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We'll contact you in 60 days

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  • We'll contact you in 60 days

    Today I called Sam's Club to ask about my job prospect considering that on Monday I had 2 interviews. I was put on hold twice & was finally told that "we'll contact you in 60 days. We're still going over applications. You can apply again after 60 days".
    Like I'm really gonna sit on my ass for 60 days doing nothing waiting for those idiots to call me. So at my temp job I made some inquiries & was able to extend my job till late December! Woo Hoo!
    I've been hearing rumours that there's a temp position that lasts for ONE YEAR! Might look into that.
    So I get to keep making $17.00 an hour!

  • #2
    60 days?! They're not in a hurry to fill positions, are they?

    Good luck with your other temp prospects
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Quoth Elvis View Post
      That's what it boils down to. I wish they would make it a law for companies to have the same sense of urgency as the applicants do when it comes to hiring.
      And how do you propose a company, or per your suggestion, the government measure 'urgency'? Should applicants with a higher 'urgency' be given a higher priority than those with a lower 'urgency' as you call it? Is 'urgency' determined on a applicant by applicant basis, or on a job by job basis? Should I be penalized for the fact that I stick it out and continue to work my crappy job while job hunting while others will just up and quit with no form of income to get a higher 'urgency' rating? Why should a company be forced to limit their candidate search and fill a position just because someone who may not be the best candidate wants the job? Better yet, why don't we just make companies hire the first person to apply for a job, that way no one will ever have to wait to hear back.
      The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


      • #4

        I am a manager and I don't feel I am casual about hiring people. I probably get 30 applications everytime I am looking to fill a position. Just because I don't bend over backwards and offer a job on a silver platter does not mean I am treating applicants badly. It is not my problem that they are looking for jobs. We all do at one point in our lives. I was looking for a job when I got this one and I certainly do not feel "smug" about the fact that I have a job and others don't. I feel thankful.

        It sounds like you resent managers who do have jobs. I don't think I would give an applicant much of my time if I could feel resentment emanating from them.


        • #5
          60 days?

          Let's see , that works out at about the 12th of November. Perfect for a Christmas worker who you will sack on New Year's Eve. (I am not kidding, my fiancee got sacked on the 30th December, years ago.)


          • #6
            With us, from time of interview to first day on the job, can normally take 4+ weeks. It's not that we don't want to hire the person quickly, we have a long involved process from HR that includes a background check, a physically, and a wiz quiz (Drug test). For the interview we assign a point value for every question on the interviews, and for the applicants we don't hire, we have to write dissertation on why we didn't hire each person we turned down after the interview, then all this is passed off to HR for them to reveiw. Once they approve it, then we can make a job offer.

            Once we extended an job offer to an applicate. If the applicate either fails the background check, or drug test the job offer is off the table, and we have to restart the fricking process again from the beginning. We can't go back to the recent interviewed group, because at that point they are considered "not hire able",but we can reinterview them for the 2nd go around.

            Our process includes posting internal for 2 weeks, then advertising in the media for another 2 weeks. At that point HR tries to determine if they have a "diverse" pool to interview from(which can take a week or 2) if not, then they run more adds for another couple weeks in "Target media" and THEN interviews can start.

            If we fail to do this, someone in the company bitches about how the hiring process was unfair, even though they hadn't planned on applying for the job to begin with.
            Just sliding down the razor blade of life.


            • #7
              Quoth drunkenwildmage View Post
              With us, from time of interview to first day on the job, can normally take 4+ weeks.
              <process cut>
              That is freaking unbelievable. How do you manage? I assume you're always having a few extras in the "trying to hire" process just to fill spots you expect will pop up down the road. I mean, you could try to find someone the day an employee gave a full 2 week notice and still not have the position filled a month after he leaves!


              • #8
                Anyone, management or not, who lives with the illusion of 'job security' is an idiot. ANYONE can be replaced.
                I have to agree with SubwayGirl that when I got this job- I was looking for a job and guess what? I REPLACED someone else who was fired.
                Should I lose this job tomorrow then I'll be looking again and someone will replace me. There were jobs BEFORE this one and it's quite likely there will be jobs AFTER this one. It's the circle of job life.

                Personally, I'm extremely busy with work. I have things that absolutely must be done and deadlines I have to meet. Even right now I am going back and forth between this and work related business on my computer. That's my urgency- keeping my own job.
                My work world does not revolve around applicants. Once I hire someone and they prove themselves an outstanding employee I will move Heaven and Earth for them but until then they're just one more person asking me for a job.

                Even at that, why do you just resent the managers? Why not everyone who is bringing home a paycheck right now? I mean, they are filling a position YOU could have if they weren't there...

                Honestly, the only person who's problem it is that you're employed or not is yours. You are not entitled to anything and the thought that you are in quite SC-ish.

                No one owes you, me, or anyone on this board anything.
                "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                ~TechSmith 314
                HellGate: London


                • #9
                  Quoth Elvis View Post
                  It's not that,'s just how it feels to the person who is jobhunting. The managers seem casual about it because their secure in their jobs. That was what I meant.
                  I'm a manager, and I have been with my company 20 years, but I do not feel secure in my job at all.

                  I could walk in tomorrow and find out I am being let go for any number of reasons. (After the recent bout of vandalism, they may feel I am not competent to handle the job because I am not keeping a close enough eye on things.)
                  The bottom could fall out of everything, and the store could end up going under.

                  You really presume a lot, you know, Elvis.
                  Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                  • #10
                    I agree with Ree. I think in today's job market no one can be 100% secure in their job.

                    I have never looked down on someone who did not have a job, because everyone has been there at some point in their life. I think when someone is job-hunting they need to stay positive. Keep filling out applications and resumes. Don't ever count on a job and stop hunting. Just keep going. Something will come out of it. Sometimes you get what you put in. If you are a negative person, you are going to get negative results. If you are a positive person, you are going to get positive results.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Elvis View Post
                      The managers seem casual about it because their secure in their jobs. That was what I meant.
                      You know, I'm a manager myself, and there just aren't enough hours in the day for me to cry about every person who didn't get a job every night. If you think I'm casual about it, you know what? You're right, I am. I don't owe anybody anything, period, and neither do our owners.

                      (At the same time, if you honestly think that managers are heartless monsters who get a kick out of firing people, you're wrong. DEAD wrong!)

                      Time for a reality check: *Everyone* here has experienced hard times, and you are NOT the only person on this earth who has had a door close in their face before. You are totally consumed by negativity, and it's a sickness, it really is. The chip on your shoulder has grown so large that it's bound to crush you, and it *will* if you don't do something about it and soon.

                      Please, for your own sake, seek help.
                      "This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy!"


                      • #12
                        Quoth Elvis View Post
                        It's no problem to them if you sit around for 60 days...THEY have jobs remember ?

                        That's what it boils down to. I wish they would make it a law for companies to have the same sense of urgency as the applicants do when it comes to hiring.

                        I'm SO sick of the casual way these hiring managers do things. Hello ! We need jobs !
                        Right up through here, I could agree with this. What is often heard from managers is that we need to hire people yesterday, and we're going to do it right now, honest. Oh, and you're in the lead of the pack right now, we like you, want to hire you. Only to hear nothing at all back for weeks on end.

                        It's very difficult not to believe them, which means you let the job hunt slow down. Which only hurts you more, and it's because you believed meaningless words.

                        Yes, managers, it does happen that something happens, I know that. But when you're hunting (as I'm sure all of you know), when you finally get what sounds like 1 step short of a job offer, it's hard to remember you don't have it. And that can produce bitterness when things happen that make the process get drawn out.

                        Quoth Elvis View Post
                        I feel your pain....just imagine these smug bastards being let go from THEIR jobs then they just MIGHT understand the job hunters sense of urgency. I don't know about you but I derive great satisfaction out of this particular daydream.
                        This, though, is where you went over the top. Here, I have to stop agreeing with you. I have only been happy about one firing, ever, and that's because it was either him or me. And, quite frankly, the him in question was enough of an idiot that he made IDrinkARum's hubby look like Albert Einstein. Having him as my boss, and knowing that one of us would have to be let go in the very near future in order for the company to continue to function smoothly, of course I was happy when it was him.

                        Everybody else, though, I do not take pleasure in the idea that they are on the job hunt again. It sucks to be there, and to be wondering where your next paycheck might be coming from. I don't wish that on anybody, including my ex-boss that I just mentioned.

                        Sorry, Elvis, but with that remark by you, my agreement has left the building.


                        • #13
                          When I quit Whiskeyclone I knew that I didn't have any right to be bitter. I spent half the summer looking for jobs just so I could get some extra spending cash and I had no luck. Zilch. Zero. Nil. None. Nada. I applied to some places, I was 98% close to getting hired for Starbucks and that's one of the hardest places to get a job at from what I've heard. I applied to a grocery store where I had a friend working there who I could use as a reference. Guess what? I DIDN'T GET THE JOB! Was I angry? For 5 seconds yes then I moved on. Want to know what I'm doing now? I'm focusing towards school and my life because right now a job isn't important to me.

                          We're not entitled to a single thing. And last time I checked me or anyone for that matter owes anyone shit. The manager at the Starbucks doesn't owe me shit, the same goes for every other store I applied to. It's frustrating but I'm a lot happier not worried about work right now.
                          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                            That is freaking unbelievable. How do you manage? I assume you're always having a few extras in the "trying to hire" process just to fill spots you expect will pop up down the road. I mean, you could try to find someone the day an employee gave a full 2 week notice and still not have the position filled a month after he leaves!

                            We are not permitted to keep people in the "trying to hire" process. Once we make a job offer, the remaining candidates are automatically disqualified. The resumes are put in file, and if we need to, we can reinterview them.

                            To hire anyone, even to replace someone who quit or moved to an other position in the company, we have get approval from HR, and often, they have to take it up upper management to get approval. We can't even start the process until it's approved. Often it takes over a month for the approval.

                            This goes for all jobs from the customer service entry level jobs all the way to the senior level jobs.
                            Just sliding down the razor blade of life.


                            • #15
                              Quoth drunkenwildmage View Post
                              Often it takes over a month for the approval.

                              This goes for all jobs from the customer service entry level jobs all the way to the senior level jobs.
                              This is also one way to make sure that there is always backup for every job. You cannot have some vital process or piece of information walk out the door, because there will always be at least 2 people who know how to do the job.
                              The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.

