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I'm gonna get ripped a new one....

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  • I'm gonna get ripped a new one....

    For not volunteering any overtime......

    I'm so sick and tired of everyone at work being judged by how much over-achieving they do!

    I work my 40 hours a week. I rarely, if ever, call in. I accumulate my vacation time and only take nights off if I have the time and if no one else has taken off so that we won't be understaffed. I do my part, sometimes I feel that I do multiple people's jobs.....

    My supervisor is a wonderful caring man. I know he thinks highly of me, but he ONLY considers employees as "good employees" if they volunteer for overtime every weekend. But yet, if he were told he had to give up his weekends and family time, he'd probably freak out!

    I believe I've already covered my stand on overtime. If others want to volunteer, that's fine. But I don't want to. I already explained above that I do my part. It's not my fault if other shifts don't. I refuse to make it my problem.

    A # I didn't recognize called me today and I didn't answer. Both operators in my area called in for tonight and they want me to come in. Sorry. Not happening. I work way too hard during the week and I deserve my weekend. It's not my fault that other employees are unreliable and constantly call in. One of my coworkers volunteered to come in.

    I already have had to work ALONE in that area before. So has my coworker. God forbid anyone on the weekend shift has to be ALONE!

    I can't wait for Sunday. I'll probably get a talking to about not being a "Team player"

    Sorry, but my Team does their part. I'm not helping a team that doesn't put any effort forth. I'm not sacrificing days off when my help will just be used and not appreciated.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    seeing as you are calling it voluntary overtime. . . you may want to make sure that is the case. I have heard of jobs where they have the right to request you work more than 40 hours . . . of course anything over the 40 is paid at the rate of time and a half.
    I understand that you don't want your whole life to be spent at the office . . . and that you don't see it as your responsability to take up slack for other employees . . . but if you are the only one doing this and acting this way . . .you can come across as just as bad as those that call in. Meaning that you think it isn't up to you to help the company out whereas everyone else does help out.


    • #3
      I've gotten that before. When I got my day job, my job at Big Box started scheduling me for every shift I said I was available. I had no free time and working 50-60 hours a week was taking its toll on me physically and emotionally. Then they would call me on my rare days off to cover a shift and got "disappointed" when I said "no."

      I'm not screwing over the store, dontcherknow. I'm screwing over my fellow employees. No, the co-worker that no-showed or slacked off is screwing over my fellow employees. Why should I sacrifice my day off and/or work myself to death to cover his/her ass?

      They also were "disappointed" when I wouldn't join in the reindeer games, like company picnics, baseball games, movie nights, etc. I find ways to hang out with the co-workers I consider friends. Everyone else could die in a fire for all I care. I didn't go to the dances in high school and I'm not going to join in the boring office parties either. I can find much more enjoyable things to do with my time than stand around, compare clothing and talk about work.
      A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


      • #4
        Emrld, it is voluntary. We have mandatory overtime in certain areas of the factory where the work is piled up.

        Seeing as it's voluntary, I have every right to say no. But I will still get a lecture about not being "helpful".

        I feel I am in the right. As long as I am not being forced to, I won't. There is no reason I cannot have my weekends off. I do my time and I suffer enough during the week. I am not going to further stress myself out or lose a day off because management on other shifts refuses to get rid of problem employees and just let them keep not showing up or not doing their jobs.

        I've said it before and I'll say it again. If it was more along the lines of "Hey guys if you want extra hours, other shifts need some help!" then people would be much more willing to help. Telling us every night "Make sure you guys are volunteering for overtime and coming in on the weekends!" is not going to make me want to. No way.
        Last edited by blas; 08-10-2007, 09:02 PM.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Telling us every night "Make sure you guys are volunteering for overtime and coming in on the weekends!" is not going to make me want to
          If that is "encouraging volunteering," then falling off a roof is transportation. That sounds more like coercion to me.

          Meh, I guess you just have to pick your poison: volunteer for some overtime and thus have it expected of you every time, or not and be thought of as selfish and "not a team player"
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            At my last job I they would call me in all the time. I would usually have at least 40 hours on the schedule, but they would expect me to drop everything if they needed someone. They got pissed one time when they called me and I did not answer, I was at the frikkin movies!


            • #7
              Talk about a catch-22, spend time with family and be seen as not a "team player" or be a "team player" but miss out the only time you get with your family. I hope that you find a way out of this predicament.
              It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
              ~~~H.L. Mencken


              • #8
                We got the memo Friday that we all NEED volunteer to work at least 4 hours a week overtime to help out while we are going through a change over of computer systems.
                I am tired when I get done with my 40 hours and really don't want to step back in that place any faster then I have to.
                Since they have had so much bad feedback about the forced voluntary overtime that now if you call in sick or have to leave a little early you have to do double the hours that you missed. so if I call in today I have to work not only a day to make up for today but another one of my days off to make up for it.
                Maybe if we had a better Department manager we would not be losing employees to other departments like rats running from a sinking ship.


                • #9
                  We got the memo Friday that we all NEED volunteer to work at least 4 hours a week overtime to help out while we are going through a change over of computer systems
                  Again, coercion. Don't call it "volunteering" if it's mandatory. "Volunteering" to me means doing something on your own, without anybody asking or telling you to do it. Just say "we need you to work at least 4 overtime hours a week; you can choose the days to do it" or some such thing. My point being, is it really "volunteering" if you're forced to do it and you may end up fired if you don't?

                  Since they have had so much bad feedback about the forced voluntary overtime that now if you call in sick or have to leave a little early you have to do double the hours that you missed. so if I call in today I have to work not only a day to make up for today but another one of my days off to make up for it.
                  I say that's way too lenient. You should have to work triple the hours you missed if you come in late because you overslept. And quadruple the hours you missed if you have car trouble. DEATH TO THE HORSELESS CARRIAGE!

                  /very heavy sarcasm
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

