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End of an Era

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  • End of an Era

    Long, language.

    For those of you who don't know, I have worked on and off in my grandparent's restaurant since I was 14 (I'm 26). I grew up in the place, my dad managed it for years, I've managed, my parents met there, I met my husband there, I've made some of my best friends working there. In short, because it's a family owned business, and we've all had our part in it at one time or another (some of us longer than others) and there is so much history for us in the place, so many relationships have been formed, the restaurant has always just felt like a part of me. It's been there since before I was born and it's just part of who I am, it is a second home, a Cheers of sorts (everybody knows everybody else) and I have always felt at home walking in the door- whether I was currently employed or not. I know the place like the back of my hand, and I pride myself on being really good at doing what I do there.

    I have some issues with my family. My dad left the restaurant when I was 12, to join the fire department full time. My grandfather (deceased) was a workaholic who was impossible to please and my grandmother is a snob who wanted to reap all the benefits of being a business proprietor (prestige, money, etc.) without ever actually having to work in the place. The times she is behind the counter, she is a bitch. Seriously, I have people recognize me from work and ask me who the bitchy old lady is that works there. I used to defend her; now I just tell them she's the owner, and yes she is a bitch. Anyway, they gave him hell when he quit, told him they never needed him in the first place, and that he would be seriously cut from their will. This pissed him off, understandably, because he had invested a huge amount of time into getting that business off the ground and running it well. I don't think he cared about the inheritance, but that his own PARENTS, instead of being happy for him for pursuing a dream, basically shit on him for it.

    At this point, they brought in my aunt to manage the restaurant. She is lazy, always late, always leaving early, doesn't want to be there but doesn't know how to do anything else, and basically lets the cooks who have been there 20+ years run the place. In other words, she's there briefly during the day, doesn't ever come up front, and depends on the cooks to tattle when things aren't going well. She also has a bad habit of leaving nasty notes for people, or sending messages through someone else instead of confronting someone face to face ( like a good manager) when she has a problem with them.

    After my stint in construction ended this spring, my intentions were to take a few months off work altogether and pursue MY dream; starting a business as a wedding consultant. After a few weeks of rest, I was bored and offered to my aunt that if she was short handed with people being on vacation or out sick, I would be happy to fill in a day or two here and there, just to give me something to do. I should have known better, because soon I was being scheduled five days a week, and had no time to focus on what I needed to be doing. But I enjoyed seeing old faces and making a little money vs. none, so I put up with it for a while. I really thought I could just work there and mind my own business and not get int the middle of all the crap that goes on constantly.

    One day I came in and there was a nasty note from my aunt and grandmother stating that we were to treat each other with respect and not tell each other things like "Shut up". This is coming from the same people who let the lunch cook yell and cuss at high school aged kids and occassionally make them cry. It turned out that the night manager, who I really like, had had some problem with one of the cooks and it was a big he-said she-said thing. Supposedly, the manager had told the cook to shut up, and like I said, the cooks run the place. They will defend the cooks at all cost, and treat a front person like they are expendible. The night manager saw this note upon arriving for her shift, and quit. My aunt didn't really want to lose her, because she is too lazy to hire someone else, so she tried to get the two of them to talk it out. But everytime the manager opened her mouth, she interupted her, which would make anybody mad because you can't give your side of the story. This eventually led to my aunt screaming and cussing at her "You f-ing b**ch", "g.d this", and "it's my restaurant, not yours!" So the manager quit, and since it was the end of my shift, I offered to drive her home.

    After seeing that display it reminded me of all the messed up stuff my family has done, and coupled with the fact that she was taking advantage of me and I wasn't getting any work done on my business, I decided to quit. Four other people also quit that night, walking right out when they heard what happened to the night manager (we liked her). I wanted to make a statement, but mindful of the fact that these people are my family and I still have to get through Thanksiving dinner with them, I decided to be tactful. I waited a day or two, and told her that I would finish the shifts that I was scheduled for, but could no longer work for her because I needed to focus on my business. I never mentioned the quitting.

    That same weekend I found out that they hired back my best friend (who I met working there) and my future brother in law, and were paying both of them- on their first day/ first day back in 7 years, what I had been making as a MANAGER. Also, all the kids who didn't quit got raises equalling that amount. I was royally pissed, because that was an insult as far as I was concerned, that I wasn't worth any more to them than these newcomers. But I just decided that it was further proof it was best for me to leave, and I never said anything because, you know, family, and I still wanted to be able to eat there and visit if I wanted to. So far, everyone has been civil and my aunt even invited me to gulf shores last weekend. I still come by and visit, come in the back to the office to talk and everything.

    My aunt has slowly been giving my friend more responsibility than he wanted, asking him to do things like close and count money- which he specifically said he did not want to do. But she asked him to do these things so she didn't have to come back to the restaurant at night to close up. He called me last night asking for her phone number, because he couldn't remember how to count down the registers. I was on my way there anyway, so I walked in, went to the office, and told him how to add up the cash on the adding machine. The registers have changed since I was a manager, and I couldn't read the reciepts that give the totals for the day. So I called my aunt from my cell, on her cell, and explained that I was in the office and (friend) was having trouble counting down the drawers and I could help him if she could tell me how to read the new tapes. She said that she couldn't hear me well, and would call back on the main line. So I'm waiting for the office phone to ring, when I notice the head cook answer the kitchen phone and looking in my direction. It was obviously my aunt on the line. I was waiting for her to call me to the phone, and wondering why she hadn't called in the office, when (friend) walked past the cook, who said something to him and hung up the phone.

    My friend comes back to the office and said he was just going to put all the money in bags until tomorrow. I asked him what else was said and he wouldn't tell me. Then the cook yells to me that my aunt had said that I was not to be in the office because I wasn't working there, and that only my friend should be inside. I was shocked. If she didn't want me in the office for whatever reason, I don't really understand because here I had made the attempt to HELP someone, because for the most part I knew what I was doing. But if she had issues with me being in the office, she should have TOLD ME, instead of hanging up, calling someone else, and telling them to tell me to get out. How chickenshit is that? To make matters worse, after I went to wait out front (waiting for my friend to get off work) my aunt called back and (friend) overheard her asking the cook to tell her what I was doing in the office. What did she think I was doing, stealing?! I was trying to help.

    Some of you may be thinking that it makes sense not to have a non-employee in the office, but I guarantee if it had been her daughter or son, who never even really worked there, she wouldn't have cared. I have had access to the office for years, and she never expressed any concern over my dealing with the money. In fact, she has always said she's glad when I'm there because she trusts me. For whatever reason she is acting like I am a disgruntled ex-employee who may be looking for a chance to cause trouble. After all the effort I went through to leave on good terms, being mindful that these people are still my family, and we haven't had any problems since I quit, I can't believe she would act this way.

    My friend and I talked it over last night, and I had a moment of crystal clarity. All these years, I knew I would never inherit the restaurant. Since my dad quit, my aunt is next in line, and her kids will follow, I suppose- if she doesn't run it into the ground before then. But we've all had our part in working there, and to me it always felt like the family business. Now I realize, my aunt doesn't see it that way. She sees it as HER business. Hers and hers alone. I was nothing but another employee to her, someone who made her life easier because I knew what I was doing and took pride in my job. Now that I'm of no benefit to her, she doesn't want me around to help or be any part of what goes on in the place.

    It was a moment of shock when I realized this, and I have to admit it hurts. The restaurant has been my Cheers for so long, part of my history and who I am. And now it's gone. Oh I can still eat there, but I'm no more special than anyone else. And I bet when my grandmother dies (who for all her faults has never asked me to pay for my food) my aunt will start requiring me to pay. Although they always give stuff away to my cousin's friends, boyfriends, and my aunt's boyfriend's ungrateful, bitch daughters.

    So yeah, that's it. This whole time I was laboring under the false assumption that it was the family place, in which I had my role and was always welcome. Now I know otherwise. After all the time I put in there, it really doesn't seem fair, though I never expected anymore than to just feel at home when I walked in the door. My goal now is to become so successfull as a wedding consultant that I can hire on my friend, causing him to quit the restaurant, and we'll start our own version of Cheers, this time without the drama.

    God blesss you if you read all this. I really need support right now. I'm going to be okay, but it hurts. I was up all night thinking about it. And I don't know how to relate to my aunt and grandmother at this point. I'm tempted to say screw them, and skip the holidays with them altogether, and just see my mom, dad, and sister. Thoughts? I really need some compassion right now. Feeling rejected by family hurts, and losing something that's been part of your identity since birth is hard.
    Last edited by jayel; 09-20-2007, 02:19 AM.
    I HATE stupid people!

  • #2
    I really don't know what to say about losing the resturant other than and hope you're okay with that eventually, but I DO know what to say about not seeing your aunt/grandmother.

    Only do that if you're prepared to not see them again ever. Because with personalities like that, if you miss one, you're probably not going to be welcome at the next. That's the way it was with my sucky aunts/uncles. We took a break from seeing them, as their drama and issues were too much, and now we haven't seen them in 7 years. I'm not saying it will definitely happen like that, but you have to be prepared for the possibility.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      My feelings on it would be that if I am to make the decision not to see them anymore, then yes, it would more or less be permanent. I just don't need fickle people like that in my life. Just being related by blood is not enough to require a permanent bond through life.

      Thanks for the kind thoughts.
      I HATE stupid people!


      • #4
        It's weird to read that stuff, because I came from a family where everyone I knew after I was old enough to stop thinking of Adults as some sort of god-creature (aka, not the donor of my Y chromosome) got along pretty much perfectly, and we're all easy-going types.

        This kind of drama is hard for me to grok, but I really feel for you. It absolutely sucks when someone you're close to turns out to have no concern for you beyond what you can do for them, and I can only imagine how much worse it must be for it to be family.
        And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


        • #5
          I'm really sorry that you have had to go through this. I can understand how much it must have hurt. I hope you feel better about it eventually. Just try to focus on the good memories, when it still really was a proper family restaurant.


          • #6
            Family businesses can be touchy. My family has never had its own business, but I've worked for a couple of small, family-owned businesses. The drama sucks, which is why I never stayed in those kind of work environments more than a few months. Even if you try to avoid their family dramas, they still try to drag you into the mess.

            What's funny is that I work for a large local c-store chain, but half of the staff working at our particular location are family of the store manager. Most of the time we have a pretty good chemistry, but there are some small issues between a couple of the others. I'm glad to say that I have no direct involvement in the drama. I'm just aware that those issues exist because everyone tells me their troubles when they need a sympathetic ear. The main thing is that I've found a way to work with it this time.

            Family..... I have a good relationship with my parents. I live about 10 hours away from where I grew up, so I only see them a couple of times a year. We talk on the phone fairly regularly, though. My sister and I have an okay relationship. We don't talk much because she doesn't put out the effort to keep in touch, and I get tired of being the one to do all of the calling, e-mailing, etc. Whenever she's ready to put forth some of the effort, then I will. Likewise, a few aunts, uncles, and cousins are also a little more distant. There are a couple of them who will keep in touch through e-mail, usually sending forwards back and forth. Otherwise, I have little contact with them except when I make the trip back to my hometown once or twice a year. Then, there are the ones who never bother because they are too wrapped up in their own lives. I gave up on them after being frustrated by no response to letters, phone calls, e-mails, etc. Finally, there are the two aunts and the cousins they brought into the world -- I have no desire to talk to them after the family drama they created when my grandmother died. That one's a long story, but it's just one of the family dramas they created over the years. The short version of the story is that I don't really have much contact with most of my family. Luckily, my in-laws have been a welcoming bunch for me. I'm not just an in-law to them. Even better, both of our families get along great. There's none of that his family vs. her family rivalry when our families get together for special occasions.
            The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

            Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


            • #7
              You write elequantly. Perhaps you ought to send your aunt a note on EXACTLY what she's lost.


              • #8
                Jayel, I'm sorry you had to go through that. It sounds like the poison of your grandmother has spread to your aunt. Unfortunately, it will affect your relationships with your family from now on.

                Me, I don't really have family any more, except for my husband and kids. I was kicked out of my parents' religion and I am no longer a part of the family. The only thing that helps is that I live over 4 hours away in another state, so I don't have to worry about bumping into them.

                We have our only holiday traditions that we've been working on. This year I hope to add a few more.

                With your SO and friends you can build the family you want and need.

                I wish you the best.
                Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                HR believes the first person in the door
                Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                Document everything
                CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                • #9
                  Thanks everyone for your sympathy (and compliments on my writing )

                  I have no interest in trying to explain my feelings to my family. They are so clueless (a therapist actually called my grandparents clueless when my dad was going to counseling with them) that I doubt they realize or care to admit they could have hurt me. They just don't like to admit they've done anything wrong- EVER. Fact is, they are selfish and always have been. I guess it's different when you're the one on the receiving end.

                  This is hard for me because I am not the type to hold a grudge. It takes too much effort. And it's hard to just ignore someone who lives locally. But I have already spoken with my parents about changing the way we do our holidays (They don't much care for grandmother/ aunt either) so maybe it'll drive the point home and I will lose contact over time.

                  Meanwhile, I am going to work on building my own legacy with my wedding consulting business. I am hosting a bridal show locally on November 3. Invitations went out to the vendors today. Keep rooting for me!
                  I HATE stupid people!


                  • #10
                    Very best of luck!

                    My sister has been doing wedding consulting (on top of owning a hair salon) for over a year now, and she really enjoys it, and the hair salon has been a good way to combine the consulting with doing hair for weddings, and a great networking tool.
                    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                    HR believes the first person in the door
                    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                    Document everything
                    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                    • #11
                      You misunderstand my intentions.

                      Writing letters to people who have hurt you is NOT for them. It's for YOU. From your writing, you do not seem the type that seeks confrontation. But it is CLEARLY eating at you. The impression that I got about your aunt is that she is a controlling stonewalling BITCH. I know the type. She hears only what she wants to hear, and goes on attack when someone DARES say anything they don't like. And there is no intensity or off switch.

                      The reason you write things like that down, is so you get it OUT. If you go over it in your head, again and again, feelings like what you've described here tend to get necrotic.

                      Put everything you can remember down on paper. Hold NOTHING back. You don't even have to give the damn thing to her... But once it's down on paper, you will be surprised at how much better you'll feel.

                      I know you vented on here, but I could tell it only scratched the surface. There are probably things you simply don't WANT on the Internet, also.s

                      Well... That's it for Doctor Al.

                      Good luck with the Bridal show. You have the right attitude! Knock em dead!


                      • #12
                        Quoth wagegoth View Post
                        Very best of luck!

                        My sister has been doing wedding consulting (on top of owning a hair salon) for over a year now, and she really enjoys it
                        Thank you! I thouroughly enjoyed planning my own wedding last year, and I can't wait to make a living at it.

                        Quoth Crazeyal View Post
                        You misunderstand my intentions.

                        Writing letters to people who have hurt you is NOT for them. It's for YOU.

                        The reason you write things like that down, is so you get it OUT. If you go over it in your head, again and again, feelings like what you've described here tend to get necrotic.

                        Good luck with the Bridal show. You have the right attitude! Knock em dead!
                        Thanks. Sorry about misunderstanding. You are right, sometimes writing a letter, even one you don't send, is a good stress release. Funny thing is, I thought about sending one because my aunt is the one who once told me that if you want to get someone's attention, you should send them a letter. She said even if they won't talk to you, most everyone is curious enough to read a letter. I am feeling much better now, and writing on here has helped- although yes, there was more I could have said.

                        I think in a way, I am no better than her, depending on the restaurant for identity, and letting that be my legacy. It's not, and it never was going to be. I knew that, yet I based so much of my life around working there. It's time to get out and build my own legacy, while still counting the blessings the restaurant provided- Wonderful friends, my parents meeting, me meeting my husband, a solid way to make a living, and meeting lots of people/ developing people skills.

                        I'm getting some really wonderful responses from the vendors I invited to sponsor booths in the bridal show, and that excites me. I am visiting my husband in LA right now (he is working, and it's my first trip to the city of Angels!) and he was with me when I recieved the first voice mail and e-mail accepting the invitations. I was grinning ear to ear. I think that I was never meant to ride on someone else's life's work, but was just unsure how to begin my own. I feel like I am on the verge of a very big life change, and it excites me.

                        I would like to thank everyone for their positive and supportive posts. It's funny how you can draw so much from the words of strangers. I don't post a whole lot here, but I will definitely be posting in the future about the show and my business as it begins. It's good for me, if nothing else!
                        I HATE stupid people!


                        • #13
                          I've found that writing things down, then burning them outside, letting the smoke rise, taking the feelings with them, is one of the best ways for me to let things go.
                          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                          HR believes the first person in the door
                          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                          Document everything
                          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

