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Rediculousness at K-Fart

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  • #16
    I know at my job we have to offer the customers the Rewards Card (point card), magazines, and service plans. Believe me: I don't enjoy asking anymore than you enjoy hearing it, but I have to. I've actually had customers say "I bet you don't get anyone for that (95% of the time in reference to the magazines)". The thing is, I usually do every shift! And, thus, I'm a good employee ^_^


    • #17
      One thing I always made sure to do when registering someone for a new Macy's card was to select the "no" option for credit protection, and the few times someone asked about it, I told them it was garbage that they didn't need.


      • #18
        I know what the OP is going through, somewhat. I don't work for the blue light company, but I work for its sister company.

        I'm actually a lead now, so I don't have to worry so much about the add on sales. But, I did work in commission sales for 3 years and add on sales were my life, pretty much.

        As far as where the pressure comes from... it's typically from above store management. I get emails for the district manager forwarded to me all the time, and I'm told to encourage the associates to get more credit apps. Some of those emails are downright nasty. What the managers are doing now is trying to lift some of the pressure that's on their backs off and onto someone else.
        When will the fantasy end? When will the heaven begin?


        • #19
          Yeah.. if y'all want to complain to anyone about stores aggressively pushing credit cards onto customers.. you need to complain to corporate. Bitching at the store manager will generally not do any good, because it is above them.

          I don't even care anymore. Kmart sucks ass. I am due for my annual employee evaluation soon, and since I've only processed maybe 5 credit apps in the year I've been with Kmart, they'll probably not give me my raise or find a reason to can me.

          What's really disgusting.. they raised minimum wage here in Michigan recently, to $7.10 an hour or something like that. I was informed by my HR manager that I was going to begin making $7.90 an hour. I've only been with Kmart a year.

          I was talking to one of my co-workers about this, and I mentioned it. She's been with Kmart for 6 years.. and she is only making like $7.45 an hour! Plus, they stiffed her on her annual raise last year.

          When she inquired as to why she didn't receive a wage increase, they told her it was because she wasn't a "team player" and because she constantly broke Kmarts dress code.. by wearing dark gray pants instead of black pants, and not always wearing black shoes. WTF!

          I work in the cash office and on the front end as well, and she is always good with her tills and pleasant with customers, so that just makes me angry that they screwed her over like that.. over something so damn petty as not wearing the right color shoes and pants! Kmart has bigger problems than associates wearing an off-color pair of pants, and like customers give a shit anyway.

          We all look like a load of slobs anyway, because we can't afford to spend very much money for nice work clothes on our meager Kmart earnings (if I'm going to spend a lot on clothes, I'm going to buy clothes to wear OFF the clock!) , and our nice white polos don't stay white very long after rubbing against dirty cash registers and dusty merchandise, and getting washed every day. I only have 1 pair of work pants, 1 work shirt and 1 pair of shoes.. and they're all falling apart. I guess I'm going to have to break down and spend $70 for a new work outfit. My opinion is.. if Kmart is so concerned about our appearance as to not give us raises over minor violations.. they should help buy our work uniforms!

          Sorry, I got so caught up in my ranting that I didn't realize I got kinda off-topic.
          Last edited by RammsteinGirl; 07-18-2007, 06:12 AM.
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