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my day

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  • my day

    My day started out with me getting a call from work, at 7:18 AM, asking me to come in an hour early. OK, sure, why not?

    Just as I was passing the last possible exit on the freeway before I got to my exit for work, traffic stopped. As far as the eye could see, no movement going west. I called work, and told A that I was on my way, but that I was stuck in traffic. She then informed me that the exit ramp was closed, so I'd have to get off at the next exit and double back.. Greeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. I finally get to work at almost quarter after 9, when I am there between 10-15 minutes early. ::sigh::

    Then I am informed that we are almost out of gas. Yeah. We ran out of regular at 9:30 AM. Mid-grade was then priced down for the duration. The gas delivery finally showed up between 10:30 and 11.

    In addition to all that, I also had to at least start the cig/candy/supplies order (if I could manage it, finish it too. Didn't happen.), not to mention the chore list couldn't be ignored.

    Got roughly half the order done, stocked half the cooler, and did most of the time consuming stuff on the list before I left. Plus sunk 3-4 inches in the mud when I tried to move the hose that is watering the almost-but-not-quite lawn by the employee lot. Nothing like trying to look professional when your pants hem is muddy.

    I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

    Oh, and your tool box got out again.

  • #2
    Even after all that, I bet you've still had much worse days.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid

