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doing the application/interview thing

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  • doing the application/interview thing

    just stopping by to say that positive thoughts regarding my job search would be much appreciated right now......things haven't been good financially since I was let go from Macy's, and while my supervisor at the library has been great about giving me the max number of hours that part-timers are allowed, I'm still having to have my mom help me out financially. That being said, I've got some applications to turn in tomorrow, and I've been browsing job-seeking websites for resume and interview tips, so I'm hoping something will come up soon. (by the way, if anyone has tips on how to handle the subject of getting kicked out of Macy's in an interview, that would be much appreciated)

  • #2
    If I remember correctly, didn't Macy's let you go because they wanted everyone to be full time and have open availablity? If thats the case, and the interviewer asks, just explain it like that, that Macy's changed their time/availablity requirements and if you didn't meet them, you were let go.


    • #3
      Whatever you do, don't be negative about Macy's in the interview. Keep it as matter of fact and to the point as possible. Even throw in something like you were sorry that it didn't work out with them, because they were (insert something positive about the company here).

      Good luck with your hunt, I just received an offer after about 2 months of serious searching.


      • #4
        When I was told I got my new job, they asked me why I wanted to leave. I was just about to give a nice, kind, answer and they just told me to be truthful, so I was


        • #5
          have you tried costco? Wal Mart would be very much improved if they just adopted costco's refusal to accept bad workers and passed on the savings to those of us who actually do the work, but then there would be results that i'll not put into this so I don't threadjack this thread. after all wal mart was made by taking successful strategies from existing companies and combining them, why stop now?

          that is assuming you're still looking retail
          Last edited by AKWalMartCartGuy; 10-26-2007, 11:28 AM.


          • #6
            I am still looking in retail, and I've thought about Costco as there is one near my apartment. The only thing with that is that it would have to be full-time, because I'm not doing the thing again with two part-time jobs and one being a computer-generate schedule.


            • #7
              I can definitely understand that as bad as the WM computers managed to fuck up my schedule the week that there was no assistant manager assigned(mine was on vacation and the guy who was covering for her had an emergency) to go through and fix it. there was a whole department that literally everyone(in a department with nearly 10 associates) had to have it red lined, and since most places don't give part timers benefits that would be a biggy too. Costco can pay better because they have the balls to get rid of the employees who don't do their jobs and their reputation is also pretty good. makes me wish I had a local costco to pick up as a full time job and make WM a second job


              • #8
                well, I have an interview with Juicy Couture tomorrow - it's for a seasonal sales position, but that's okay because at the moment I'm just looking for more income, and to get more experience in retail.


                • #9
                  Good luck with the interview. Sending positive thoughts your way.

                  The best things I've worked out for resumes/apps and interviews are the following. Always try to work things out before hand, so you know what you need/want to bring up, and are prepared to answer potentially difficult questions. Try to make things as PC as possible, but don't be afraid to be a little bit honest--don't slam a former employer, but don't make yourself look like the bad guy. And advice I received from a coworker of my dad's/potential boss before an interview the other day: "Don't ever sell yourself short, and make sure you talk yourself up in an interview. You may know that you're great, but they won't unless you tell them. And if they don't bring up something you wanted to mention, feel free to do it yourself in the 'Questions' portion of the interview."
                  "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                  “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                  • #10
                    I think the interview went well.......the guy who interviewed me seemed really nice & low-key.....told me they'd gotten 150 applications via the entry, hired 20 people so far, and had 15 more interviews to be doing. So by Monday, I should know whether or not I got the job. So I'm thinking I've got a decent chance here, only thing that might be a problem is availability, hopefully the store will be willing/able to work with my other job schedule & that I have to take the bus.


                    • #11
                      I put in at the local arena around here. It is for security & since I have a friend working it, I should at least get an interview. I have heard that Tele-tech is going to be hiring again, and I am going to be applying then. Yes, I have heard bad things, but I need the money
                      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                      • #12
                        *a slight update of sorts*

                        As of this writing, I've not heard anything from Juicy Coutere, so while I'm trying to stay positive, and the manager who'd interviewed me did say I should know by Monday if I got the job or no, methinks I won't be getting a job offer. Which is disappinting, but it's kind of what I've come to expect from interviews's almost gotten to where I don't take stores seriously when I get called to come in for an interview, and I know I shouldn't be feeling that way. (not that I'm trying to come off sounding all negative, but I'm paranoid that I'm going to be stuck working at the library for the rest of my life)

