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Losing it

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  • Losing it

    Ok, so any of you ever lose it on a customer? I know it's sooooooo wrong and unprofessional, but seriously, do you ever get that one guy who just pushes all the wrong buttons and is so rude and obnoxious that you just tell him to go f**k himself?

  • #2
    Yeah I have.

    It was in January of 2000, I was at the beginning of getting the flu. I was the cart guy. I was working nights, and ofcourse my eyes were red. I have not smoked anythingup until a month later, when I started to smoke ciggs. This one customer insisted that Walmart, must not do any drug testing. I told them, that they do. He then wanted to know why, my eyes were red. I told him, that I was sick. He still keep going on and on about it. I finally got down helping him with a carry out. HE mentioned it again. I told him to go F**k himself. I told him that I do not use any drugs. Hell, my nose was runny, that could have told him something
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      After a 10 hour shift, some asshole decided to throw their money at me, and hit me in the eye with a nickel. And looked at me like it was my fault. I told them to get the F*** out, and threw the nickel back at them. Not my proudest moment, but my manager understood, sent me on a 15 minute mission to attain lettuce from the nearest grocery store. At least got me out side into the fresh air. Wasn't written up or anything, just told to try to dodge the nickels next time.
      It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
      ~~~H.L. Mencken


      • #4
        wow, just once? My view on the matter is that once a person comes in, cops and attitude and/or starts trying to pick a fight and threatening me and stuff, he's no longer a customer. Yeah I work for the company, but it's not the military and no where in my job description does it say "Stand there and take abuse from people." oh, I'll try to be polite and diffuse the situation, but if someone is in there just looking for a fight, well, he can blow me, and I'll usually tell him that too.

        Especially drunk people and junkies. Junkies deserve no respect. Only death.


        • #5
          Back in the Chuck E. Cheese days a kid kicked me in the shin. repeatedly. over. and. over! So I...err...accidently hit him with my foot.


          • #6
            Once. But in my defence, I wasn't on shift, and I'd locked myself out of the house the night before, so I spent the night on the porch trying to sleep, and failing. So when the jackass started going off on one of my co-workers for something *he* did wrong, I tore a strip off him and he shut up pretty quick.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              There was a group of middle eastern "Brothers" who ran the Manhatten electronics district, or at least most of it. I had anAugust day when the thermometer hit over 101degrees. down south that's high but not overly so. In NYC that was the pedal to the metal.

              What happened next was after 6 hours of up and down two flights ofstairs, in an unair conditioned busy store, that frequented an ilk of people that notoriously did not believe in anti persperant. Mine failed after hour 3.

              MO - Moron owner
              Me- suave devil

              MO - Why you have no fix??? Father fix in hour.. why no father fix??
              Me - Cause he has children to do dirty work!
              MO - You make mess? Why dirty my store YOU NO GET PAY!!!

              (Typical response from the*** Brothers. I was taught that this is a middle eastern business tactic, and standard prceedure. No offense shouldbe taken)

              Me - I'm almost done fixing your alarm and it would have taken my father longer because he can't climb your stairs like I can!!!

              MO- You lie.. I no pay...

              (again..standard parctice.. If they refused payment, unjack the jacked up price $5 then ten, then down to the normal service charge.)

              Me - I have to get a check before I leave or I turn the alarm OFF!!

              MO - THEIF!!!

              (I was about to get mad and demand money for the insult, which usually deflated the situation. I was still mad about being called a theif in public!)

              *elevator opens*

              Me - whaaaa?

              (*Erand boy walks into elevator*)

              Me- Elevator is broken...

              EB - *ding* (*door closes*) whirrrrr

              Me - ???????

              MO - I no want you to use...

              Me - ??? !!! (*Hulk out*)

              (I went to the basement and pulled out a screwdriver I didn't like. I pushed it into the gears and hit the call button GRRRNNN KTCH KTCH CHINK CHUNK THOOOOOM

              Me - I'll send you that bill.. Elevator don't work again!!!


              • #8
                Last week.

                SC: (after a 30+ minute call) I never received notice that my homowner's insurance had lapsed. I changed insurance six months ago!

                Me: (sighing for the 20th time) Sir (my employer) never received any notice of that change. We sent you two letters stating there was an insurance lapse, then we forced placed insurance to protect our investment in the mortgage!

                SC: I never received anything!

                Me: That's not our fault, sir! We sent the letters, it's up to you to make sure we're notified of your your new insurance! We only received cancellation notices from your old insurance, nothing about new coverage.

                SC: So you forced placed insurance...for $20,000!?!?!? That's RIDUCULOUS!!!!

                Me: Forced placed insurance is *always* significantly more expensive than that on the open market.

                SC: What's this refund of $10,000?

                Me: We finally received notice last month of your own coverage, so the unused portion of the FP insurance was refunded to us.

                SC: So where is the refund? I haven't received it!

                Me: We're sending you the overage of $125.

                SC: What about the $10,000? That's my money!

                Me: (you have GOT TO BE KIDDING!!) No, sir, *we* paid for the FP insurance, the unused portion was refunded to *us* since WE paid for it....

                SC: I paid $10000 in the last few months! I'm owed that refund!!!

                Me: (audibly) Oh my God! You would have had to pay that first $10K back to us anyways!!! Sir, if you paid $20000 and were refunded $10000, would you want someone coming along and saying "That's MY $10,000?!?!"

                SC: It's MY money!

                Me: NO IT IS *NOT* YOUR MONEY!!!! IT IS *OUR* MONEY!!!

                (at this point a floor supv intervened and demanded I transfer to escalation)
                Last edited by Caveat Emptor; 08-05-2007, 02:20 PM.
                "I saw a flock of moosen! There were many of 'em. Many much moosen. Out in the woods- in the woodes- in the woodsen. The meese want the food. The food is to eatenesen."

