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I've only been doing it for the last 2 months!

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  • I've only been doing it for the last 2 months!

    So I've been working at McDonald's for close to 2 months now. Yesterday, I worked 11am to 6pm. I took my break at 4pm. So anyways, I wanted something to eat, so I go to the customer side of the counter(which is a rule, plus you're not allowed to assemble your own food, not that I'm complaining though). I ordered a medium fry and medium drink. So 10 minutes into the break:

    Shift manager: Terry, what are doing eating out in the dining room? You have to eat in the break room.

    Me: How come?

    SM: It's a rule.

    Me: Well I've only been doing it for the past 2 months.

    SM: Well, you haven't had a break while I was here(which isn't true) and I follow the rules.

    So anyways, I went ahead and took my food to the break room and ate back there. She lied when she said I've never taken a break while she was there. Not only that, out of the entire time I've been working there, nobody has told me I can't eat in the dining room. Not only that, managers ARE allowed to eat in the dining(I've seen them do it), which I think is completely stupid. Something as small as this, in yet managers are allowed to do it but crew members can't. Looks like I'll be contacting corporate to have a policy change.
    Last edited by Terry; 12-24-2007, 12:58 AM.

  • #2
    I'd chalk it up to a power trip.

    While you await your answer from corporate, keep an eye out on exactly who "can" eat in the dining room, and who "can't".

    That's how I called bullshit on one of the room runners for being on one of her power trips and lying to me. She and I were both furious at DipShit and she lied and said "Well I don't know what you plan to do about him, but you better figure out what to do, because it's against policy for him to ask anyone else for help!" (or something like that)

    So I went to a higher up and found the necessary documentation to prove that she was just on a power trip and lying just to show that she's above me and I HAVE to listen to her. That made her cry.

    Good luck to you!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Quoth Terry View Post
      So anyways, I wanted something to eat, so I go to the customer side of the counter(which is a rule, plus you're not allowed to assemble your own food, not that I'm complaining though)
      That's bullshit.
      We can order from the business side of the counter,
      we have employee discount cards for selected menu items (up to 40% percent off).
      We also get free drinks during our shifts.
      Can't eat in the dining room tho, but the managers can't either.

      I wonder how is it that rules are so different worldwide for same corporations.

      PS. We had an awesome party last Wednesday
      The manager rented a WHOLE CLUB just for the employees of our restaurant.
      Free booze, food and lots of drunk dancing involved.
      Our manager rocks.
      Pwetty pictuwes: DeviantArt | Flickr


      • #4
        Quoth PaRaGaS View Post
        I wonder how is it that rules are so different worldwide for same corporations.
        I think in your case it's because most MDs are franchises, so although most of the basic rules are going to be the same, there will be some variances based on who actually owns the place. I may be wrong, but I suspect that is a main part of it.



        • #5
          Quoth Rapscallion View Post
          I think in your case it's because most MDs are franchises, so although most of the basic rules are going to be the same, there will be some variances based on who actually owns the place. I may be wrong, but I suspect that is a main part of it.
          May be, may be.
          Although most of the restaurants in Poland are indeed franchised,
          I think the ones in Warsaw are all corporate.
          I don't even know what we are

          And the discount card is valid in every McD.

          Actually, I just learned that only some 2/5 of the restaurants are franchised.
          Damn you, Wikipedia!
          Last edited by PaRaGaS; 12-24-2007, 09:29 PM.
          Pwetty pictuwes: DeviantArt | Flickr


          • #6
            When I worked at the McD, the rule was: Free food up to a limit, you could collect your the food from behind the counter or from the kitchen and you had to eat in the staff room. The only time you had to go round to the customer side was for a custom order (no onions etc.).

            After a while we basically ignored that and just made sure that any food you wanted was prepared a few mins before you were due to go on your break.
            Campaign for Xmas workplace sanity

            If you start off with the premise that the general public are stupid and work up from there you will be fine, and occasionally supprised.

