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Try not to get arrested on your break

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  • Try not to get arrested on your break

    This would go in Cursing Out Coworkers - but we still finished before the store opened (barely), and he's not in any real trouble over it at work.

    Normally we're not allowed to leave the property during our break - but since we work overnight, we can't buy our lunch in the store. So one of us usually winds up running to the 24 hour Taco Bell, or to the 24 hour grocery store across the street.

    This morning my coworker "Bob" told me he was going to do a food run and asked me to come back to let him back in in about 15 minutes (no keys to the door, so we have to let each other in). I told him to just call my cellphone, and he saved my number in his phone.

    Well, 30 minutes go by and we're starting to wonder what happened. I get a text message saying "I just got pulled over ill be there soon". I mention this to the other overnight guy and jokingly say "I hope he doesn't give the cop any attitude".

    15 more minutes go by.. "He must have given the cop some lip".

    Finally, at 4:07 am (he left at 3:00 am) my phone rings, showing his number. I answer...

    "Is this Bean?"
    "This is Officer so and so with the police department. Bob's not going to be making it back to work today, he had a warrant. He wanted me to call you so you can clock him out."

    I had to get the officer to get Bob's employee number so I could clock him out.

    I told my other coworker "He must have given the cop some lip - the cops just called and said he's on his way to jail." "AW SHIT!"

    I work with a bunch of degenerates - the majority of my department has been to jail at least once (I'm in the minority - never been arrested). So they were understanding, they just said they'd talk to him about clocking out if he's leaving the store whenever he gets out of jail. Hopefully he gets out today (doubtful since he doesn't have any money stashed away to post bail), we have a big truck tonight. If not, oh well, more OT for me. My boss jokingly said "Okay, any of you that have warrants, go take care of them as soon as you get out, I don't want anybody else going to jail."
    Last edited by bean; 11-05-2007, 01:51 PM.

  • #2
    I've heard of only one (former) coworker getting arrested while on the clock. From what I've heard, immigration agents hauled him out. I was on vacation on the time, so I don't know how true it is.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      It gets better.

      I called the city jail to find out what it'll take to get him out. $892, plus $100 court fees. Yikes! But it turns out... they give $300 per day for time served and waive the $100 fees if he serves it. WHAT.THE.FUCK!? I've never heard of over $100 per day. Granted, this is a really rich suburb, but still!

      Clerk said if he does time served, he'll be out in 3 days or so. I know he doesn't have any family nearby, and I sure as hell know none of us at work can afford that kind of cash. So I called my boss and gave him the same info.

      "What the fuck, they give that much per day!??!?" was the first line out of his mouth. Followed by him saying he gets to work some extra hours for the next few days and asking if I want some more overtime ("of course"). He's planning for the worst (i.e. 3 days without him).

      So he's coming in early for the next few days, and I'm going to transfer a couple of days of my vacation time to the offending coworker (he doesn't have any right now) so he doesn't lose much income.

      edit: my current boss is going for dept manager in a new store opening up soon. I'm pretty sure he'll get it. Awesome for him, sucks for my store. As long as you don't call in often and you bust your ass, he respects you and will give you the shirt off of his back. I haven't called in since April or May, and I've been late once since then (but from March-April I had a lot of call ins... argh)
      Last edited by bean; 11-05-2007, 05:20 PM.


      • #4
        I have a coworker who has not had a valid driver's license in years. It's been revoked. He still drives, imagine that.

        One night he ran out of smokes, and refusing my offer of taking a few of my smokes, he decided on his lunch break, he'd head to town and get his own. Well all the cops know his car and him and his lack of a license very well, and he got pulled over, arrested, and he called me and asked me to make something up for the boss. I told him to call the boss himself and explain what happened.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Quoth blas87 View Post
          I told him to call the boss himself and explain what happened.
          I actually had to do that once.

          Back when I was younger and far stupider, I had a heavy right foot, would get tickets, would not go to court for them, would have my license therefore suspended and a bench warrant put out for me, and inevitably would get pulled over and arrested. Like I said, I was stupider.

          Well, one night this happened, and it became clear I would not be getting out until late the next morning. Far later than when I was supposed to be in to work. While jails normally only allow collect calls, this one did allow me to call direct, as long as it was local. So I called the resort I was working at at the time, got the bar manager, and explained that I would not be in to work the next day, as I was "in jail." Let's just say it was a good thing I already had established a great reputation at that resort, or I would have been unemployed. As it is, they gave me shit from on high for several days for that one. Appropriately so.

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #6
            He's American DAMNIT!!!

            When I was a supervisor in the Navy, we had this kid go missing. Usually we don't really do to much depending on the case, say like the kid is useless and always complains, chances are he just went UA (Navyspeak for AWOL). We make a few phone calls and if the kid doesn't turn himself in, we don't look for them. They usually just get a warrant out on them and eventually they turn up. In this case though, it was this kid from Mexico. Straight up a great hard worker and the kid was smart as hell. He couldn't read english until a couple of us took the time to teach him. This kid was able to not only fake his way through bootcamp, which requires testing, but also make it through Mechanic "A" school. He was one of my top watch standers so I knew he wouldn't just go UA like that. Plus he had a family so why would he leave? I started making calls to his family and his wife is freaking out. He went out to go the store and he never came back. Turns out, a cop pulled him over, saw that he had an expired drivers license from Mexico and ID from the states. They hauled this poor guy away thinking he was an illegal immigrant. They never tried to get a hold of the navy figuring that the military ID was fake as well. It took me two weeks to locate and get this guy out. Best part, the command sent this guy to Captain's Mast for being UA. I guess they expected him to get prior permission before getting wrongfully arrested. Our division officer at the time was this useless, racist clown from the Academy. He got pissed at me for showing up to the Mast with a representative from the Police Department offering their apologies to the sailor. The CO was pissed that the case was even brought before him. Needless to say, the case was dropped. If your wondering, the guy had been fully naturalized a few months back in a ceremony that the Secretary of Defense presided over on the boat. Yeah, work grinded to a halt until they got ride of "Lt Frag".
            "Beatings will continue until morale improves!"


            • #7
              Our force nickeda chap who had an outstanding fail to surrender to court warrant at a petrol station where marked police vehicles refuel, in addition to that he also had around £3000 on him which was seized under the proceeds of crime act!
              A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


              • #8
                Quoth blas87 View Post
                I have a coworker who has not had a valid driver's license in years. It's been revoked. He still drives, imagine that.
                His name isn't Brian K. by any chance? I grew up with a guy in WI just like that.

                Quoth Diablo View Post
                Our division officer at the time was this useless, racist clown from the Academy.
                GOD I hated Junior Academy Assclowns like that. The 1ST LT of the ship I was detached to for WestPac was useless like that. Could not follow Regs for Hovercraft Ops, and then yelled at us for his incompetence (Hey there Monkey Butt Lover, we know how to drive our boats just fine).

                Had another one who showed up at the BOQ I was working at (I was on Limited Duty) with orders expressly forbidding him from arriving on base with dependents, and when his wife was caught in his room (with a shared head), he had the gall to yell at me when I told him his orders we quite clear and I would be calling the Admirals Office about this.
                Last edited by Broomjockey; 11-06-2007, 11:51 PM. Reason: multi-quote, edit quotes


                • #9
                  I had a coworker got arrested once. To this day, I still don't know, what he did.
                  Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                  San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                  • #10
                    Quoth Diablo View Post
                    Yeah, work grinded to a halt until they got ride of "Lt Frag".
                    That would be the guy that put the wrongfully arrested guy up on UA (Unauthorized Absence?) charges? And you basically went on strike until they transfered him out?

                    Quoth MadRocketScientist View Post
                    GOD I hated Junior Academy Assclowns like that.
                    My father was an Air Force E-8 (Senior Master Sgt.) and, even though I've never been in the service, he instilled that self-same hatred in me.
                    Probably why I can't stand self-important pricks of any kind.
                    Last edited by JustADude; 11-07-2007, 01:52 AM.
                    ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                    • #11
                      Not to take back my thread.. but..

                      He's out. I just got off the phone with him - he hadn't yet checked his voicemail (he had just gotten home when I called him), so he was still freaked out about possibly losing his job. Told him the boss was pretty cool about everything and rearranged the schedule so that it looks like he'd just requested several days off (in case anyone higher up wants to know where he's been).

                      Turns out he was pulled over for.. speeding. And the warrant was for.. an unpaid speeding ticket along with a failure to appear charge.

                      Any other place and he'd probably be out of a job - he's not facing anything except for the asst dept manager taking him aside to tell him "Hey, next time you leave the building, clock out first." Also a damn good thing he had my phone # on him.


                      • #12
                        We had a full-timer in the office that was nearly finished with his master's degree, had just bought a house, and was married when he got caught looking up child pron... at work... and he was a system's admin that hired the company that found him out!

                        That was an interesting day at work. All the students got told to "take a walk for an hour or so" while they came in and picked up his compy.
                        Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                        Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                        The Office


                        • #13
                          Quoth Shabo View Post
                          {W}hen he got caught looking up child pron... at work...
                          "Guys like that tend to be very accident prone, always falling down staircases."
                          "But there aren't any staircases between here and the cells!"
                          "Staircases can be arranged..."
                          --Butchering of exchange by the Ankh-Morpork City Watch
                          ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                          • #14
                            This goes back to my Pizza Delivery day's.

                            I came on a Saturday afternoon to work my lunch shift, and the Manager was there. He informed me that "Bob" would no longer be working there anymore, because "we had to let him go last night."

                            When I asked why, he told me that 10 min after he got off work last night, he got pulled over for a DWI.

                            Did I mention he was one of our Delivery Drivers?

                            We acutrally knew that he had somewhat of a drinking issue, but this was before drug testing, and we could never get enough toghther to fire him.

                            Luckly for us, he took care of it.

                            Just sliding down the razor blade of life.


                            • #15
                              Quoth crazylegs View Post
                              Our force nickeda chap who had an outstanding fail to surrender to court warrant at a petrol station where marked police vehicles refuel, in addition to that he also had around £3000 on him which was seized under the proceeds of crime act!
                              Something similar apparently happened at my work some years ago (long before my time). Three police stations and a security company have car wash accounts, so there are always cops and/or guards around. Somebody tried to rob the place while a cop was in the store.

