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Wish me luck, yet again

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  • Wish me luck, yet again

    As of yesterday, grocery has a spot open. I also worked in grocery yesterday since (a) they're short handed due to someone being on vacation (b) my department is having a hard time giving everyone hours due to our remodel.

    I applied tonight for grocery, and emailed the dept managers to let them know. I also heard from other grocery guys that I did a really good job and they liked me a lot. A few weeks ago, the dept manager told me he had an opening coming up and strongly suggested I apply for it. We've lent them a few other people, but for the most part those people are royal f*ckups even in our own department. The only reason I managed to land hours there is I saw our scheduling guy writing the schedule, noticed he was writing in people for grocery, and asked him to give me hours there as well. It's pretty well known I've been wanting to switch departments, but with nearly 300 employees in the store, it's impossible to know what's going on.

    Monday they're supposed to pull applications. I have no idea if anybody else in the store has applied, but I do know they usually try to hire from within the store, followed by from within the company, finally hiring from outside as a last resort (which is how I got hired into my current position).

    It'll be easier for me to move up in the company in that department - in my current one, you basically need several years restaurant cook experience to move up at the least (I have pizza cook experience, that's it as far as cook experience).

    Wish me luck.

  • #2
    Good Luck!
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

