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Stupid policies at work

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  • Stupid policies at work

    I just ran into my favorite stupid policy... I'm right now on hold waiting for a account representative at priority club... why you may ask am I on hold. Quite simple, the guest on the line is a platinum member and we can not do a cold transfer on a platinum member, we must tell the account representative everything we know before we transfer the guest... ugh, what a waste of time.
    What stupid policies do y'all hate dealing with.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    My store is a very small one compared to the other ones within the chain, and yet corporate doesn't treat us like a small store. So we're supposed to deal with all of this stuff that's completely unfeasible (such as having each department manager take an hour to patrol the store to make sure it's clean, have our floral designer make an ungodly amount of arrangements...) for a store of our size. they also hold us to the same standards fiscally--so if we don't make as much as other stores we get yelled at, even if the other stores as much much bigger and more busy.

    Little technical policies I hate are that we're not allowed to do exchanges (have to do two different transactions), we're allowed to take competitor coupons (this is AWFUL for when JoAnn's puts out those awful one-page spreads full of literally 15 coupons), and we have to enter a zip code for every transaction (it used to just be a survey to see where our customers were located, but now it's permanent. And no one knows why. And it pisses off the customers...).


    • #3
      No "non work related" items on our desks. No newspapers, magazines, puzzles, etc. We're a call center. No member of the public sees us directly. Even when it gets dead slow, we can't read the paper, and it's also the case that they are beginning to frown on a lot of non-work Internet use. I mean, I only go to CNN and sites no one could consider offensive - I'm not stupid. So it can get quite downright DULL and DRAWN OUT when we only get a call every 5 minutes.
      "I saw a flock of moosen! There were many of 'em. Many much moosen. Out in the woods- in the woodes- in the woodsen. The meese want the food. The food is to eatenesen."


      • #4
        Quoth Caveat Emptor View Post
        No "non work related" items on our desks. ... So it can get quite downright DULL and DRAWN OUT when we only get a call every 5 minutes.
        I'm sure it can get boring. Some days I'd LOVE boring. We have an outbound dialer. Blast that thing.

        My group isn't allowed to wear jeans (like 75% of the rest of the company) because we are under the umbrella of "claims" where the adjusters go out and deal with the customers face-to-face. We never see a customer. Ever. But yet since we're under their umbrella, all of my building has to do biz casual.

        Bah. I can't wait to get out of my department and go somewhere like HR.


        • #5
          Are you kidding me??

          When I was on a carrier in the gulf, about a year ago, we were informed that we could no longer put messages on the ordinance of the planes. The airdales, the guys in colored jerseys on the flight deck, liked to put messages on the bombs like "Suck it Saddam" and shit like that. We were told that the messages were offensive. Funny, I figured the fact we were bombing them would be more irritating. I guess we wanted to "win their hearts and minds" while killing them. Don't you just love politics?
          "Beatings will continue until morale improves!"


          • #6
            No charging the tenets who tail-gates in.

            I work in a self storage center. Now you would think that we would try to stop people from tail-gating. But no, we must not charge because, they might take their business somewhere else. I am just waiting for someone to tail-gate and break into a unit.
            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
            San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


            • #7
              Hey, Diablo, check this out:


              I love this guy. He's a rude jerk, but I love him anyway. He's funny, and a good writer.

              He talks about that "rude bomb" thing in the part of the article called "reaction four." It's hilarious. In it, he says:

              "Even during a time of war, we live in a world where the men in charge of our defense have to stop work to make sure we didn't get our feelings hurt when an inanimate object called a murderer a mean name before it exploded him."

              Really. We can bomb someone but not insult him. Just brilliant.

              I dont' have any policies that make me real crazy, more like POLITICS that make me crazy. The only rule I could potentially have a real problem with is we are not supposed to eat at our desks, but since me and the rest of my department wipes our butts every single day, sometimes mulitple time a day with that rule, I'm just not finding it all that inconvenient.
              Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 11-04-2007, 05:02 AM.


              • #8
                Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                "Even during a time of war, we live in a world where the men in charge of our defense have to stop work to make sure we didn't get our feelings hurt when an inanimate object called a murderer a mean name before it exploded him."
                My take on it, and any other thing people who have no clue bitch about, is thus: Spend a month in their life, then you can talk. Until then, STFU N00B.
                And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                • #9
                  For a point of interest, archaeologists have turned up Roman sling ammunition (lead slugs) with insults on them.



                  • #10
                    Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                    For a point of interest, archaeologists have turned up Roman sling ammunition (lead slugs) with insults on them.
                    Well, that puts a new light on the origin of the phrase "Slinging insults"....
                    ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                    • #11
                      I'm only to use a vehicle if I have an appointment/meeting or am going to an area/ job where I might be 'at risk'. I am not to patrol in a vehicle. Even though we cover nearly 60,000 people
                      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                      • #12
                        Not exactly a policy but something the big bosses just pulled out of their ass. For the past year or so we, the tellers, sat down while helping customers. All good right but NOW, we have to stand whenever we help a customer. its not that bad if you think about it but this is coming from a person who has worked standing up for 9 hours straight. Also, the floor is crushing on our feet.

                        See, here is the problem, why would they suddenly have us stand if they didn't have a problem before? I am all for change but this is utterly stupid. What is standing supposed to do? I could understand cashiers, security guards, etc standing but standing in one place all day?

                        Here is a rumored reason, cause if the customers have to stand why shouldn't we? LAME LAME LAME! These customers (unless its a busy ass day) stand for only 2 minutes! We tellers have to stand for 8 hours!

                        I know its not a big deal but I can't stand companies that just pull stupid shit out of their ass that wasn't even a problem before.

