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And now my heart goes cold

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  • And now my heart goes cold

    Ok im not sure it this belongs here or in cursing out coworkers.

    Ok so when i was younger i was well... the same. I hit my growth spert early. I was still heavy. I was a tom boy and hung out with the bad kids.

    In 5th grade a girl desided i was her best friend, and when i didnt agree with this she made my life hell. She would grab me and try to drag me places, then scratch up my arms when i resisted. She would stalk me. I ended up in the principals office every other day because of this (because to get her to let go of me or to leave me alone i would hit her). Finally she was told if she didnt leave me alone she would be expelled. she changed schools then. Im going to call this girl Dee R

    Now there are few things out there who make my heart stop and my blood go cold. her very name is one of them.

    There is a girl on my team who i sat next to who made me feel panicky and i was happy when she left. Today i was getting my check (and freaking out about training) and this girl was getting hers.

    Bridge guy- Ok so whats your name
    Girl- Dee
    (heart racing because her real name is really unique)
    Bridge guy- ohhh kay Dee R?
    Girl- Yeah
    Me- color drains from my face and i causally walk away and get a a drink. Mentley running scream out the door and putting up a zombie baracade.

    I work with my nightmare.....

  • #2
    Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
    I work with my nightmare.....
    Well she's either mellowed with age, in which case you might just get an apology out of her, or she's still a total psycho, in which case you can now get her arrested for stalking, assault, and harassment if she tries that crap again.
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


    • #3
      Make sure you document everything!

      You might want to talk to someone (like a manager) about your past experiences with her and how you still feel the same way about her today. If they can't keep you on because of it, then hey, you'll be better off. I'm sure that they'll be able to accommodate you though, and put you as far away from her as possible. If not, then you're going to experience a lot of mental stress until you either learn that she's not as bad as she used to be or until you leave.
      Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
      Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
      The Office


      • #4
        i just learn the other day that while she is in the same area as me she isnt on the same team (my coach and hers share the same area) she works until about 4 or 5 in the morning and i work from 3-10 so i only see her about an hour or two when i work, I just try and pick where i dit and hope she doesnt reconize me (suddenly really happy i use a fake name at work because she ahs walked by more than once when i said my name for customers...)

