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Karma comes back to bite sucky manager

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  • Karma comes back to bite sucky manager

    5 years ago I worked for a despicable scum of the earth who Satan himself would fear.

    He treated us like crap is a nice word for it.

    Today I was manning the front desk at work because the receptionist had a family emergency and who walks in for an interview?

    And who was the interview with? The person that replaced me when I was promoted.

    He knew he was doomed.

  • #2

    So did you act sugary sweet to him, or cold as ice?


    • #3
      I keep thinking of the section on The Bone Flute in a very old movie about the brothers Grimm, when a murdered squire (then resurrected) who was made knight and his old knight (the scumbag who murdered him) was made the squire so he could learn how to be a true knight... I don't remember the exact phrasing, but it was along the lines of:

      "Don't worry, I'll be every bit as good a master to you as you ever were to me."
      Civilized men tend to be ruder than savages because they know they can be impolite without getting their skulls split, as a rule.
      - Robert E. Howard


      • #4
        That reminds me of an SC that used to come into our store all the time. She was HORRIBLE. I actually seethed inside every time she came in. She was a first class asshole. (Remind me sometime to tell you the stories) Anyway, it had been about a year since she had been in. She shows up with an application in hand. She had moved out of town and now was back looking for a job. Oh boy did I remember her! Of course, I have to be professional when I really wanted to tell her that there was no way that I was going to hire an asshole like her, because if she acted that way as a customer she would act worse as an employee. After a few weeks she came in just to let me know she got a job at this dive down the street (bad food and horrible customer service). I couldn't contain myself any longer when I smiled sweetly and said "Yep, that is a good place for you!"

