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Has anyone here ever have a melt down at work

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  • #46
    Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
    It was about this guy. looks as though R's days are numbered.
    Numbered? They should be over. At the vast majority of restaurants and bars I have worked at, people have been fired for much less. But to just STAND there and do NOTHING? Several managers I work for wouldn't have fired him....they would have FIREBOMBED him. And then gotten nasty.

    If ever I own my own bar, a guy like that would be fired so fast it would make his head spin.

    "I want my break." What? You just got here. "I want my break. You have to give me my break." Okay fine, take your break. Take your break home, and don't fucking come back, you useless incompetent piece of shit.

    Hey, can you help me over here. R stands there and does nothing. Dude, I said give me a hand. The floor is swamped. R stands there and does nothing. Fine, you want to do nothing? Well, get the hell out of my bar and go nothing on your own time, because you sure as hell aren't going to do it on mine.

    Frankly, not only would I fire a fuckhorn like that, I would tell him that with the exception of picking up his paycheck that he clearly didn't earn through any work, he was no longer allowed on the premises again for any reason. Period.

    I HATE working with lazy people, but I have never worked with anyone at R's level. Good freakin' lord! (Can you tell I just read the original thread for the first time?)

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #47
      I had a meltdown Wednesday this week.

      Thank goodness my boss and the other secretary were the only ones here to witness it (both very kind folks).

      I woke up feeling like crap, had a fever, sore throat - totally crappy. My husband even told me to call in sick, but I forced myself out of bed, took some cold pills, and proceeded to drive to work.

      About five minutes from my work - my car died - right in the middle of the road where it was blocking traffic - in just about the worst part of town possible.

      Did I mention that the temp was around 9 degrees (Celsius)? I was about three miles from work, and was crying and hitting my steering wheel when a nice gentleman took it up on himself to help me at least push my car out of the way so I wasn't blocking traffic any longer. I asked him for a ride to my work so I could call my husband and a tow truck (didn't have the cell phone on me like I usually do). He was nice enough to give me a lift, and you know, I was so frazzled I never even got his name, but I'm eternally grateful that I didn't have to walk in the freezing cold.

      When I got to work, I was crying like a baby. Walked into the office, my boss and the other secretary both ask me what is wrong. I start crying even harder and tell them "I wasn't even going to come in today, but I tried to be good and fight through my cold, and what do I get? My car is broke down and I have to get it towed home and fixed!! I should have just called in sick, why didn't I call in sick?!"

      I was very, very upset. Most people will understand this - I had a fever, felt like crap, and then my car left me stranded in a really bad part of town. I was an emotional wreck even before the car broke down due to lack of sleep from coughing all night. I was hysterical by the time I made it to work, it was just too much for me to deal with all at once.

      Thankfully, my boss let me take a day of vacation, my husband borrowed our friend's car and picked me up and got my car towed home (it's our only car right now, too). Turns out it was the battery in my car, I guess it had two cells bad in it or something. Thank goodness it wasn't something serious!!

      Yeah - that's pretty much been my only meltdown at work . . . I hope I never have one again!!

      "I'm spending a year dead for tax reasons" - Douglas Adams
      "If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off . . . " - unknown


      • #48
        I've had a melt down at work all of once. Had a couple where I came very very close, but only one have I actually broke. And no, I didn't get fired.

        It was opening weekend of March Madness and I worked in a sports bar in Atlanta. I've told many many stories from that weekend. It started Thursday, which also happened to be St. Patrick's day. Saturday was my birthday. It was also the weekend before Spring Break for both colleges in town. There were a total of 6 servers in town.

        No big deal, right? We run with 3 servers on the floor. Everyone rotates and we're fine right?

        Wrong. I worked open to close Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Meaning 9 am until about 4:30 or 5 am the next morning. Running my A$$ off the whole time as many of our other servers were rather lazy. I would be handling half the restaurant on my own, sometimes all of it. All I had asked was to be first cut Sunday. I had gotten there at 9 am, I was supposed to be doing birthday dinner with my family as I was not supposed to be on a double. Just morning.

        So about 4 I go up to see new sections and what do I find? All of a sudden, I'm on a double.

        I do a round, check on my tables, go to the back hallway and seriously scream out loud, sit on the floor and start sobbing.

        Luckily C, my best friend at the time, was there and got the manager who had just not cut me and said "look, you did this, you go fix this." So he came back there and I explained to him what was wrong and that I was f*cking exhausted (yes, I used that word) and I just wanted to go out with my boyfriend and my family and go home.

        No, I didn't get cut, but he made someone pick up my shift the next day (the girl that had lied to him and told him I'd picked up her night shift and then left) so that I got a break. But yeah, that was my break down.
        "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

        I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.


        • #49
          I've never had a breakdown at work but I came close the other day. I had the cold from hell, aches all over, a river of snot coming from my nose and a cough that was tearing my throat apart.
          But it was just after christmas and I needed the money and it was supposed to be a quiet shift.

          Key word there: supposed

          We were as busy as hell and towards the end I felt like telling every customer that came to my ceckout to F$!@ off and just curling up in a ball and crying. But I got through and when I got home I damn near fell into a coma as soon as I hit my bed.
          "Honestly officer, he asked for a shot and I gave him one. Why do you need the handcuffs?" - MannersMakethMan


          • #50
            PMS can hit me hard in the emotional seesaw way. Plus, I get emotional very easily. This sometimes = meltdown. However, it's very hard for me to break down in front of others. I have gone out to my car & screamed (when my car was available). Gone to the bathroom to cry. I once went into a closet to cry. It's taken years for me to learn to cry in front of my BF.

            But for the most part, in public, I am 'very stiff upper lip' aka suck it up & fake being in a good mood, aka don't inflict your bad mood on other people.

            The last one that I remember I had gotten lost (ooh, shock & surprise, I have the directional sense of a deaf bat). And I just could not figure out where I was or how to get to where I was going (that I felt that I should know). I finally had to pull into a parking lot & cry. And ye gods, it was not a pretty cry either.
            I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

