At work yesterday.
Me to customer: "Ha ha, I just told a coworker I thought Mother's Day was Monday but it's Sunday!"
Customer: *deer-in-the-headlights look*
"OH MY GAWD ..."
*grabs his shopping and rushes off*
Glad to have had the chance to help save your butt, sir.
On a more serious note ... a father and his young son came through my line. I heard the father coaxing the son to ask or tell me something. When I actually got to them, the son seemed to get suddenly shy.
Father: (prompting child): "What did you want to ask the lady?"
Boy: "Do you have children?"
Me: "I have cats ... does that count?"
The boy seemed to lose track of the script at that point.
However, my thought was: somebody tell this father it is NOT a good idea to ask (or have you kid ask) an unknown woman if she's got kids. I don't, but it's not a sore point with me -- it was 100% voluntary (I'm lazy ). But there are women out there who desperately want a child and for whatever reason, haven't got any. And for them, that question would be like a knife in the heart.
I also had "Happy Mother's Day!" said to me repeatedly. I don't know if that would be equally depressing to an involuntarily childless woman. I know it didn't make me cringe quite as much as the child's question did.
I work tomorrow too. I'm expecting to collect an absolute bucket-load of Mother's Day wishes.