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Is it just me....

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  • Is it just me....

    ...or does talking on the cellphone while you're using the toilet seem wrong and gross? I've seen (well, heard) this a bunch of times at work when I'm cleaning and it just strikes me as something that should be on the list of Things That Are Not Done In Our Tribe.
    Civilized men tend to be ruder than savages because they know they can be impolite without getting their skulls split, as a rule.
    - Robert E. Howard

  • #2
    I totally agree that this should not be done. This is one of my personal pet peeves. I will walk out of a bathroom if someone is talking on their cellphone and walk across campus to use another. Last time I was already in the restroom and someone walked and and started yapping away on their cell - since i was kinda trapped (already doing what I came in there for) I threatened to flush their cell. I understand the need to talk on it - but damn - this is a college campus - go 15 foot outside or in the frickin hallway.
    You want it when? Yeah, Good luck with that!


    • #3
      Wrong, wrong, wrong.
      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
      HR believes the first person in the door
      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
      Document everything
      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


      • #4
        You guys are doing it wrong, when you hear someone on the cell in the bathroom, you need to make VERY LOUD and VERY RUDE noises (like heavy grunting with fart noises and such).


        • #5
          Quoth MadRocketScientist View Post
          You guys are doing it wrong, when you hear someone on the cell in the bathroom, you need to make VERY LOUD and VERY RUDE noises (like heavy grunting with fart noises and such).
          My personal favorite would have to be faking sex sounds.
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


          • #6
            Quoth DGoddess View Post
            My personal favorite would have to be faking sex sounds.
            So, you do fake it. *Ducks*


            • #7
              I think it's wrong to have any sort of conversation while on the toilet. It just doesn't seem right.
              "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

              When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


              • #8

                Good for a laugh and it relates to this thread.
                The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                • #9
                  My cube mates ar probably wondering what I was giggling and chortling about.

                  We have a person here that does that. We call her "The Business Caller."

                  I was in the next stall the first time I heard her sitting on the crapper talking on her cell. You know, if it were me and someone was sitting on the throne talking to me, I'd tell them to call me back!

                  A couple thoughts went through my head, in this order:

                  1. I have to wait till she hangs up to flush. These toilets sound like rockets launching.
                  2. No, fuck that. She is going to get the full bathroom experience here. She's talking on the phone while she's taking a dump!

                  My hand was poised over the flush knob when the "The Business Caller" beat me to the punch. Thought #3 was:

                  3. OH HOLY CRAP! She just flushed while she is still on the phone!


                  • #10
                    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post

                    3. OH HOLY CRAP! She just flushed while she is still on the phone!
                    LMAO New monitor please!

                    Unfortunately, my MOTHER is one of these people! My parents have cordless phones (which they're forever misplacing but that's another story) and I've been on the phone to her when she's taken into the bathroom with her. Thanks mum, scar me for life!
                    Idiot-proofing myself since 1997


                    • #11
                      Quoth DGoddess View Post
                      My personal favorite would have to be faking sex sounds.

                      I remember on a field trip in High School when we got to the hotel one of the guys in my room called collect (dating myself here a little) to his girlfriend. The whole time he tried to talk, a guy was bouncing up on down on the bed screaming. "SOCK IT TOO ME! YES! YEEEESSSSSS! DO ME HARDER! YEEEEEEESSSSSS!" in a high pitched voice. Needless to say everyone in the room was laughing their asses off while the guy stuck on the phone tried to explain what was going on while reaching for the guy and kick his a$$.

                      *sniff* Good times. *sniff*
                      I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


                      • #12
                        A couple friends of mine, D and G, did that to another friend, P,when we were all staying over at D & G's house. P was known for making out of line comments. He was also known to be really repressed and to embarass easily.

                        He made a comment at breakfast that "It sounded like D & G had a good time last night."

                        First off, it's not anybody's business. Secondly, no they didn't because G TOLD me later than they didn't and thirdly, even if they had, IT'S NOBODY'S BUSINESS.

                        So the following night, after they went to bed, they put on a little show. D, a big man, started SLAMMING the bed violently against the wall. I mean, the house was shaking. G sat in a chair, moaning and carrying on. This went on for some time, with P in the next room trying to sleep.

                        P heard all this through the wall. Hell, the neighbors the next block over probably heard it. He was EMBARASSED. He never said another word.


                        • #13
                          Quoth marlovino View Post
                          I remember on a field trip in High School when we got to the hotel one of the guys in my room called collect (dating myself here a little) to his girlfriend. The whole time he tried to talk, a guy was bouncing up on down on the bed screaming. "SOCK IT TOO ME! YES! YEEEESSSSSS! DO ME HARDER! YEEEEEEESSSSSS!" in a high pitched voice. Needless to say everyone in the room was laughing their asses off while the guy stuck on the phone tried to explain what was going on while reaching for the guy and kick his a$$.
                          When certain female friends of mine talk on their cell phones, and I know it's a personal call, not business, I've been known to do the "Honey, come back to bed! That can wait!" thing, and of course get punched in the shoulder for my troubles, but I'm usually laughing to hard to mind.
                          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                          • #14
                            When I worked at lowes, we had to carry these wireless phones around all the time (depending on your position.) I can't tell you how many times the phone would ring when I was in the can. Most times I'd just pawn the call off on someone else and let them figure out where I was. However, I remember hearing about one call from a ZM . Supposedly this customer called while the guy was on the toilet. Customer's complaining and yelling at the manager, and says those fateful words.

                            "So, what do you think about that?"

                            To which the ZM said:

                            "Well..." and about then he ripped off one that echo'd in the room.

                            The customer must have heard it because that ZM had to explain that he'd meant to help the customer with their problem, but he kinda had been caught at a bad time.
                            Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

