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You filled out that leave of absence wrong-You're FIRED!

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  • #31
    Quoth Gaudemeus View Post
    I know Stormin Norman! Well, I've heard stories about him, anyway. My family knows him personally as my dad used to manage a Wal-Mart. Holee Crap the things I could tell you about him.
    Well, tell, tell!!


    • #32
      Quoth sld72382 View Post
      FWIW if said person lives in a "work at will" state that can fire her for any reason, even if it's a sucky reason like that. And she can't sue for wrongful termination because the store can make up something like, "we caught her stealing."
      That's when you say. "Prove it" or, "If I stole, why didn;t you press charges?".


      • #33
        Quoth Tria View Post
        "If I stole, why didn;t you press charges?".
        "Because...because...hey, aren't you fired?!?!!?"
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #34
          I forwarded some of these Wal-Mart horror stories on to a few friends. One of them forwarded them on to another who had a fit and wrote back:

          "Ummm... BULLS[**]T!!! Wal-Mart isn't the greatest place in the world to work, but it is nowhere near this bad. Fist [sic] off, I worked at Wal-Mart for 7 years. I had [....]"

          I replied to my friend that just because someone had a great experience at the location where she worked doesn't mean that all Wal-Marts are great places to work. I've found very different experiences when I've transferred from one restaurant to another in the same company. And recently I've seen a night-and-day difference with the change in just one manager where I currently work.

          Now, as to my opinion of Wal-Mart ... I believe that this and other employers get away with this sh*t because employees allow them to. An idiot manager where I used to work continued to treat employes like crap until she was finally fired less than a year after she'd started. People quit. Many times I just wanted to walk out, but I couldn't afford to. Others transferred away - I eventually did. But if we'd actually complained more, she (probably) would have been fired sooner and I might still be there.

          The last restaurant where I worked used tip-wage employees to clean the kitchen at night - a labor no-no. Just one call to the state or federal Labor Dept. could have put an end to that. But I didn't call or write - I just found a better job elsewhere.

          And as for those brave enough to complain ... Anyone can be fired for any excuse if an employer wants to get rid of you. I saw a waitress get fired for delivering a glass of lemonade to a customer before ringing it in on the computer. "Ring it before you bring it" is a company policy, but any of my co-workers (myself included) who wasn't on the managers' sh*t list could have brought drinks to customers before ringing them in all day long without even getting a verbal warning.

          A co-worker told me that he'd also applied at The Home Depot, but that he was told in an interview that new-hires cannot request any days off during their first year of employment. (A company-wide policy? Probably not, or I would have read about it here already.) He knew right there and then that it was not the place for him to work. But I'm sure that others have been told that and said "Um, okay."

          So why will (many) Wal-Marts and other employers continue to treat emplyees like this? Because they know that there's someone else out there who (for one reason or another) will take it.
          Last edited by Palsgraf; 10-28-2007, 08:33 PM.


          • #35
            Quoth repsac View Post
            Without digging through this again to find who said it, I hate to be honest but in a Right to work (or will to work) state; an employer only has to show minimal cause for the reason they terminate an employee. It could be anything really, from wearing your hair the wrong way, sneezing at the wrong time, or even something that happens outside of work.
            From what I understand, in a right to work state, employers don't have to provide ANY cause.
            They can terminate your employment at anytime, without providing a reason. Which is great for those of us who live in those states.

            My SO is a Walmart employee, right now he's going through his own little hell battle with his immediate manager. I can't go into details, as it's not my business to share, but...yeah, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

            Walmarts are always hiring because turnover is high. Now, I do recognize some of the same faces year in and year out at my walmart, but that's a small minority in the hundreds of employees there.

            And yet we still shop at Walmart.

            I can pretend to be noble and say I won't shop at Circuit City because of that shit they pulled last year, but...hell, I didn't shop there in the first place. Not shopping at Walmart would actually take effort. But hell, it's not like they are always cheaper anyway, and I don't NEED cheap plastic stuff from China. (My kids think they do)
            you are = you're. not "your".


            • #36
              Quoth simplyanother View Post

              I can pretend to be noble and say I won't shop at Circuit City because of that shit they pulled last year, but...hell, I didn't shop there in the first place.

              Please continue. I hope they burn.


              • #37
                Quoth Geek King View Post
                I am.

                It seems like Wal-Mart has either great managers, or terrible ones. I've talked to people from the local Wally World, and they love the place (the place, not the customers. They all say the customers suck...). Then we get stories like this, or some others on this site.

                Still, this a fairly low bit of management.
                well put

                on a forum like this we barely scratch the surface of details, either there are facts missing or your friend can simply call the district manager and get it overturned and get that manager an extra ass hole or even fired. even the store manager could do it, assuming it was an assistant or co that committed the asshattery, a call to the district manager should be able to fix it unless the DM is also an asshat, but I doubt that there are many people that high up who wouldn't fix it, especially after mention of a lawsuit.

                how long has this assistant been with the company? were they an external hire straight out of college?

                EDIT:after reading the rest of the thread most of these horror stories are big time violations of company policy, if you have an asshat go over their head
                Last edited by AKWalMartCartGuy; 10-28-2007, 08:43 AM.

