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Let the job hunting begin!

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  • Let the job hunting begin!

    Well, the store is now officially closed and my final semester at community college has arrived. This also marks the beginning of the ever "fun" activity of finding a new job. I've got a stack of about 15 applications and am honestly in no particular hurry to fill them out. I shouldn't but I want to enjoy this brief stint of being unemployed at least a tiny bit before getting really serious.

    The majority of yesterday afternoon was spent in getting said 15 apps. Most of the people I talked to were friendly and the store hours were really flexible for a lot of the places. There were only two places that are a definite no. The first being La-z-Boy since they work on commission and you absolutely have to work the weekends. The second being at a clothing store where I took one step inside and had barely asked about an app when I got the dreaded "up and down" glance by the employee and was then informed by her in a very snotty way "We're not hiring right now." I simply said thank you and have a nice day when I really wanted to say was, "I wasn't aware one had to be a size 0 and have cheaply dyed hair (the girl had her hair dyed that nasty shade of black that is obviously fake) to work here."

    Bleh, I do hope something will come up relatively soon that will be as fun as my previous job.

  • #2
    Just an FYI, in some states, it is illegal to refuse an application, regardless of if you are currently hiring or not. These businesses are suppossed to keep the applications on file for 6 months, and take them into consideration if/when they do have an open position.
    The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.

