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Ho ho ho.. merry nervous breakdown! Wait, what?

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  • #31
    Quoth bean View Post
    The bad news: I'm now part of the first wave of the grocery opening shift - 4:00 am. No more Adult Swim until I invest in a DVR.
    Or you could sleep as soon as you get home, then get up and watch cartoons
    (Although what kind of day you would have with your head full of some of the current crop of A.S. shows is questionable. )

    Glad to see you're continuing your recovery. All the best!


    • #32
      Ah yes... a lot of the AS stuff right now, well.. sucks. But c'mon... you can never get tired of Family Guy or Futurama!!!!

      However.. Adult Swim doesn't end until 4am... so I get to catch the last hour or so. I'm also wondering what the hell I'm doing awake right now.


      • #33
        Quoth bean View Post
        Ah yes... a lot of the AS stuff right now, well.. sucks. But c'mon... you can never get tired of Family Guy or Futurama!!!!

        However.. Adult Swim doesn't end until 4am... so I get to catch the last hour or so. I'm also wondering what the hell I'm doing awake right now.
        I've decided it's highly normal for people to be awake all hours of the night. This is what being a full time student and full time worker do to you.
        Girls do not exist on the intarweb.


        • #34
          This is what I get for being late to the party.

          Bean, I'm really glad to hear you're keeping it all together...and if I'm not mistaken, Futurama is showing again on cable (Comedy Central?) during relatively decent hours. Mr Puck had pretty much the same party resume as you before he & I met, and he was able to walk away from all of it, completely on his own, when he decided he needed to move on to a better place in his life. It can be done. Don't lose hope, and lean on everyone you possibly can to help you get through this (including us, of course!).
          Not all who wander are lost.


          • #35
            You have so many people who are very proud of you.

            Keep living life a day at a time and know that you have a safe place to land here.


            • #36
              Wow, this thread is still alive?

              Anyway, I've had one slip (and I'm owning up to it) - but I have amazing support from everybody I know, ranging from coworkers to management to friends to family. I had several coworkers visit me in the hospital, and even had a couple of my regular CUSTOMERS visit me in the hospital. My coworkers were at the hospital more than my family, until my mom wound up being admitted to the same hospital (she wound up with pneumonia while I was in detox, and by luck, we wound up in rooms on the same floor).

              Puckish, it's not new episodes of Futurama, so who cares - I already have every episode either on DVD or on my computer.

              I've been throwing myself back into my hobbies - but the one that's taking up the most amount of my free time is my aquarium (will be aquariums tomorrow), the one hobby that I never spent much time on before. I can't wait until I can afford a 50 gallon tank, right now I have a 20 gallon in the living room and I'm adding a 10 gallon to the bedroom. Currently have a mix of neon + x-ray tetras, black mollies, and corodoras catfish in there. Most of my fish died while I was in the hospital+rehab, the tank is finally stocked again (and the fish that survived are stronger than ever).

              I found out that my boss had told everybody that didn't know what was going on that I had "been in a serious accident and in the hospital" when he told them why I was missing, and as such I've had a lot of people asking about the "accident". As it turns out, a good portion of my coworkers have either been through rehab, been through 12 step programs, or they're considering going through the same. Only one person has been an asshole about it, out of nearly 300 coworkers. I'm not hiding anything from my coworkers - management at both the store and regional level knows why I took off, and I don't like to lie to my friends (I consider most of my coworkers to be friends).

              Anyway, thanks again guys. You gave me a lot of support when I hit some rough times.


              • #37
                My boss came up to me today when I was alone, and asked me how things are going with recovery.

                My answer? "My life is fucking awesome now."

                Boss: "Awesome"

                Me: "But I could sure use a joint after today"

                Boss: " Me too"


                • #38
                  Quoth bean View Post
                  I've been throwing myself back into my hobbies - but the one that's taking up the most amount of my free time is my aquarium (will be aquariums tomorrow), the one hobby that I never spent much time on before. I can't wait until I can afford a 50 gallon tank, right now I have a 20 gallon in the living room and I'm adding a 10 gallon to the bedroom. Currently have a mix of neon + x-ray tetras, black mollies, and corodoras catfish in there. Most of my fish died while I was in the hospital+rehab, the tank is finally stocked again (and the fish that survived are stronger than ever).
                  Hobbies are good. And it sounds like the surviving fish aren't the only ones that are stronger after this whole ordeal.
                  "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall

