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I am so PISSED OFF!!!

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  • I am so PISSED OFF!!!

    Our AM (or Ass Mngr as I like to call the ass) called me into the office and told me about a customer complaint about me. He told me they said I was rude. Of course, being the jerkwad that he is, he believed them. I am never rude to customers. With some that I know well, I trade smart-alecky remarks, but I am not rude, dammit!

    When these SCs came thru my till, one of the items they had was a tetra pack of soy milk, and after I'd bagged it, they asked for a raincheck for another flavour of the same brand. I pulled the tetra pack back out so I could use it to get the brand, size and sale price (press 'no sale' and scan the item).

    Right away the woman said in a condescending voice, "That's NOT the flavour we want the raincheck for. I TOLD you we want vanilla light."

    I politely explained to her what I was doing and why.

    Then she told me that all I needed to put on the raincheck was 'vanilla light soymilk'.

    I told her that if I didn't put the proper details the raincheck wouldn't be valid, and that I'd get in trouble for doing it the way she wanted.

    I told Ass Mngr what really happened, and get this - he told me, and I quote, "In our business, the customer is always right. If they complained to Corporate, who do you think Corporate would believe, you or them?"

    Yes, yes, boys and girls, this idiot is the reason an SC can get away with just about anything. That braindead, corporate-ass-kissing, pathetic excuse for a human being seriously needs to be Grrr, grrr, and grrr again. I REALLY hope karma teaches him a lesson for the way he treats us poor employees.
    It's like I'm wearing Eau de Moron and all of the idiots and assholes are attracted to me... -JuniorMintz

  • #2
    Quoth Zinjadu View Post
    I told Ass Mngr what really happened, and get this - he told me, and I quote, "In our business, the customer is always right. If they complained to Corporate, who do you think Corporate would believe, you or them?"
    "Well, sir, I would like to think that this company would actually believe one of its trusted employees over a woman who hasn't got the manners of a rusted lamp post. I would hate to think that the company that has employed me for all this time would distrust me to tell the truth and take the word of a complete stranger over one of its valued employees.

    Or is all that talk about us being trusted, valued, important members of a team just a load of lip service?"
    Last edited by Jester; 10-03-2007, 05:36 AM.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      and you would be surprised sir. the kids abuse our customer review cards, and basicly demand things we cant give them. off course management tries to cater to them but the frelling meat-puppets are so spoiled that it just encourages them to demand more. the customer is always right -WITHIN REASON. that, unfortunately, is the thing no one understands.


      • #4
        Oh My God. I would be mega pissed off too. Is is time to start looking for another job? I cannot believe that someone who works with customers can honestly believe that the customer is always right!
        No longer a flight atttendant!


        • #5
          What are you talking about "someone who works with customers"? HE'S A MANAGER!! He doesn't have to actually go near a customer.


          • #6
            Wait...if you did it the way the customer told you to, it wouldn't have worked, right? And then when she came back to use her rain check, and was told that it wasn't valid, she'd get pissed. At you. And you'd get in trouble.

            That sucks.
            "I am the me I choose to be"
            -Sydney Poitier
            I (love) "The Office"
            "This month we're having a special on cardstock."
            -Jim Halpert


            • #7
              That was one of the few things I ever liked about working for Shit Weasel. He didn't take any crap from customers. There was one time, which I have mentioned in here before, when some overly important twentysomething douchebag sent back not one, not two, but THREE different top shelf drinks because they "didn't taste right"...this all while I had a full bar and was busy making drinks for others. When Douchebag tried sending back the third, Shit Weasel, having watched everything up to that point, walked up to him and told him to get the hell out of the bar, as we were not a "tasting" bar, and that he (Shit Weasel) had watched me make all three drinks and had seen that I had made them all perfectly, so that Douchebag had nothing to compain about. So Shit Weasel gave Douchebag a plastic cup for his third drink (you can walk around with drinks down here), told him he wasn't getting his money back and that he needed to leave the bar and not come back.

              Even idiot managers occasionally do SOMETHING good!

              And that really is what your management should have done....told the idiot customer that "the customer is always right" only when they are being reasonable and not asking the staff to do something against policy or something they can't do.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                I told Ass Mngr what really happened, and get this - he told me, and I quote, "In our business, the customer is always right. If they complained to Corporate, who do you think Corporate would believe, you or them?"
                Well, he does have a point: Corporate would no doubt believe the SC and grovel and shovel out a load of freebies to them to try and win back their business.

                "Well, sir, I would like to think that this company would actually believe one of its trusted employees over a woman who hasn't got the manners of a rusted lamp post. I would hate to think that the company that has employed me for all this time would distrust me to tell the truth and take the word of a complete stranger over one of its valued employees.

                Or is all that talk about us being trusted, valued, important members of a team just a load of lip service?"
                I've always said there's a reason why in every memo and written communication from corporate, "Customer" always has a capital C and "employee" or "teammate" has a lower-case E or T.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

