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  • #16
    Quoth Elvis View Post
    It's no problem to them if you sit around for 60 days...THEY have jobs remember ?

    I'm SO sick of the casual way these hiring managers do things. Hello ! We need jobs !
    first and foremost, nobody is ever truly secure in their job. but that point has been made so i won't belabor it.

    as for hiring managers treating people casually? hardly. yes, we may take time in the selection process, but we have every right to do so. it costs my company around $3000-5000 to train someone for an entry level position. higher positions cost even more. so you can bet we're going to take our time and find someone who is the right fit for a particular position, someone from whom we can expect a return on our investment.
    My Space


    • #17
      Quoth drunkenwildmage View Post
      We are not permitted to keep people in the "trying to hire" process. Once we make a job offer, the remaining candidates are automatically disqualified. The resumes are put in file, and if we need to, we can reinterview them.
      GAH! OK, so do you at least have a few spare employees (yes, I know what that's going to sound like. Please take in the in spirit I intend, not what it sounds like) so that when people leave you're not out in the lurch?
      Last edited by Gurndigarn; 09-18-2007, 11:04 PM.


      • #18
        Quoth Banrion View Post
        This is also one way to make sure that there is always backup for every job. You cannot have some vital process or piece of information walk out the door, because there will always be at least 2 people who know how to do the job.

        In theory, we are working towards that process. Last year, I got promoted into a new Department, and they didn't have one procedure written down, or hardly any cross training. Our main focus for the year was to get cross training done, and procedure into place, so that if someone quits or "gets hit by the beer truck" then we can cover it fairly easily.
        In My old job, we had one person who called off sick once a week (Thank you FMLA ), but they were the only person who knew this job, and because it was a customer service job, if a customer called on they day they called off, they got put off until they returned or passed off to someone that didn't have a clue
        Just sliding down the razor blade of life.


        • #19
          Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
          GAH! OK, so do you at least have a few spare employees (yes, I know what that's going to sound like. Please take in the in spirit I intend, not what it sounds like) so that when people leave you're not out in the lurch?
          Depends on the Department.. Some do, some don't. In the main customer service area, they just move people around, and bump a couple of the part timers up to full time. (we have so many part timers, it's easy to do).

          When you get into other jobs, the jobs that don't have 2 or more people doing them, will have designated back ups.. but the back ups don't normally have much if any training other then to handle the basic job functions.
          Just sliding down the razor blade of life.

