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Coffee and the Gauntlet

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  • Coffee and the Gauntlet

    Two things of note have happened this week.

    The first would be an *odd* co worker story.

    I work for a large project services company. Pretty good place, all told. However, they are ANAL about office safety. Which lead to the delightful incident report that everyone in our office (some 450 people) found in their inbox Monday moring. Apparently on Friday, the head of the Health and safety comittee turned a corner and almost bumped into another worker who was 'rapidly exiting the kitchen' resulting in 'nearly being impacted with a cup of hot coffee'. We are instructed to exercise due diligence and care while walking and *especially* walking with coffee.

    The other story is something that happened to me in Chapters last night. I walked in, and headed to the back of the store (where they keep the good books )
    On my way, I saw several people sitting on the ground in magazines/manga reading. Hmmm...
    As I got closer to the back, I had to dodge more of them, because they were in the large centre isle. I turned into a small side aisle and darn near tripped over two of em. There were probably about 20 college aged people sitting or lying on the floor reading magazines. WTF? Poor employees having to deal with all of them. Chapters is not a library people!

  • #2
    *gasp* Oh no! Coffee! The most delicious of all WMDs!
    Here's us with broken glass all over our stockroom floor for two days. Generally speaking, coffee isn't served hot enough to actually do much damage, unless some idiot's made it molten lava-temperature. It's only a health and safety hazard if someone spills it and doesn't clean it up.
    God made me a cannibal to fix problems like you. - Angelspit, '100%'

    I'm sorry, I'm not authorised to give a f**k.


    • #3
      Ours is pretty lukewarm too. The funniest part, however, is that today at the (mandatory) safety meeting someone brought it up. It was then suggested (seriously) that we could put mirrors on the exits to the kitchen so that people could check oncoming traffic.

      Aw heck, still a great company.

