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Working with family and friends

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  • #16
    Bakery along the road from us had a rule that family members could be employed, but never work at the same location at the same time. Supposed to be an anti-fraud measure.



    • #17
      We're about to get a pair of sisters... well we've already got one of them, the other starts next week.


      • #18
        My dept. manager is my aunt, Lioness is a bit of a sister in law (don't make me try to explain it, PLEASE!) and we sometimes have my cousin work in the bakery, she's usually a cashier.

        The one bad thing about it is since my aunt changed my nappy, she still sees me as a baby and I have to sneak behind her back to learn more about my work...
        Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

        "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


        • #19
          It's been pretty fun working with family and friends. When I worked at the same place as my little brother last summer (my third job), we got along great and he often stood up for me in front of SCs. He's a lot more ballsy than I. I won't post my favorite example, though, because y'all would probably think he's an asshole with a bad attitude. Which is mostly true. When that job didn't work out, he got his current job at the pizza place I used to work at. My former boss was eager to, in his words, "snatch him up." Stupid parents instilling insane work ethic.

          My best friend and I now work at the same place, and we love it, also. She helped get me the job and I really don't see anything wrong with working with family and friends. But a lot of people take advantage of the situation. My friends and I never did. I've made some of my best friends through work and we still keep in touch.
          "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


          • #20
            I work for a family-owned store, so they don't have a huge issue with hiring family.

            The problem with being from a large family in a small town is that it's hard to find people you aren't related to.

            *Following names are not real, but provided to eliminate confusion.

            I work with my SIL, Violet.
            At one time, my nephew, Joe also worked there.
            A while later, I had a cousin, Gary who was hired, and his brother, Craig also got hired after that.
            (Nephew and cousins no longer work there.)
            My brother, Ken was hired on at our other store. (Husband of SIL that I work with.)
            His son, Charlie was hired after that. (They don't work there now.)
            My cousin's wife, Kendra was hired there, and she still works with me.
            Kendra's son, Peter, was hired on at that store, and worked at the new store briefly, but is gone now.

            Currently, one of my cousins, Darlene works at the store.
            Her BIL, Bobby, works there as well. Bobby's sister, Adrianna is Darlene's supervisor.
            Kendra is Darlene's aunt, by marriage.

            The HR person, who does the hiring, is married to another of my cousins. (Nobody knew we were related when he was hired on, and he had no idea I worked for the company. In fact, he barely even knew me, as I was much younger than my cousin, and was just a little kid when they got married.)

            Family members who work together but aren't related to me:
            We have a husband and wife who work there in different departments.
            2 brothers who work together in the same department.
            A father and daughter in different departments. (Daughter is now gone away to school. We did have another father/daughter, but he is on sick leave, and she's gone to school as well.)
            Mother and daughter in the same department.
            Brother and sister in different departments. (We had another brother/sister, but they have gone away to school.)
            At one time, we had a mother and 2 sons, but they all moved on.

            They have hired family members of former employees and in some cases, they end up being just as good, but in most cases, they aren't nearly as good as the original employee.

            In every case of family employees, though, everyone has seemed to get along, except for the brothers that currently work there.
            The only problem that I see with the family employees would be staffing issues if there is a death in the family.

            *EDITED to add:
            I forgot to mention that, years ago, I worked with my little sister.
            We are very close, and we always got along really well.

            People couldn't believe we were sisters, because we got along so well. (I was only in my early 20's, and she was about 16 or 17.)

            Anyway, one day, we were joking around, being silly, and poking fun at each other as we were working.

            We had this dim-witted customer, who was a regular, and she asked us, "Are youse two sisters?"
            We said, "Yep."
            Then she said, "Oh, you'd never know it."

            Ummm...then why did you ask if we were sisters?
            (The truth is, although we don't look identical, there is a really strong family resemblance, and customers from her store come in to mine quite often, asking if we work both places.)
            Last edited by Ree; 10-13-2007, 02:13 PM.
            Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

