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Shift manager snapped, sent me home tonight(Language, LONG).

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  • #61
    Well I have an update. I went in to have my meeting with the GM this morning. There were no talks of being fired or even some type of disciplinary action at all, which from his position, was the PROFESSIONAL thing to do. He asked me what the problem was, I told him about the problem with the runners, and he told me he would communicate to everyone that it IS the server's job to push the serve button. He didn't seem to be upset with me in any way. Although I would have been confident that if I requested that he start observing his managers more, that he would have done so, however, I think once he's told everyone what needs to be done, they will realize that if an employee is doing something the right way, then you shouldn't pressure them into doing it a different way. I'd like everyone to know that I gave this guy a lot of confidence in me from day 1 of working there. I told him that if I bring up an issue with a manager, it's not because I complain a lot, it's because I want to do a good job and I want other people to do a good job.

    Keep in mind, I wasn't nervous at all. Apparently it seems a lot of people in this world are intimidated by their boss. If they get called back into the office, they tuck their tail between their legs and keep their head down. I'm not like that and I even told him that. He said that he doesn't expect employees to feel that way. When I walk into an office to talk to my boss, I keep my head up and I stay optimistic that the problem can be solved, ESPECIALLY without someone getting fired.

    See, this is the main reason why so many people are not qualified to be a manager or even a supervisor. They always want to take the easy way out by firing someone which usually only solves the problem temporarily until they have the same problem with another employee. Most people in this world lack the ability to handle employee situations. They just use the "this is how it works" argument that's been spammed throughout this entire thread, completely disregarding the fact that corporate has rules and that TECHNICALLY, I was right. They are most concerned with the political/social standpoint.

    People, there was a PROBLEM that needed to get fixed. Firing me WOULD NOT fix it. I take pride in having the ability to solve a problem without thinking to myself "Oh, well that person should be fired", and I KNOW many of you think you are qualified to determine when a person should be fired, but the truth is, most of you ARE NOT.

    Also, I'm not sure if everyone read the entire OP. I hope everyone realizes that I HAVE been doing it the right way, which is pushing the button when the order gets to the window, BUT at the time, hoping that the runner, who happened to be a manager, wouldn't get mad at me for waiting, so I went ahead and pushed the button, but it turned out THIS person does it the right way as well. And YES, I have even seen managers tell the server to push the serve button, so don't try to say I can't use the argument that there are a lot of inconsistencies inside that business.

    Based off a lot of the responses in this thread, I think a lot of people here are the type of people who "jump on the bandwagon". I am a very independent thinker. I don't care if it's 1,000,000 vs 1, I will continue to believe in what I believe in. I'm also a very confident person. I don't need to be schooled on "how things work". I know EXACTLY "how things work".

    The keyword here is PROFESSIONAL. I am more attracted to people who are professional. If I start my own business, I will be observing not only the people on the lowest level, but everyone in between as well. I will be on the work floor and ACTIVELY making sure things are running smoothly.
    Last edited by Terry; 01-01-2008, 06:14 PM.


    • #62
      It seems that your GM is one of those who is cut out for handling people problems, and if so, then this attitude should trickle down through the establishment. You are lucky to have a boss like that. Watch out - they may make you the next AM or SM, imagine that could be your punishment!
      I was not hired to respond to those voices.


      • #63
        I'll be the first to say then: I'm glad you didn't get fired. I'm glad that things worked out this time for you. And I hope they continue to do so in future.


        • #64
          I'm very glad things worked out for you Terry.

          However, please remember that what you consider "professional" and what someone else may consider as "professional" may be totally different. While many of us applaud your inability to give up (which is a great trait), sometimes you do have to ask yourself if it's worth it.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #65
            Quoth patiokitty View Post
            Congrats on keeping the job. I'd say you were very lucky. And in the future I would still recommend just doing what you are told until the opportunity arises to appropriately question your SM. THAT, my friend, is handling the situation in a PROFESSIONAL manner.
            This is McDonald's, not some corner liquor store that only gets 5 customers per hour. A person working in fast food will be lucky to get a "convenient time" for talking about an issue with a manager. So although the time might have been less convenient than others, it's not like it would be that much better if it was at another time. Even if I wait until the end of my shift, there's still the reasons in post #44.

            Also, if the only time you can solve a problem is when you're able to walk back to the office and "sit down and talk" with the employee, then I seriously question your management skills. A manager should be able to solve problems as they occur dynamically. Plus, this is McDonald's, not a Bass Pro Shop. The majority of employees are usually within close proximity of each other.

            See, just like most unqualified managers, you're not looking at the actual problem itself. You're so caught up in disciplining me that you're not trying to fix the actual problem. The actual problem is the runners telling the server when to push the serve button, but instead of just telling runner to stop and saving a whole lot of hassle, you're going to throw a fit about me complaining. Sure, go ahead and fire me. I hope you get used to it as well because this will continue to occur repeatedly.

            Also, how old are you? Are you 18-22? 24? 26? A lot of people have trouble getting out of the whole high school "I have to prove to everyone I'm a badass" attitude, which clearly reflects on their management skills. You: "YOU'RE FIRED!"

            Last edited by Terry; 01-01-2008, 07:17 PM.


            • #66
              Okay, the issue has been resolved, Terry's still got his job, and things have gotten a little too heated, so this is getting closed before things get any worse.
              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


