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Merry Christmas

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  • #16
    I ususally just say thanks, have a nice day, evening, etc depending on the time of day, and if its close to a holiday, Thanksgiving, Hanukah or Christmas, i will say "have a nice holiday" as I don't know what they celebrate, and where I live, there is a large Jewish population, so I stick with the generic, to be on the safe side, and not offend anyone.


    • #17
      I've always said Happy Holidays ever since I started working retail back in '88 .. I say it because I celebrate more than one Holiday during this time of the year (Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years).. If someone said Merry Christmas to me then i said Merry Christmas to them, if they said Happy Hannakah to me, then I said Merry Christmas...


      • #18
        I just use the general "Have a nice day". I've been yelled at too many times to even acknowledge this season. I don't see what's the big deal anyway. We're required by management to tell customers something as they leave. Why anyone could get offended by a forced greeting that no body really means is beyond me. I really don't care if they have a Happy anything. Hell, I could care less if they left our lot and were hit.

        I don't care, I don't want to be preached to. I don't care about your religion or lack there of. Just let me finish bagging your stuff so you can get out of my face.

        Is it January yet?


        • #19
          I voted "no", but not because saying "Happy Holidays" would offend me. It doesn't. I'll say both Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays interchangebly, just because what comes out of my mouth in the situation we are talking about doesnt' really spend that much time bouncing around my brain.

          Fact is I make a really terrible puppet for the higher ups in retail jobs. The little games they like to come up with don't get played very well by me. It's not that I'm trying to be rebellious, I'm not. I'll do it if I think about it. I just dont' think about it very often. My head is full of my job, not games laid down by jackasses.

          The entire second stint I did at Kinko's, I answered the phone "Kinko's, open 24 hours." That was not the greeting. The greeting was some annoying long ass speil I didn't have time to say or the compuction to memorize. What I said was the OLD greeting that was burned into my brain. It just spilled out of my mouth with no thought from me.

          I tell people I know are Wiccans Happy Solstice. I tell Jewish folks Happy Hannukah. Sometimes I forget and Merry Christmas just pops out. Nobody's ever gotten offended. They simply greet me back, usually by saying Merry Christmas. Yeah, even the Wiccans.


          • #20
            I didn't vote because there's no "meh" option. My boss is Muslim anyway.


            • #21
              My extremely senile grandmother raised a glass Thanksgiving when we sat down to eat and crowed out "Happy Birthday!" so the rest of us raised glasses and happily toasted "Here, here! Happy birthday!"

              So what? She knew she was happy and celebrating something, and that's all that really matters, isn't it?


              • #22
                I didn't vote cause I just don't care. I always tell them "Have a good evening" or "Have a good afternoon". If someone says something to me (Christmas, Hanukkah, Holidays, even had a Solstice once), I repeat it back. I don't care they celebrate as long as they enjoy themselves.

                First Lesson I learned from working in a bookstore:
                People who can read are made of the same rudeness as those who cannot.


                • #23
                  I forgot to mention that Happy Holidays doesn't always work either. Jehovah's Witnesses for example, don't celebrate any holidays.


                  • #24
                    I posted no because not everyone celebrates the holiday season. I usually say have a nice day, and only use happy holidays or merry Christmas if a customer initiates it. Personally I'm agnostic, but do celebrate Christmas, mostly for the spending time with family rather than the religious aspect, so it really doesn't bother me to say it.


                    • #25
                      Meh, doesn't really matter to me. I return whatever well wishes come my way, be it Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or Good Day.

                      One year they tried to make me say Happy Holidays to everyone without exception. Yeah, that worked well. NOT!
                      I AM the evil bastard!
                      A+ Certified IT Technician


                      • #26
                        I say both, just depends on what comes out of my mouth at the time. I really do not see what the big deal is about it. I celebrate Christmas because I was raised a Catholic but once I reached the age of reason, I now have no official denomination, do not go to any church in particular, and generally do not like organized religion as a whole. I like to celebrate the idea of Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all men, giving, fellowship, etc. I wish people would not get so wrapped up in PC about certain phrases. Take the greeting in the spirit for which it is intended, jeez.
                        I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


                        • #27
                          I usually say Happy Holidays and in the rare occassions I'll say Merry Christmas. I only celebrate it as a day to be with loved ones, not for the religious aspects of it (I'm agnostic anyways).
                          Be like the flower that perfumes the very hand that crushes it.


                          • #28
                            Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ. That's the reason for this season.
                            ANYONE who gets offended by that needs a swift kick in the ass. How could anybody be offended by celebrating the birth of our Lord & Savior?
                            & IF someone IS offended then I say to just DEAL WITH IT!

