buggers they are. Big ones like huntsmen require other people to get rid of them with me hiding in another room. Or another state if possible.

        Once I found a huge huntsman in my bedroom at bed time. It was so big I had to take a photo to prove how big it was since I knew nobody would believe me otherwise. I ended up spraying it from a distance and when it was half dead and moving slower I used a broom (which I was holding with rubber gloves on) to sweep it into a bucket which I slammed the lid on and then threw the whole thing in the wheelie bin. And then threw the gloves in after it. Ugh, hate spiders. But not as much as snakes. They really creep me out


        • #19
          On the 4th of July, we went to our normal spot (in front of a local funeral home ) to watch fireworks, and were surrounded by June bugs. I don't mind bugs, but June bugs fly into your face, your hair, etc. My brother, cousin and I set up a game, using our flip flops, of batting them away. I think my brother won when he swatted one and it went down the back of my dad's shirt. He was not happy, I about fell down laughing.
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


          • #20
            I'm more or less the designated store exterminator. The supervisor on first shift is really afraid of spiders and if she sees one she'll get me to kill it.

            The only insects that bother me are the stinging ones. Never know when my body will suddenly decide to become allergic to bee venom.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #21
              June Bugs have got to be the stupidest beetles every to exist.

              They regularly land in pools and drown because they're too stupid not to.

              They regularly fly into anything and everything because they're too stupid not too.

              You can bat them back and forth with ping pong paddles because they're too stupid to fly away.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #22
                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                June Bugs have got to be the stupidest beetles every to exist.

                They regularly land in pools and drown because they're too stupid not to.

                They regularly fly into anything and everything because they're too stupid not too.

                You can bat them back and forth with ping pong paddles because they're too stupid to fly away.

                As a country/farm kid we didn't have many toys so we made do with what we could invent. We used to fly June Bugs. We would catch them and then tie a thread around one of their hind legs and then see how long they would fly. When the got tired they quit flying and we would tie the other end of the thread to the clothes line. While it sounds stupid it was fun for a little while.
                I used to have a fear of wasps but I got over that. I still have a fear of southeast asian folks that shoot at me, heck I also have a fear of southwest asian folks that shoot at me. Panamaians, Yugosalvs, Cubans, Granadians, Phillipinos and Hattians can also be added to that list. I guess the only contenients of folks that's not tried to harm me is Africans and Aussies.
                Bow down before me for I am ROOT

                Preserving precious bodily fluids sine 1952


                • #23
                  All Kinds of Icky!!!!!

                  OMG!! Reading all that gave me the serious shudders!!!

                  I HATE spiders, bees, wasps, and grasshoppers; and don't really care for other bugs, either.

                  Once I tried to kill a spider with a hammer (it was all I had for a weapon). The spider had a shell thingy on its back, and when I whacked it with the hammer, it sploded gooey innards all over my arm. My mom just laughed while I screamed and gagged and jumped around. I scrubbed my arm with hot soapy water and a scrub brush.

                  My dad and I were out driving on a rural road on a hot day (berry picking) and stopped for a drink of water. A yellowjacket/wasp kept flying around us and getting closer to me every time. It finally flew right at my face so I thwacked it with my cup, then stomped it into the dirt after it fell.

                  T and I were walking in the park one afternoon and a grasshopper jumped onto the front of my tank top, right above my boobs. I was screaming and freaking out, and he could hardly get me to hold still long enough so he could take it off me. People were staring - how embarassing.
                  It's like I'm wearing Eau de Moron and all of the idiots and assholes are attracted to me... -JuniorMintz

