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How they got through school is anyone's guess

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  • #16
    Yeesh. Whenever I went job hunting, I had a KIT that travelled with me at all times. Even when I wasn't hunting at that moment, I kept it with me just in case an opportunity arose. The kit was a letter-sized leather zipping folder that contained:

    Blank lined paper on a letter-sized pad
    2 pens
    Self-printed 'business cards', with my name, address, phone number etc.
    At least 5 EXTRA copies of my resume, and a generic cover letter (I hated to use it, but in a bind it was better than nothing)
    Whatever resumes I needed for my appplications/interviews that day
    Customized Cover letters for said applications
    'Cheat Sheet' with all the info application forms tend to ask for
    Mapquest directions to my interviews
    'Cheat Sheet' with info on the places I'm applying to, so I have an idea what they do, and why I want to apply there.

    It's never failed me.
    Check out my webcomic!


    • #17
      I've never applied for a professional job, only retail, but whenever I ask for an application, I take it with me out of the store so I can spend time filling it out and getting everything perfect. Plus, this way I can make sure that I have the addresses I need to put on the application.

      Since I'm finishing up college this semester and will be looking for a professional job soon, I'm thinking that a nice leather binder or bag would be a good thing to invest in...

      Polenicus, I'm totally stealing your idea. That sounds so amazing. It's sure to impress potential employers.
      Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
      Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
      The Office


      • #18
        Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
        Sure, spell check is all well and good, but it's not perfect, either. If it's spelled correctly, but not the correct word, it'll occasionally let it slip through.

        Best bet, spell check. But also get family and/or friends to look it over, too.
        Word 2007 has Spell Checking with Context.


        • #19
          Quoth Bagga View Post
          If you are going to fill in an application form at the place that is hiring, take your own pen(s), at least one of which should be black, decent quality, and in working order.
          I actually write better (neater) with a blue pen. All black ink pens write globby.
          I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

          Oh, and your tool box got out again.


          • #20
            I'm with Polenicus--when I'm interviewing or even meeting with someone I already know about a job I'm interested in, I bring a black leather binder that has paper for note-taking, business cards, a few pens, and a few copies of my resume, just in case.

            And every time I apply for a different job, I revamp my resume, and usually have my parents proof-read (my dad's a business guy and my mom was an English major, so between them, they get EVERYTHING) to make sure it looks all pretty. As for spell-check, it's all good until you have a supervisor with the last name Byrd--spell-check turns it into Bird if you're not careful.
            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


            • #21
              Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
              Best bet, spell check. But also get family and/or friends to look it over, too.
              Marry hat hey lid tell lam.

              Step 1: run that through spell check.
              Step 2: get no errors.
              Step 3: Feel superior to computers
              Step 4: Profit?
              Last edited by Imogene; 08-23-2007, 04:19 AM. Reason: Got one error, as I noticed. Fix-ed now, however.
              "I call murder on that!"


              • #22
                Quoth sms001 View Post
                it was the lack of a pen that would bother me. Also wasn't too fond of the phone book borrowers - when I went to paper application type jobs I always took a cheat sheet with me with the work history, references, etc., on it.
                OH! I forgot about that one! When I worked at the mall (many many various stores) somebody would invariably come in, ask for an application, then use up all my counter space trying to fill it out- even when I told them they were welcome to take it home to fill out. Then they'd ask for a phone book to look up their past employers, and sometimes, references (one guy even asked me how I would spell some obscure name, as he couldn't find it in the phone book using his spelling skills)...... Meanwhile, I'd be trying to ring up customers with NO counterspace. I just wanted so badly to tell them- "you've already made a horrible impression, every other person on the planet would have to be employed in order for you to get a job here!" But I didn't............
                Last edited by Mighty Girl; 08-23-2007, 04:32 AM.


                • #23
                  Quoth powerboy View Post
                  So I am lazy for not doing a cover letter on every resume' that I have. I always keep them in the vehicle with me, just incase.

                  Every office I've ever worked in has simply tossed every resume that didn't have a cover letter. It shows very little effort was made, and they figure if you don't put in much effort to GET the job, you'll do even less if they hire you.


                  • #24
                    Even though this is more about applying than interviewing, a tip I was given for the interview segment is too good not to pass on at every opportunity. You could even incorporate it into your cover letter too....

                    Look up the company's Mission Statement. Find something that you strongly relate to and be sure to bring it up. 1)You're showing you and your personal philosophy will fit in. 2)You made extra effort to learn about the company, you care about working there.

                    It certainly worked for me. - And I need to think of a kickass present to get the person who told me that, among many other things, helping me get my current job. -


                    • #25
                      Quoth wagegoth View Post
                      Pink: Really annoying, difficult to read, still playing with My Little Pony, draws little flowers to dot letter i
                      I'll have you know I dot my i's with hearts, thankyewverymuch.
                      "I call murder on that!"


                      • #26
                        Quoth Shabo View Post

                        Since I'm finishing up college this semester and will be looking for a professional job soon, I'm thinking that a nice leather binder or bag would be a good thing to invest in...
                        Definitely! I would recommend a nice leather portfolio, one that zips all the way around, but will hold a pad of paper, 8 x 11 paper (resume) cards, pens etc. I have one I got as a gift (Coach) however, there are tons out there that are not as pricy....


                        • #27
                          I got a beautiful burgundy leather portfolio with my alma mater's seal on the front when I graduated college. I carry it to all my job interviews.

                          My favorite story regarding applications comes from an HR person from my mom's company that came to talk to my class. She was walking out to lunch one day when about 4 or 5 guys drove up to the curb blasting rap music from the car. They piled out wearing the latest in thug-wannbe chic and finding new creative ways to insert swear words into normal conversation. She went up to them and asked what they were doing on the premises. They responded that they were picking up job applications. She told them right then that they were wasting their time because she would not hire them.
                          A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran

