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Working tomorrow?

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  • #16
    I have to return to work tonight, that's an hour and a half.

    I got Sunday night and yesterday night off, paid holiday. They begged, actually, almost threatened to take away the holiday (yeah right, you can't do that, nice try idiot McMod McManager) if enough people didn't volunteer to show up on Sunday night and keep the factory running. Not even the whole factory, just certain departments. The factory was supposed to shut down on Sunday night at 11 and not re-open until we 3rd shifters come in, in an hour and a half. But no, it had to stay open. They said something about 2 1/2 x pay if people came in. Well, no, actually, we did some research. All they'd get is overtime. I flat out refused. Oh well. Weirdly enough, a LOT of people volunteered to come in Sunday night.

    We fought and fought and fought to not have to come in Christmas night, but corporate said no way. At this point, closing the factory down for more than 24 hours would worry them into such a tizzy, their panties would be binded up for weeks. So it had to stay open Sunday night and had to be re-opened tonight.

    I don't mean to rant, but thanks to them, the only way I could be with my family was to do Christmas backwards and do it all Monday night and then spend all of today sleeping. That's right, I wasted all day sleeping, when I could have been at my parents' house with my family and pets. But no, I have to go to work.....on Christmas night.......I quit retail and went into manufacturing so I wouldn't HAVE to sacrifice holidays....

    Oh well, I'll get over it.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #17
      Quoth TNT View Post
      In my previous job, we got time and a half if we worked a holiday... unless we were already on overtime, in which case it was still just the time and a half we would have gotten anyway. If we weren't scheduled to work the holiday, we got zip (say the holiday was on Monday, and my schedule was Tuesday through Saturday). Since I always either had off or was already on overtime, I didn't get a cent of holiday pay in three years. (Meanwhile, the Monday - Friday office staff got paid days off for Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas Eve and Christmas, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. They never understood why those of out in the field who worked odd hours didn't see that as being very fair.)

      In my current job, if the holiday was a Monday and my schedule was Tuesday through Saturday, I'd get paid for six days that week. Anybody who works holidays gets double time and a half.

      For better or worse, even though I work in a 24/7 call center, my particular department never works holidays (or weekends).
      Let me guess, you work in sales or retention.......err "customer loyalty" don't you?

      I get Christmas day and New Year's day off. We were deader than dead on Christmas Eve, but I guess the world would have exploded if they sent home any of the 80+ of us waiting for calls. Thankfully my shift ends at 9pm so I won't miss any of the New Year's festivities. Plus I usually need the day off afterwards to recover.
      "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


      • #18
        Quoth MadMike View Post
        Two things I like about the office job that I took after leaving the retail world: No customers, and paid holidays. And since I usually take the whole block of days from Christmas to New Years off, as of the end of the day Friday, I've been off for the year.

        Watching Christmas Vacation with my son right now.
        Amen to that. Since I quit flying and work in the civil service I got Monday off as a 'Privilege Holiday' then Xmas Day and Boxing Day, used annual leave for Thursday and Friday and Monday and have New Years Day off as it's a bank holiday. All as part of my contract and salary
        No longer a flight atttendant!


        • #19
          The good thing about working in food service is we don't have to deal with the Christmas insanity that those of you in retail have to deal with, and you don't have to (at least I don't have to) do the early morning thing that many retail and most office people deal with.

          The bad thing about working in food service is that we are open holidays, someone has to work it, and there is no such thing as holiday pay, unless someone gives you a big fat holiday tip. And we don't get paid holidays or vacation. At least not in most places, though I did get paid vacation time at the Corporate Chain Restaurant and the Landmark Luxury Hotel.

          You pick your battles, I guess.

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #20
            Well since I'm self employed I get to choose whether or not I'm opened or closed. I decided to close up shop on monday and tuesday (doing the same for new years as well). But I do forward the shop phones to my cell phone (I do this when ever I'm not in the office).

            If I had gotten a call and it had been worth my while then I may have gone in to do the job. But I can also get most jobs taken care of at times when the kids are asleep if I absolutly have to.

            So I guess you could say that it was closed but with a minor chance of being called in (I am a whore for the almighty dollar).

            and since I'm self employed and have no other employee's I can safely say that my company is run by bastards
            My Karma ran over your dogma.


            • #21
              When I used to work at the convenience store, we tended to get Christmas off. The manager's brother owned that small chain, and he made the call every year.

              Now that the manager is the owner of that one store, he makes the call...and henceforth, the store is OPEN on Christmas.

              Not unusual for a convenience store per se, but I figured staying open on Christmas was something best left to the bigger chains...your 7-Elevens, your Cumberland Farmses, etc.
              "Well, ergo cogitum daltitum e pluribus shut your piehole." -Mike Rowe


              • #22
                Just in case anyone is store closed at 6 pm Christmas Eve. It is up to each manager to be open or closed, so we got lucky. Of course, people missed out on time and half (after 6 ONLY), but that's OK.

                Christmas Day, the store was open 8 am -4. Double time. It was hell. Literally nonstop the entire time. None of us got our breaks, except for the guy who smokes, and even he only had time for a puff or two. The girl who was supposed to leave at 3 stayed til almost 4:30, with me and the other AM.

                I was a screaming wreck after Monday. We were yelling at people who couldn't quit understand that concept that closed at 4 meant them, too. (Am I new?!?!)

                Double time was so not worth it.
                I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                Oh, and your tool box got out again.

