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  • #31
    Quoth thegiraffe View Post
    That's true, IPF, but I can be horribly vicious. I was trying to be nice, but the time has come to be very very mean. He wasn't there today, but next time.....

    Management knows what's up and is letting me handle it because they know I can. However, my talking to him will be a warning. A formal warning. If he tries again, then I'll sic management on him.
    there's no need to be mean. I think he hasn't stopped all this time because of the retorts you have been using. (you're not even remotely in my league, etc) They seem like a playful response to what he thinks is a bantering between you two. My suggestion is the next time he does it, be polite and respectful, tell him that you're not interested, and if further pursuit in the matter comes up, that management will be dealing with it... or something along those lines.

    again, from what I read (and all the responses that people are giving you for fodder), is that this is a playful situation and even though you are rejecting him, it doesn't seem serious because the way you are doing it. Also from your posts you seem to think VERY highly of yourself (not that it's wrong to, but to me it looks like you're a little stuck up (example: o! i've gotten someone fired before!) and need some more growing up to do).

    i dunno, mebbe i just misread all the posts... also i'm reading it from a one-sided perspective, but to me it seems that if you're "mean" to him, that the "working together" attitude that you stated in your first post would go down the drain and would create a more hostile work environment. I think that being polite and professional is the way to go, so that way everyone can still be friends at the end of it.... And if he still takes offense, then he can piss off.

    Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
    This might be all he'd understand
    F*** off loser
    i dunno... that coming from a teacher... doesn't seem right.
    Last edited by Broomjockey; 01-29-2008, 12:04 AM. Reason: multi-quote


    • #32
      Quoth thegiraffe View Post
      That's true, IPF, but I can be horribly vicious. I was trying to be nice, but the time has come to be very very mean. He wasn't there today, but next time.....
      I too don't think mean is the way to go either. That could end very, very badly, depending on the lengths this guy is willing to go to.

      I second CorDarei's suggestion of being polite but firm. Something like "I've told you several times I'm not interested and if you don't knock it off with the comments I will be telling management."
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #33
        Well, I don't swear, so that wouldn't work at all lol.

        CorDarei -

        I was simply using the "I've gotten someone fired before" to show that (a) my company is serious about sexual harassment, and (b) so am I. It also establishes a history.

        I understand what you're saying about banter, and that's why I'm going to take the next step when we're in the store together. I figured that most guys would have figured it out by now, but I guess he hasn't. This kid is so dense that I'm not sure being 'polite' would do it. I have quite the strong personality, and I use it to my advantage. If I'm telling him 'no' and being nice about it, he would interpret it as getting mixed signals. I have management's blessing, so I'm going to go for it when I get the chance.

        Also...don't confuse 'mean' with belittling. I wouldn't say "I'm not interested because of x, y, and z" (no matter how much I think it), because that's not cool. Being mean = "I was nice. Several times. Then I got snarky, and you still didn't get it. Now I'm going to tell you straight up - I'm not interested. Leave me alone. Quit hitting on me. I don't have a problem with a friendly hi from time to time, but....leave me alone. No means no." Perhaps firm would be a better word.

        It's also important to mention that he recently switched departments, so I don't have to worry about him bagging for me anymore (I hope not, at least...well, until Meat gets sick of him).

        Oddly enough, we've never had a hostile environment up front. We're all pretty close for the most part, and if we're not close, we get along really well. We're welcoming and tolerant, except for repeated stupidity. And this kid has quite a bit of it.

        We shall see...
        Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

        Proverbs 22:6


        • #34
          Hang on, this guy is constantly harrassing TG, and not taking no for an answer. That is sexual harrassment, end of story.

          She has told him no nicely, on more than one occasion. If he cannot take the hint after that, then she is more than entitled to go to management and report him. Sexual harrassment can sometimes escalate to something much worse, and TG is not just entitled to her safety, she is obliged to safeguard herself.

          As for TG being stuck up - not so. Someone who is stuck up would be saying things like "Well, can you blame the boy, I'm like SOOOOO hawt, but like, PSH, he's not even remotely in my league so whateva!"

          What's wrong with a girl having a little self confidence and acknowledging that, yes, she is rather pretty? Goodness knows, guys are always complaining about how girls keep putting themselves down all the time...

          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #35
            Quoth iradney View Post
            What's wrong with a girl having a little self confidence and acknowledging that, yes, she is rather pretty? Goodness knows, guys are always complaining about how girls keep putting themselves down all the time...
            nothing at all (as i said in my post) it's ok to have confidence, but too much takes it into stuck up territory But now that she's painted more of the picture and given a better definition of her "mean" ... it reads a little differently to me, and it seems she's taking the right action.

